Poll: Most Americans disapprove of ObamaCare

Little by little Americans are becoming fed up with the pitfalls of Obamacare.

More Americans disapprove than approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center national survey.

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents approve of the health care law, and 54 percent disapprove.

The disapproval rating has gone up since the Supreme Court's ruling last July upholding a section of the law that allows the federal government to provide insurance subsidies through federal exchanges.

After the ruling, 48 percent approved and 49 percent disapproved of the law.

According to the poll, 44 percent of respondents say that law has had a mostly negative impact on the country, while 39 percent say it has been mostly positive. About 13 percent say the law has not had much of an effect on the country.

In December 2013, far more people saw the law as negative for the country: At the time, 49 percent saw its impact as largely negative while just 23 percent said it had a positive effect on the country.

The percentage of Democrats and Independents who think the law has had a positive impact on the country has risen, according to the poll. About 66 percent of Democrats said the law has had a positive impact on the nation, compared to just 42 percent in 2013.

There has been little shift in Republicans' views about ObamaCare's impact, with just 10 percent saying the law has had a positive effect, little changed since 2013.

The survey was conducted from April 12-19 among 2,008 adults and has an overall margin of error of 2.5 percentage points.

Poll: Most Americans disapprove of ObamaCare

obama as the devil.jpg

Golly gee whiz, sounds like we need a Canadian single payer system.

Didn't see that one coming.
Like most, I get my health care through work so ACA has had littlie impact on me except it let me keep my kids on my plan while they finished their schooling. They didn't cost my plan very much and saved me a boatload of money. My son has a "pre-existing" condition so I feel better knowing he'll be able to get an keep his own insurance. Thanks ACA.

No insurance company can survive giving insurance for Pre-existing conditions. if you people think so, you should go open and sell insurance see how far you make it. you should have been putting money away for him you thought he needed it.
Completely wrong. Insurance is all about risk. If only one insurance company offered insurance for Pre-existing conditions they'd be broke in a day. If every insurance company was forced to offer insurance for Pre-existing conditions the risks would be shared across the industry and could be factored into their costs. That is exactly what the ACA does.
Bottom line is this, hospital cost are ridiculously high to began with, 7 dollars for a fuckin pill. Waiting to see a fuckin doctor for hours only to have your temperature taken, blood pressure checked, weight recorded and 10 minutes of discussion if that......total office visit...500 plus. Meanwhile, your walking through areas of construction of yet another wing their building for shit nobody can afford.
Like most, I get my health care through work so ACA has had littlie impact on me except it let me keep my kids on my plan while they finished their schooling. They didn't cost my plan very much and saved me a boatload of money. My son has a "pre-existing" condition so I feel better knowing he'll be able to get an keep his own insurance. Thanks ACA.

No insurance company can survive giving insurance for Pre-existing conditions. if you people think so, you should go open and sell insurance see how far you make it. you should have been putting money away for him you thought he needed it.
Little by little Americans are becoming fed up with the pitfalls of Obamacare.

More Americans disapprove than approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center national survey.

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents approve of the health care law, and 54 percent disapprove.

The disapproval rating has gone up since the Supreme Court's ruling last July upholding a section of the law that allows the federal government to provide insurance subsidies through federal exchanges.

After the ruling, 48 percent approved and 49 percent disapproved of the law.

According to the poll, 44 percent of respondents say that law has had a mostly negative impact on the country, while 39 percent say it has been mostly positive. About 13 percent say the law has not had much of an effect on the country.

In December 2013, far more people saw the law as negative for the country: At the time, 49 percent saw its impact as largely negative while just 23 percent said it had a positive effect on the country.

The percentage of Democrats and Independents who think the law has had a positive impact on the country has risen, according to the poll. About 66 percent of Democrats said the law has had a positive impact on the nation, compared to just 42 percent in 2013.

There has been little shift in Republicans' views about ObamaCare's impact, with just 10 percent saying the law has had a positive effect, little changed since 2013.

The survey was conducted from April 12-19 among 2,008 adults and has an overall margin of error of 2.5 percentage points.

Poll: Most Americans disapprove of ObamaCare

Then again in the UK most people value the NHS.

Obama care has only just started, and it's facing opposition all the way from a large part of the country, not because of whether it works or not, but just because of politics.
“Poll: Most Americans disapprove of ObamaCare”

Yet a majority believe the Federal government has a responsibility to ensure Americans have healthcare coverage:

In U.S., 51% Say Government Should Ensure Healthcare Coverage

And a majority prefer a private system as opposed to a government run system – which is exactly what the ACA is.

The ACA is the Federal government ensuring that Americans have access to affordable healthcare using a system run by private insurance companies, not the Federal government – consistent with the wishes of a majority of Americans.
Little by little Americans are becoming fed up with the pitfalls of Obamacare.

More Americans disapprove than approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center national survey.

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents approve of the health care law, and 54 percent disapprove.

The disapproval rating has gone up since the Supreme Court's ruling last July upholding a section of the law that allows the federal government to provide insurance subsidies through federal exchanges.

After the ruling, 48 percent approved and 49 percent disapproved of the law.

According to the poll, 44 percent of respondents say that law has had a mostly negative impact on the country, while 39 percent say it has been mostly positive. About 13 percent say the law has not had much of an effect on the country.

In December 2013, far more people saw the law as negative for the country: At the time, 49 percent saw its impact as largely negative while just 23 percent said it had a positive effect on the country.

The percentage of Democrats and Independents who think the law has had a positive impact on the country has risen, according to the poll. About 66 percent of Democrats said the law has had a positive impact on the nation, compared to just 42 percent in 2013.

There has been little shift in Republicans' views about ObamaCare's impact, with just 10 percent saying the law has had a positive effect, little changed since 2013.

The survey was conducted from April 12-19 among 2,008 adults and has an overall margin of error of 2.5 percentage points.

Poll: Most Americans disapprove of ObamaCare

I guess they don't like to pay 30 to 50% more for exactly what they were getting before Obamacare.
I guess they don't like to pay 30 to 50% more for exactly what they were getting before Obamacare.
I think it is more likely that most Americans have little first-hand experience with the ACA. They've been told they should be angry and they just accept what they are told.
I guess they don't like to pay 30 to 50% more for exactly what they were getting before Obamacare.
I think it is more likely that most Americans have little first-hand experience with the ACA. They've been told they should be angry and they just accept what they are told.
They've been told they're going to have to pay about 40% more for their health insurance, otherwise they will lose it. Money talks.
Odd that the article doesn't mention how many people were polled.

Anyone here get a call? I didn't.

Could have been 1,000 of the 242,000,000+ adults in the U.S. Could have been 10. But it says what the OP wants it to say, so it must be true.
Little by little Americans are becoming fed up with the pitfalls of Obamacare.

More Americans disapprove than approve of the Affordable Care Act, according to a new Pew Research Center national survey.

The poll found that 44 percent of respondents approve of the health care law, and 54 percent disapprove.

The disapproval rating has gone up since the Supreme Court's ruling last July upholding a section of the law that allows the federal government to provide insurance subsidies through federal exchanges.

After the ruling, 48 percent approved and 49 percent disapproved of the law.

According to the poll, 44 percent of respondents say that law has had a mostly negative impact on the country, while 39 percent say it has been mostly positive. About 13 percent say the law has not had much of an effect on the country.

In December 2013, far more people saw the law as negative for the country: At the time, 49 percent saw its impact as largely negative while just 23 percent said it had a positive effect on the country.

The percentage of Democrats and Independents who think the law has had a positive impact on the country has risen, according to the poll. About 66 percent of Democrats said the law has had a positive impact on the nation, compared to just 42 percent in 2013.

There has been little shift in Republicans' views about ObamaCare's impact, with just 10 percent saying the law has had a positive effect, little changed since 2013.

The survey was conducted from April 12-19 among 2,008 adults and has an overall margin of error of 2.5 percentage points.

Poll: Most Americans disapprove of ObamaCare

The only people who do approve of it are the ones the rest of us are subsidizing.

People didn't want it from the get go. They

tore up the phone lines to DC when douchebag and the Dems were crafting it. They told their congressmen and Senators not to approve it. Of course they ignored what their constituents wanted and passed this POS.

Obamacare is ridiculous and the only winners are the freeloaders the rest of us pay for.

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