Poll: Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding Gain of Function Research in Wuhan?

Do You Agree With Dr. Rand Paul That Dr. Anthony Fauci Lied to Congress Regarding NIH Funding

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Badger is not confused about the penis shield. It’s impossible for Badger to know how who and how many are helping to apply it to Fau Chi’s crotch. Your problematic is this: once the virus is taken out of nature and its nearest relatives also show the “gain-of-function” ability to cross species, it’s an Eddy Murphy imitation from then on, and military vaccines will trump civilian vaccines every time. Wuhan is drenched with military connections. Obama-Biden administration funded Duke-NUS Singapore, that same technology went on to vaccinate the Russian army.
True, taking a virus out of its natural environment is technically a form of GOF. However, it’s a grey area in a court/scientific debate. We can afford the church of Fauci that moving a virus out of its natural location isn’t GOF, and still clearly determine that the NIH was indeed funding GOF at wuhan.
Right. Because the DOJ is sooooo not a partisan institution.
Hyper-partisans' knee-jerk reaction is to flail their pom-poms for the politician. The scientific community, overwhelmingly, supports the public health professional.

The politician indicates that the proper recourse is to the Department of Justice.

The paranoids have offered no alternative.
Fau chi owns intellectual stock as an inside trader that can’t be measured in monetary value. It just sounds boring. Daszak was also in there with him working with the Chinese: his sidekick and field agent.
I want to know if he owns shares in Moderna.

Of course he owns intellectual stock. He's making a killing off the pandemic. Just wait for the book deals and $100,000 speeches.
Trump claimed it was no worse than the flu
Trump claimed the initial 15 cases would quickly go to zero
Trump claimed it would magically disappear by Summer
Trump admitted he lied about COVID
Pelosi was telling people not to worry while she was in Chinatown no less. Liberals have always been do as we say not as we do
You failed to read

Fau chi owns intellectual stock as an inside trader that can’t be measured in monetary value. It just sounds boring. Daszak was also in there with him working with the Chinese: his sidekick and field agent.
Your hyper-partisan affinity is, blatantly, for politician Randy.

Your zeal is acknowledged, but your immunological acumen is highly suspect.

The controversy must be assigned to individuals better qualified to dispassionately determine wherein the truth resides,
Badger posted a 44-author article on 15 Jun 2021 that mentioned LYRa11.

Post #484

This is the same virus Rand Paul has in his chresomathy report now being used as evidence. This position 478 is also a quasi-well-known spike position for coronaviruses, and furthermore, the aminos involved link precisely to the increased potency of fentanyl and precisely to the originator of fentanyl, Janssen, a division of J&J. Lastly, the P.1 Brazil-Japan variant was the only COVID-19 variant that showed this precise mutation: K417N/T, until the CDC sanitized their webpage to help apply Fau Chi’s penis shield, changing it to K417T.
Trump was the first to respond while Pelosi and Schumer claimed it was no big deal. Anyone that blames Trump for the covid deaths is very ignorant at the very least or just real fucking stupid and a danger to themselves and society
How can you lie and still sleep at night? Trump admitted that he downplayed the virus....Why? Because trump only cares about trump. He is a empty shell....LOSER.
Hyper-partisans' knee-jerk reaction is to flail their pom-poms for the politician. The scientific community, overwhelmingly, supports the public health professional.

The politician indicates that the proper recourse is to the Department of Justice.

The paranoids have offered no alternative.
There you go again.


If I’m a partisan hack (I despise the gop by the way). Then it should be easy to answer and disprove me. Yet you keep obfuscating and avoiding.

The scientific community, specifically the research community has to agree with Fauci. Why? BECUASE HES THE ONE DOLLING OUT THE RESEARCH GRANTS. On top of that, his department is also the one issuing treatment guidelines to hospitals. Insane ones btw. Ones like send away COVID positive patients without any treatment and tell them not to come back unless their lips are blue...Name one other disease we don’t treat until the situation becomes dire? Now, to not follow those guidelines would mean that if something went wrong, your hospital is liable. If you do follow them, and something goes wrong, you’re in the clear. So, we have non-medically trained hospital administrators and legal teams dictating the medical decisions that doctors can make. Does this not sound like a problem to you?

I could give a fuck about what the experts say, because at least 90% of doctors are sending COVID positive patients home, including those with multiple co-morbidities, without treatment, which is insane. That is thanks to Fauci and his NIH. Fauci did some similar shit with HIV, throwing red tape at a life saving drug, with clear studies showing its efficacy. And thousands died as a result.
How can you lie and still sleep at night? Trump admitted that he downplayed the virus....Why? Because trump only cares about trump. He is a empty shell....LOSER.
Fauci downplayed the virus. In feb 2020 he published an article in JAMA stating the virus would essentially be a bad flu. Up until mid March, even a couple days before his infamous senate speech, Fauci was still going on tv telling Americans not to worry about this virus. Who do you think trump got his info from? FAUCI. So it’s okay for fauci to say the same things as trump at the same time, but trump isn’t allowed to repeat what his NIH is telling him?

Church of Fauci for you folks.
If the hyper-partisans could provide links to valid scientific authorities that support Randy's calling Fauci a liar, that would be far more revelatory than their irrelevant, frenetic, ideological pom-pom flailing.

"Fauci Bad Man!"
is just not selling in America.

Sixty-eight percent of Americans said they are “confident” in the advice given by Fauci — down from the 71 percent who said so in April, but on par with the 68 percent of respondents in August 2020.
Your hyper-partisan affinity is, blatantly, for politician Randy.

Your zeal is acknowledged, but your immunological acumen is highly suspect.

The controversy must be assigned to individuals better qualified to dispassionately determine wherein the truth resides,
True, taking a virus out of its natural environment is technically a form of GOF. However, it’s a grey area in a court/scientific debate. We can afford the church of Fauci that moving a virus out of its natural location isn’t GOF, and still clearly determine that the NIH was indeed funding GOF at wuhan.
Maybe so it’s not the textbook definition of GOF, though we would disagree since the very gesture of taking it from a cave-bat’s rear end creates two populations. What you have in your tubes is no longer nature. Then the origins question was used as propaganda fodder by the communist Chinese.
Maybe so it’s not the textbook definition of GOF, though we would disagree since the very gesture of taking it from a cave-bat’s rear end creates two populations. What you have in your tubes is no longer nature. Then the origins question was used as propaganda fodder by the communist Chinese.
So many are kvetching about Fauci based upon their being hyper-partisan zealots.

As best as I can determine, he is an experienced public health official who has never kowtowed to politicians of any ilk.

Again, credible scientific authorities taking exception to Fauci would be far more legitimate than pissy, knee-jerk ideologues with no credentials.
We know that Missouri is at least one link to precisely Chinese-made fentanyl. We cannot say just when the CDC scrubbed its webpage, (either during or post-Chauvin trial) but we can show that J&J’s Janssen Pharmaceutica links to Belgium, and that the study showing amino acid behavior of SARS-CoV-2 as it links to fentanyl also came from Belgium:

27 Ap 2021 Post #347 Belgium, Oct 2001 Mutation of Asparagine 230 of the Mu-Opioid Receptor
I want to know if he owns shares in Moderna.

Of course he owns intellectual stock. He's making a killing off the pandemic. Just wait for the book deals and $100,000 speeches.
A www. Factcheck says he does not, though some of his associates at NIH seem to.
Maybe so it’s not the textbook definition of GOF, though we would disagree since the very gesture of taking it from a cave-bat’s rear end creates two populations. What you have in your tubes is no longer nature. Then the origins question was used as propaganda fodder by the communist Chinese.
I wouldn’t disagree. I’m here to skull fuck arguments at their roots. So giving them their faulty premises and still shutting them down is 2 thumbs up in my book.

They’re literally arguing that the organization that would get in trouble, or at least look very very bad, for funding this type of research with the main hostile (and fascistic) regime, at a facility run by the former head of bio-weapons division for said country...that organization says that it isn’t GOF research, because they said so. Even though that contradicts their own definition of GOF. It’s like letting a detective investigate a murder in which they are the main suspect. It’s absurd.
If the hyper-partisans could provide links to valid scientific authorities that support Randy's calling Fauci a liar, that would be far more revelatory than their irrelevant, frenetic, ideological pom-pom flailing.

"Fauci Bad Man!" is just not selling in America.

Sixty-eight percent of Americans said they are “confident” in the advice given by Fauci — down from the 71 percent who said so in April, but on par with the 68 percent of respondents in August 2020.
Answer the 3 questions.

I already stated I don’t give a fuck about the feelings of a majority of Americans. Or researchers. Nor is that valid scientific evidence on whether or not giving non naturally acquired abilities to viruses, is or isn’t gain of function.
I wouldn’t disagree. I’m here to skull fuck arguments at their roots. So giving them their faulty premises and still shutting them down is 2 thumbs up in my book.

They’re literally arguing that the organization that would get in trouble, or at least look very very bad, for funding this type of research with the main hostile (and fascistic) regime, at a facility run by the former head of bio-weapons division for said country...that organization says that it isn’t GOF research, because they said so. Even though that contradicts their own definition of GOF. It’s like letting a detective investigate a murder in which they are the main suspect. It’s absurd.
Badger asked Jim H-Va USA for Zheng-li’s citation on GOF at Wuhan, though apparently that poster did not post it yet. It can be found, and then the crucifixions can continue, though it would be easier if the OP Jim H-VA USA has the citation handy.

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