POLL: If you ran a company, would you fire this guy?

Would you fire a guy for working with your competition to get you run out of business?

  • Yes

  • No

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Diamond Member
Oct 7, 2019
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.
Lol, stupid attempt to draw false equivalency.

Back to the drawing board kiddo.
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.

If anyone who works for Coca Cola is ever seen with any Pepsi product they are immediately fired.
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.
Lol, stupid attempt to draw false equivalency.

Back to the drawing board kiddo.
Can't stop lying can you?
I worked at a place one time who threatened to fire anyone wearing a competitors ball cap at work- they changed their mind and decided offering a free swap was better- LOL
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.
Lol, stupid attempt to draw false equivalency.

Back to the drawing board kiddo.
Actually, Vindman was serving at the pleasure of the President....

And Trump wasn't very pleased at how he turned political while in uniform and leaked classified information (both offenses under the UCMJ)...

so, yeah, Trump had every right to fire him!!!
Only one time I kept a competitors employee when I got a new contract. It was just a policy of mine as I did not want someone already stuck in that rut of complacency that my competitors had. I felt sorry for the gal as she was supporting six children with three jobs and she whined a lot about how well she would do. That one time was a mistake. I had to let her go within a few weeks. When I fired her it left a bitterness that would not have been there if I had just stuck with my original thoughts and policy concerning competitors employees. (she had a substantial raise working for me too and that made no difference)
Poor analogy. Employees in today's america would be idiots to be loyal to an employer. Complete bufoons. Always ready to walk away from a job to a better one without any thanks given. It used to be different but not anymore. Not in this america.
Poor analogy. Employees in today's america would be idiots to be loyal to an employer. Complete bufoons. Always ready to walk away from a job to a better one without any thanks given. It used to be different but not anymore. Not in this america.
Those who work in the White House and all appointments are at the president's pleasure. They are not standard bureaucrat government jobs. Those are suppose to be the president's team members that are there to assist him not undermine him.
Lol, stupid attempt to draw false equivalency.

Not at all. What's stupid is expecting they would still work in the White House after this was over. Only an imbecile would keep them in their administration after these events. Why you people are acting so shocked by this is beyond me.
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.

You can't be captain of" ship of state," when you order everyone to row in one direction, and a couple of clowns take it upon themselves to row in the other!
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.

The Stalinists don't really expect Trump to do that, and they sure the hell wouldn't. But the Stalinists are scum with no honor, ethics or integrity. Remember, these are the vermin who demanded that Trump be impeached for eating two scoops of ice cream. What MSNBCNN and the other little Goebbels say or print is not rational, They have one standard, smear Trump. Nothing else matters to these traitor pigs.
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If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.
Lol, stupid attempt to draw false equivalency.

Back to the drawing board kiddo.

How is it "false," creep?

It's spot on.

You scum want whatever is worst for America, whatever is worst for Trump. If an act, any act, causes you vermin to meltdown, it's the right thing to do.
If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.
Lol, stupid attempt to draw false equivalency.

Back to the drawing board kiddo.
Actually, Vindman was serving at the pleasure of the President....

And Trump wasn't very pleased at how he turned political while in uniform and leaked classified information (both offenses under the UCMJ)...

so, yeah, Trump had every right to fire him!!!

That is correct Obiwan!

All of these people serve at "the pleasure of the President," not at the pleasure of a bunch of Leftist loons!

Can you believe the narrative of these incompetent, irrelevant, and immaterial Leftists? They actually are willing to waste bandwidth to try and convince people this was somehow wrong.

Leftists, we are LAUGHING at you, lololololol! You are so phony-e-baloney, you don't even believe what you are posting, and if you do, you are DUMBER than a box of rocks, and have no business on ANY political board!
The Vindman situation is a case of two employees working for a company, and the subordinate finds out that his boss is violating the company's policies and tries to report it, so the boss thinks up a reason to fire him as retribution for the employee's attempt to be loyal to the company.
The Vindman situation is a case of two employees working for a company, and the subordinate finds out that his boss is violating the company's policies and tries to report it, so the boss thinks up a reason to fire him as retribution for the employee's attempt to be loyal to the company.

Good analogy, except that the stockholders said that they lied-)

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