Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

That's a loaded question.

I don't blindly trust anybody or anything.

Always operate with caution when it comes to authority. But on the same boat, always distrusting authority is no good either.
Our government is lies a lot. There is no drone program and Bill Gate's Monsanto is getting ready to feed you straight up poison.
Considering the numbers in private enterprise, I trust them much more than the Federal Government, of which there is only one and it's no longer restrained by any regulation-meaning the Constitution.
The private industry owns the federal government. The Federal Reserve answers to no one. People think the president matters. Bush was drone striking, Obama is drone striking, and the next president will do the same. They are still gonna let Monsanto create GMOs that kill. They want you thinking your vote counts. Sheep. Sheep. BAA. BAA
Considering the numbers in private enterprise, I trust them much more than the Federal Government, of which there is only one and it's no longer restrained by any regulation-meaning the Constitution.

Are you saying the Federal Government is now ignoring the Constitution?
Just keep drinking fluoride water and eating gmo's. Drones dont exist and your government loves you. Its easier for people to just deny the truth so they can sleep at night. Fight the info war.
On the whole, I trust the government. On some things I don't. Loaded question for sure.

I trust the government with civil rights issues. I trust the government will continue to do a fair job of keeping corporations in check. They still have work to do. I trust the Dems have their hearts in the right place but they screw it up sometimes. I trust Republicans will eternally have their brains in their behinds.
Considering the numbers in private enterprise, I trust them much more than the Federal Government, of which there is only one and it's no longer restrained by any regulation-meaning the Constitution.

Private enterprise would fuck you up for a buck.
Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

Relative to what? I certainly trust the U.S. government more than corporations. What choice do we have?

I certainly trust Democrats more than Republicans.

When you finally realize there is no difference between the government and corporations, you might start making sense.
Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

Relative to what? I certainly trust the U.S. government more than corporations. What choice do we have?

I certainly trust Democrats more than Republicans.

When you finally realize there is no difference between the government and corporations, you might start making sense.

The federal reserve answers to know one.
I need some more of you boot lickers to vote on this poll. The only people that are voting are Constitutionalist.
LOL, when I saw your sig I thought it was someone making fun of your stance on guns by showing the different positions you have taken, then I saw it was you who made the list and i fucking loled like wtf crazy. Man you're fucking wrecked with stupidity, lol. "I'm pro gun" to "the second amendment is obsolete." LOLz~

Lakhota's Stand on Gun Control
1. I am pro-gun.
2. I'm strongly for universal background checks. STRONGLY.
3. I'm for limiting high-capacity magazines to 10-rounds max.
4. I'm for MAXIMUM penalties for misusing firearms and/or not properly securing them.
5. I'm mildly against banning semi-automatic rifles, which would also likely ban semi-automatic pistols. I prefer revolvers and single/bolt/lever-action rifles.
6. I'm indifferent on banning so-called assault weapons. I don't see their need, but I remain indifferent.
7. The NRA should be part of the solution - not part of the problem.
8. The 2nd Amendment is obsolete - and has nothing to do with my stand on gun control.
9. I have no formed opinions on any other potential gun-control measures at this time.
Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

Relative to what? I certainly trust the U.S. government more than corporations. What choice do we have?

I certainly trust Democrats more than Republicans.

When you finally realize there is no difference between the government and corporations, you might start making sense.

There is a very big difference between corporations and the government. The later can point guns out you to get what it wants. The former can't.

That's why I'll take a corporation over the government any day of the week.

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