Poll on what to do about Antifa taking over Seattle

How should Antifa be handled?

  • The police in Seattle should remove them

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • Trump should send in troops to remove them

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Just let them take over as much of Seattle as they want and ignore them

    Votes: 36 43.9%

  • Total voters
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

Well...ya know.....if the press isn't reporting about it how did you find out about it?
Goddamn you people are stupid.
When referring to "the press" it means those people you leftists look to for the news. The MSM that still is watched by millions at 6 and 11.
When referring to "the press" it means those people you leftists look to for the news. The MSM that still is watched by millions at 6 and 11.
Yes....they have correspondents there with cameras and everything. You can actually see and hear what's going on there when they talk to people. You should try it instead of shitting your pants.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat
You're a degenerate liar.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat
You're a degenerate liar.
Fuck you, commie asshole.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat
You're a degenerate liar.
Fuck you , asshole.
Fuck you , asshole
Leave them be - they give the lie to virtually all of the policies that the left proclaims to be against. They are armed, set up their own police force essentially, have taken over peoples property without cause or reparation and have built walls and checkpoints to control who does and does not enter. They have claimed to be autonomous yet have been begging support from the outside because there is simply no way for them to feed themselves and the goals of the protest are an utter mess.

We should watch this fall apart in real time all on its own as it inevitably will.

I do find it rather funny how this takeover of peoples property is treated over something like Bundy taking over tracks of totally empty land.
Erect a wall around the piece of shits wall...convert the space they occupy into an Auschwitz style concentration camp and gas them all.
Its peaceful there now, they seem to be taking care by themselves.
The first amendment people seem to be in power.

So how will they acquire food,water and electricity?
They cant expect us to give it to them for free.
Yes they expect exactly that and unfortunately the city will oblige.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
You have no understanding of how our government works if you believe that. This is a State issue. The only authority Trump has in this matter is one of border control.
The nation of Chaz has borders. Trump should be handling this since my mayor cant.

Do you know anyone who lives in there?

What are they telling people who do? I haven't seen anyone report on that.

edit - what are the police telling the people who live in there when they call about the issue*, wasn't very specific
As far as I can tell, they are not going to tell them anything. Police are not going to enter the area.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.
Antifa is a terrorist group. Needs to be eradicated from society.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.
Antifa is a terrorist group. Needs to be eradicated from society.
Ok, let us know when you find them involved with whats going on currently
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat
You're a degenerate liar.
Fuck you , asshole.
Fuck you , asshole
Knuckle dragger
Erect a wall around the piece of shits wall...convert the space they occupy into an Auschwitz style concentration camp and gas them all.
Its peaceful there now, they seem to be taking care by themselves.
The first amendment people seem to be in power.

So how will they acquire food,water and electricity?
They cant expect us to give it to them for free.
Yes they expect exactly that and unfortunately the city will oblige.

As long as it's Washington taxpayers footing the bill fine.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.
The only opinions that really count are the opinions of Seattleites . A poll taken about 3 days ago asking whether the city should take over the autonomous zone was about 50/50. It's up to the mayor to decide what should be done. So far I haven't seen any protesting of her decision to allow the zone to stay.
Erect a wall around the piece of shits wall...convert the space they occupy into an Auschwitz style concentration camp and gas them all.
Its peaceful there now, they seem to be taking care by themselves.
The first amendment people seem to be in power.

So how will they acquire food,water and electricity?
They cant expect us to give it to them for free.
Yes they expect exactly that and unfortunately the city will oblige.

As long as it's Washington taxpayers footing the bill fine.
I don't think there's much of a bill, just some port o potties. That's probably cheaper than dealing with rioting.
Why are you guys so invested in lying about this peaceful form of protest?
Peaceful protests are not likely to win votes for Trump. They need rioting, blood, and of course someone to blame, namely democrats. If they don't get it they will manufacture it on the Internet.
Erect a wall around the piece of shits wall...convert the space they occupy into an Auschwitz style concentration camp and gas them all.
Its peaceful there now, they seem to be taking care by themselves.
The first amendment people seem to be in power.

So how will they acquire food,water and electricity?
They cant expect us to give it to them for free.
Yes they expect exactly that and unfortunately the city will oblige.

As long as it's Washington taxpayers footing the bill fine.
I don't think there's much of a bill, just some port o potties. That's probably cheaper than dealing with rioting.

Not really.
That depends how long they plan on staying.
Things will go wrong and as we've already seen fires will happen.
This just started,what happens when things start breaking?
Surely they dont expect Americans to foot the bill.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
You have no understanding of how our government works if you believe that. This is a State issue. The only authority Trump has in this matter is one of border control.
The nation of Chaz has borders. Trump should be handling this since my mayor cant.

Do you know anyone who lives in there?

What are they telling people who do? I haven't seen anyone report on that.

edit - what are the police telling the people who live in there when they call about the issue*, wasn't very specific
As far as I can tell, they are not going to tell them anything. Police are not going to enter the area.
Oh bullshit. The police are in zone everyday. In fact, the Chief of Police was in zone a couple of days ago and met with Raz and several of the protesters. The main issue with the police is the longer response time due to the station being closed.

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