POLL: How Bout An Official Gesture Of Atonement For Past Sins Against African Americans?...

Would You Support An Official Government-Sponsored Gesture Of Atonement To African Americans

  • Yes

    Votes: 6 10.9%
  • No

    Votes: 49 89.1%

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  • Poll closed .
We have already had decades of affirmative action, and the last black person who was enslaved died long ago.

I have no problem with reparations for those who experiences something. It makes no sense to offer reparations to those who didn't.

If anyone experiences something bad due to the actions of others, the ones who should pay are those who harmed.

That goes for everyone. None of us deserves to be mistreated and targeted for no reason.

The race baiters are out there convincing people that they are victims by virtue of skin color and owed something.
I think all surviving slaves should get the 30 acres and a mule they were promised...all they have to do is go to their local courthouse and collect...
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

The government didn't enslave them. That being said if they want an official "we're sorry" that doesn't include reparations I have no problem with that. Reparations though are a non starter.
After they get the "I'm sorry" they will start using it as a justification for reparations, so no dice.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

The government didn't enslave them. That being said if they want an official "we're sorry" that doesn't include reparations I have no problem with that. Reparations though are a non starter.

I'm willing to accept a compromise. But we have to heal this open festering wound. I think an official act could help African Americans forgive. Maybe help them find some sort of closure.
You're naive if you believe they will stop at that.
When Black Americans thank my ancestors who fought for the Union in the Civil War, I'll consider it...

As of right now, my first response is AS SOON AS AFFIRMATIVE ACTION IS BANNED, and not one second before...
How about not profiling and targeting blacks by the police and justice system ? How about we start there .

I'd be much more appreciated .
Leftwingers whining about another non-event that never occurs.
Would you support it? Do you think it would help heal the deep wounds? Maybe an official Government-sponsored acknowledgement and atonement could lead to reconciliation.

Most African Americans still feel anger and sorrow over how they've been treated. It does seem like an open festering wound. Maybe a kind official gesture could help African Americans forgive and get some kind of closure. What do you think?

We've already provided plenty of atonement: the Civil War and the Fourteenth Amendment.

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Also welfare and Affirmative Action.
Do you not understand WHY the disparity in correctional facilities between blacks and whites? The problem isn't the justice system. It is crime and who is committing it.
What's more, Target cops, die by cop. I would insist that if my child was an officer, she shoot first and ask questions later. That is what this UN funded civil unrest agenda is creating. This isn't about blacks or whites. It is about disarmament of our country by the UN. And with every act of violence, they'll use the dead to get you to say, "Please take our guns away, and then for sure Blacks and Muslims will behave themselves."

Please ! White people get let off while minorities get the book thrown at them .

There was another rape outrage story last week. White college kid gets slap on the wrist , while a city kid would get 15 years .
Do you not understand WHY the disparity in correctional facilities between blacks and whites? The problem isn't the justice system. It is crime and who is committing it.
What's more, Target cops, die by cop. I would insist that if my child was an officer, she shoot first and ask questions later. That is what this UN funded civil unrest agenda is creating. This isn't about blacks or whites. It is about disarmament of our country by the UN. And with every act of violence, they'll use the dead to get you to say, "Please take our guns away, and then for sure Blacks and Muslims will behave themselves."

Please ! White people get let off while minorities get the book thrown at them .

There was another rape outrage story last week. White college kid gets slap on the wrist , while a city kid would get 15 years .

Horseshit. The so-called white "rape" is probably just another instance of a snowflake female regretting what she did while she was drunk at a frat party.
After they get the "I'm sorry" they will start using it as a justification for reparations, so no dice.

The Republicans atoned ages ago. They voted to end slavery and later voted for equal rights. The Dems didn't support either of those and they pushed government dependence, not to atone, but to control. They are the ones responsible for "keeping them in their place" and have supported Planned Parenthood, which was created to reduce the black population and it still does. Millions of black babies have been aborted.

The majority of minorities have supported Dems for as long as I can remember and look what the left has done for them. The destroyed black families through government policies and encourage young blacks to drop out of school and go on welfare. Their focus has been on giving them more and more to keep them content and when blacks reject their "help", they are downright cruel to them.

The left is enjoying the violence. The media rushes to report the rumors and lies when there is an incident and they don't bother to correct when investigations are complete. Many still believe Brown had his hands up. It helps liberals when their constituents feel they are under attack and only government can provide the solutions.
I think the Civil War was a sufficient gesture to the black community.
We have already had decades of affirmative action, and the last black person who was enslaved died long ago.

I have no problem with reparations for those who experiences something. It makes no sense to offer reparations to those who didn't.

That makes sense --- on the surface. That is, assuming that the issue is whether the technical definition of "slavery" exists.

But what if the issue is keeping a specific group of people down, with or without that technical definition? What if the formal institution of slavery was but one way to do that -- as are also, for example, prison work for hire, or outright discrimination in employment opportunities? Do they not accomplish the same or similar without the technical definition?

AA made an attempt to address that, but it's an artificial device and as such is necessarily flawed. It's an attempt to change culture through the law, which really isn't possible by itself (which is also why gun control measures are meaningless).

Just raising the question, because the question isn't necessarily "does slavery exist" literally. We've already codified that it cannot ---- but that's simply noting one dimension. Were it possible to, with such a law, invoke a time machine that somehow wiped out all of the residual cultural effects of that institution, along with the existence of it, then there might be no issue.

But ---- we can't do that.
I think the Civil War was a sufficient gesture to the black community.

Maybe they should be billed for their freedom?
They should be encouraged to act Within the law...take advantage of opportunity...as many have...honor their marriage....stop thinking with their dick...not only a black phenomenon...acknowledge the American Dream, and act like they are part of it....which they are.
I think the Civil War was a sufficient gesture to the black community.

Maybe they should be billed for their freedom?
They should be encouraged to act Within the law...take advantage of opportunity...as many have...honor their marriage....stop thinking with their dick...not only a black phenomenon...acknowledge the American Dream, and act like they are part of it....which they are.

Well if they get reparations so do I. The Irish were enslaved also....come to think of it maybe we need a Irish Movement...w/o the cop killing of course
DemWitt political hacks have setup 50yrs of payments nit to work. idle hands become criminals, idle cock become breeders.

Change something, do something different even if exoerimental in one city. how long do you keep failing systems in place?

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