Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

No I do not. Most of the politicians and both major parties are puting their best interests ahead of ours.
Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

Relative to what? I certainly trust the U.S. government more than corporations. What choice do we have?

I certainly trust Democrats more than Republicans.
96% of the people taking the poll say "NO".............

I wonder what the demographics of those participants are.
I had it posted on edited. The only yes was me on accident when I set it up. I am posting here today and edited.com next.
Moderator edit.
Please don't mention other forums on this board.
The political offices? No. Corruption is rife. Some people call it free speech, but it is corruption.

The career employees I suspect are are generally at least as upright as the average private sector worker
I rather trust the government than the private industry.
I rather trust the government than the private industry.


The private industry is what makes us wealthy as a nation. Look at the nations throughout history that had centralized government control over the economy too see that I'm right.
That was true 20 to 30 years ago. But their are so many billionaires now. To be a millionaire is nothing. My dad hangs out with the super rich. The super rich laugh at the commoners all day long.
I trust all persons, States, corporations, and other agents to pursue their own interests and act according to the incentives and perceived risks/rewards of the options before them

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