Poll: GOP Sours on Tea Party


Gold Member
Oct 19, 2008
Poll: GOP Sours on Tea Party

The tea party's popularity has fallen dramatically among Republicans, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's standing among tea party supporters has skyrocketed, a new poll finds.

According to the latest Pew Research Center survey, only 27 percent of moderate and liberal Republicans view the tea party favorably, a dramatic decrease from 46 percent in June.

In the poll taken from Oct. 9-13 of 1,504 adults, nearly half of respondents overall, 49 percent, said they also have a negative view of the tea party. Only 30 percent said they have a positive view, which was down from 37 percent in Pew's June poll.

Pew also asked participants about their views of Cruz, the freshman senator whose opposition to Obamacare initiated the government shutdown on Oct. 1. The poll found that Cruz's popularity has soared among tea party Republicans to 74 percent, up from 47 percent in a July survey that asked the same question.

But the latest survey also revealed that his standing among non-tea party Republicans has dropped significantly. Fifty-eight percent of non-tea party Republicans in the Pew July poll had no opinion of the Texas senator because they didn't know him. At that time 26 percent of respondents voiced a favorable opinion of him, while 16 percent expressed an unfavorable view. But in the latest poll, his unfavorable rating nearly doubled to 31 percent.

Poll: GOP Sours on Tea Party

I am truly saddened to hear this news. :badgrin:
The reason why the Tea Party polls are down so much is because the Tea Party isn't being Tea Party enough.

If only the Tea Party was even more Tea Party, a true Tea Party Tea Party, they would easily win elections all the time.
Maybe if the Tea Party becomes a REAL conservative party their popularity will rise up

At least that seems to be their universal answer to everything else...
The problem IS NOT with the American people but the professional politicians who only care about themselves and their continued congressional perks! And Obama's butt-sucking media pundits are doing everything possible to bad mouth common Americans who're fed up with the mess inside the Beltway.
Maybe if the Tea Party becomes a REAL conservative party their popularity will rise up

At least that seems to be their universal answer to everything else...

What's worrying is that you're right; here will be a very hard swerve even further right and the Obamacare refugees will sweep along with them. Result? Think Germany, 1930's. Pendulums swing and this one threatens to swing much too far.
Maybe if the Tea Party becomes a REAL conservative party their popularity will rise up

At least that seems to be their universal answer to everything else...

Seeing as how you've NEVER been a real conservative in your lifetime, what gives you the right to issue your judgements?
Nah, you fake Republican rinos to the far right have no game.

You folded last night.
"Tea party dummies are going to get primaried by moderate nutters. The times have changed.
The reason why the Tea Party polls are down so much is because the Tea Party isn't being Tea Party enough.

If only the Tea Party was even more Tea Party, a true Tea Party Tea Party, they would easily win elections all the time.

I call this quadrupling down on dumb.
The problem IS NOT with the American people but the professional politicians who only care about themselves and their continued congressional perks! And Obama's butt-sucking media pundits are doing everything possible to bad mouth common Americans who're fed up with the mess inside the Beltway.

That's it!

Everything else, but, the movement. Can't be your caveman-esque ideas.. Can it?
Poll: GOP Sours on Tea Party

The tea party's popularity has fallen dramatically among Republicans, while Texas Sen. Ted Cruz's standing among tea party supporters has skyrocketed, a new poll finds.

According to the latest Pew Research Center survey, only 27 percent of moderate and liberal Republicans view the tea party favorably, a dramatic decrease from 46 percent in June.

In the poll taken from Oct. 9-13 of 1,504 adults, nearly half of respondents overall, 49 percent, said they also have a negative view of the tea party. Only 30 percent said they have a positive view, which was down from 37 percent in Pew's June poll.

Pew also asked participants about their views of Cruz, the freshman senator whose opposition to Obamacare initiated the government shutdown on Oct. 1. The poll found that Cruz's popularity has soared among tea party Republicans to 74 percent, up from 47 percent in a July survey that asked the same question.

But the latest survey also revealed that his standing among non-tea party Republicans has dropped significantly. Fifty-eight percent of non-tea party Republicans in the Pew July poll had no opinion of the Texas senator because they didn't know him. At that time 26 percent of respondents voiced a favorable opinion of him, while 16 percent expressed an unfavorable view. But in the latest poll, his unfavorable rating nearly doubled to 31 percent.

Poll: GOP Sours on Tea Party

I am truly saddened to hear this news. :badgrin:

Of course they 'sour' on the TEA party...the TEA party is the people that care of the Constitution and LAW...and what IS the GOP? Democrat Statist lite...

and this is a surprise to you? Really?

The GOP is DEAD. (Sorry Mr. Lincoln, they just can't control themselves, and they let you down...)
Well Wall St and the chamber of commerce were not amused with Boehner not returning their calls, and the Koch Bros couldn't run away faster unless they were Usain Bolt. But, I don't know what they do. Giving money to an incumbant being primaried doesn't really help, since the TPM operates via social media.

However, in a general, a dem moderate may find friends.
Even in a completely gerrymandered Congressional district in red's favor, it is going to be pretty damned difficult for a Tea Partier to win a primary with only a 27 percent approval rating within their own party.

I'd wager we are going to see a few Tea Partiers running away from that label next year. "Who me? Nawwww!"
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Nah, you fake Republican rinos to the far right have no game.

You folded last night.

We didn't fold on anything. We went out swinging. We dealt the establishment GOP a deathblow.

The reason why the Tea Party polls are down so much is because the Tea Party isn't being Tea Party enough.

If only the Tea Party was even more Tea Party, a true Tea Party Tea Party, they would easily win elections all the time.

If Sarah Palin runs for office, she will win. Though it is hard for me to listen to her voice, I agree with her missives. She will appeal to the middle-class. She has what it takes to bring in the votes.

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