POLL: If you ran a company, would you fire this guy?

Would you fire a guy for working with your competition to get you run out of business?

  • Yes

  • No

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If you owned or ran a company and you found out one of your employees was working with your competition to get you run our of business, would you fire him or keep him on the payroll so he could continue to torpedo your company?

Dimwingers expect Trump to keep this guy on the payroll, and call firing him dictatorial.

If anyone who works for Coca Cola is ever seen with any Pepsi product they are immediately fired.

The people Trump is firing don't work for the Democrats. They work for the American people. As does Trump. Trump ignored advice not to abuse his power. They called him on it.

Trump is a criminal President.

What does "Serves at the pleasure of the president" mean, Comrade? Do your bosses in Beijing allow disloyalty?

Your President is a lying criminal who should have been removed from office for violating his oath to uphold the Constitution. Your belief in his innocence doesn't make it so. The American people need staffers like Vindman to keep Trump honest. Or at least living within the law while in the White House. So far it's not working.

I'm not Chinese. I'm not even Asian. Once again your assumptions about me are utterly false.

Your post is total bullshit.

Criminal? Link?

Violated oath of office? Link.

Why don't you hire Vindman to keep Trump honest? Trump is not obligated to keep someone on his staff who is actively working to undermine him, Moron.
Your President is a lying criminal who should have been removed from office for violating his oath to uphold the Constitution.

Yes he is, but he's been replaced by the great Donald Trump, so technically he's my "ex-president.."

Your belief in his innocence doesn't make it so.

Donald Trump is GUILTY, GUILTY I tells ya, and you Stalinists are going to keep digging until you figure out what he's guilty of, and you're more than willing to throw out the entire bill of rights to do it.

The American people need staffers like Vindman to keep Trump honest. Or at least living within the law while in the White House. So far it's not working.

So leakers are really heroes, because reasons.

I'm not Chinese. I'm not even Asian. Once again your assumptions about me are utterly false.

Whether true or not, EVERYTHING you do is calculated to benefit Beijing.

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