Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

I trust that they will deal in special interests, will side-step or breach the constitution and that governments are nothing more than organized crime.
From Social Security, to welfare, to Medicare, to Medicaid, to health care, to money, to food, to water, to land, the environment and to energy, we are at the government’s mercy. Now with Obama care, they have us literally by the throat, because if government controls the payment of your health care, they can control your behavior, your habits and your life and even whether you live or die ….. simply by passing laws, or promulgating bureaucratic rules.

Our private health records are now on some government computer mainframe, subject to scrutiny by the government. Soon we will be given a national ID card allegedly to tell who is a legal American and who is not. We won’t be able to travel anywhere without that national ID card, making us that much more dependent on the federal government. (NOTE: The national ID card will not solve the illegal immigration problem and neither will amnesty.)

Government always punishes the law abiding with new laws that restrict more and more of our freedom, by telling us that it is for our own good, or our own safety, or our own welfare, or to catch the bad guys. That is exactly why government is now pushing for gun control on law abiding people that will have no affect whatsoever on gun crime or school, theater, or shopping mall massacres. It is estimated that there are already 20,000 gun laws on the books. In contrast, there are at least 300,000,000 guns in circulation and the bad guys are going to get guns.

So ladies and gentlemen, it follows that if the American people are divided, the government is divided as well and the government will exploit the people’s divisions to increase their power over the people, by pitting the people against each other. All three branches of the government and the bureaucracies they create, are in collusion with central bankers, corporations, unions and special interest groups and have been exploiting the American people for at least the last 8 to 10 decades, if not longer.

What else does government control? Just about everything, from the house you live in, to the land you live on, to the car you drive, to the food you eat, to the energy you consume, to the sewage you create, to the care of your health and to the money you spend. With that much control and that much power over you, can you trust government to be your friend? Does government still defend individual liberty, which is their constitutional duty? Only the deluded, the naive and those living off the government can believe that!

Whatever happened to American independence, self-reliance and personal responsibility of yester year?
Whatever happened to American independence, self-reliance and personal responsibility of yester year?

A majority of people have been bamboozled into believeing that politicians will keep them safe as long as they give up liberty to have it. Someone mentioned something regarding this many, many years ago as the US became independent.

But once you give up liberty, you dont get it back.
It seems interesting that it isn't the government we don't trust, but the politicians that run the government. Yet, we the people, are the ones that elect the those same politicians. Is the real weakness in our government "we the people"? Do we elect the wrong people? If, in fact, the weakness of our government is we the people, another weakness might be money, pure and simple greed. Perhaps in another thousand years we will have an American populace that votes for the good of America rather than what's in it for me, or better, are able to see through the sham of the cheap political oratory.
Do I trust the constitution as a basis of government? Yes....

Do I trust those who ignore it, rip it to shreds, and bastardize it in the lust for power?? No

Otherwise known as I do not trust our officials, in either party, at this point... and don't know when I will again.. it will take a massive release of power by serious cuts and downsizing
Poll ... Do you trust the United States government?

Relative to what? I certainly trust the U.S. government more than corporations. What choice do we have?

I certainly trust Democrats more than Republicans.

My requirements are far simpler.
I trust corporations more right now then a group of people that can't count!
Public held corporations have so many agencies to deal with OSHA,EPA,DOJ,HHS,IRS among major govt.
agencies the corporations have to complete forms, go to hearing,etc....
NOT one federal agency has to report to any of us!

PLUS I really can't trust a govt. that depended on a huge lie to pass legislation that exhibited either
total inability do simple math OR counted on (accurately so far) on the growing number of ignorant Americans.

The simple math is this:
Destroying 1/6th of the national economy by not being able to
1) Subtract 10 million ILLEGAL CITIZENS from 46 million.
2) Subtract 14 million people that ARE already covered from 46 million.
3) FALSELY including 18 million people that never needed, nor wanted and are being FORCED to participate..

The true number is less the 4 million!

YET because poor math skills by the Govt. or fraudulently cooking the numbers..
THERE WERE NEVER 46 million or 50 million "UNINSURED" FRAUD!
Simple subtraction above shows less the 4 million!

YET this govt. either CAN'T do the simplest of arithmetic or fraudulently cooking the numbers!

At least most corporations HAVE to know simple math just to comply with all the rules and regulations.

According to the Office of the Federal Register, in 1998, the Code of Federal Regulations (CFR),
the official listing of all regulations in effect, contained a total of 134,723 pages in 201 volumes that claimed 19 feet of shelf space. In 1970, the CFR totaled only 54,834 pages.
Federal Regulations – About US Federal Regulations

in 2006, and according to the US Government Printing Office, is over 200,000 pages long and it contains 51 titles. Many of the larger titles span multiple volumes.
The US Code (i.e., the codified general statutes) with West's annotations is contained in 356 volumes and takes up 55 feet of shelf space.
READER'S VIEWS: Congress, the lazy branch of government - Star Exponent: Starexponent

If in less then 10 years government rules and regulations have more then doubled as the above illustrate and with Obamacare alone, adding

is over 20,000 pages and measures 7' 2.5"," McConnell said of the amazing photo. "These are all the Obamacare regulations published in the Federal Register up through last week. Then last Friday they added another 828 pages."


All of the above and they still can't do simple MATH!!!
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I say we start eating GMOs, drinking fluoride water, and do what ever the government wants. I want to lick boots.

Do you trust the United States government?

Depends on who you vote into office. When Republican Eisenhower was in office, you could trust it. When Republican Bush was in office, you couldn't. It's a different generation of Republicans. One patriotic, the other, scummy.
Those who still believe the right and left still exist are living in the matrix. Its just there to make you think you have a choice. They pick the choices for us. lol.
I trust PARTS of it.

I think there's a whole lotta folks working in our government who are honest hard working patriots.

I do NOT hold them responsible for the mess out MASTERS have made of things.

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