Poll on what to do about Antifa taking over Seattle

How should Antifa be handled?

  • The police in Seattle should remove them

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • Trump should send in troops to remove them

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Just let them take over as much of Seattle as they want and ignore them

    Votes: 36 43.9%

  • Total voters
If one really wants to prove convincingly that "white privilege" exists, someone as stupid as
Seattle's mayor becoming Mayor of a major city would be good evidence, with equally dumb-as-a-rock Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State becoming governor as confirmation

not to mention Beto becoming a presidential contender
We dont have stupid black politicians?
If one really wants to prove convincingly that "white privilege" exists, someone as stupid as
Seattle's mayor becoming Mayor of a major city would be good evidence, with equally dumb-as-a-rock Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State becoming governor as confirmation

not to mention Beto becoming a presidential contender
We dont have stupid black politicians?

If one really wants to prove convincingly that "white privilege" exists, someone as stupid as
Seattle's mayor becoming Mayor of a major city would be good evidence, with equally dumb-as-a-rock Governor Jay Inslee of Washington State becoming governor as confirmation

not to mention Beto becoming a presidential contender
We dont have stupid black politicians?

According to basque, this proves black privilege
Drop a MOAB on them.

Just call their mother's on them.
Best post so far!
These 'soy boys' aren't going to last long. In two weeks all of them will have snuck back home to Ellensburg and told their elder hippie parents they were away on a 'retreat' in Colorado.
Then they will start crying about how their 'special diet' isn't working and if only they had a K to spend on "Dr. Jub-Jub' new diet which does not allow anything to be eaten that casts a shadow 'this time' they will 'for sure' put on some weight and then be able to find a job teaching like minded people how to use beet juice to dye T shirts. Then CNN will claim what a bunch of lovable "kids' they were. If only they hadn't left tons and tons of shit and garbage behind them. Full of needles and red licorice wrappers.
Police schmolice....It's an armed occupation...Send in regular Army and rout the grimy little thugs.

That is PRECISELY what the left is hoping for. Most Democrats would gladly sacrifice every negro in CHAZ if it allowed them to say "see , we told you orange man bad he killed innocent protesters"
The percentage of negros in Chaz is in steep decline. Within a week it will look like Beijing.
The negro with the bullhorn are AR will disappear in the night.
Then ship the little shits off to GITMO, until they tell everything they know about the organization.

Nothing like a good and long interrogation won't hurt them. Lol

I wonder if they know anything about what's it like to be waterboarded?
There are dozens of 'Black Sites' all over E. Europe looking for 'Wet Work'. Fly them over there for a good old Romanian holiday.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
I'm kinda surprised that this shit in Seattle hasn't spread to other cities: Portland, SF, Minneapolis for starters. It ain't so much concern for Antifa as for the people who live in the area and didn't ask for this, although I think that some did. Wonder how many rapes, beatings, robberies, and extortion are going on, and how long it will continue. Doesn't sound like the mayor or governor will do jack squat about the situation. But unless reports start to surface about killings and looting/burning, I don't think Trump has reasonable cause to intervene. Yet. And if Antifa puts up a fight, how many dead people will be portrayed as martyrs. Frankly, I don't think it's a good idea to let this situation drag on, cuz other Antifa groups in other cities will be embolden to do the same thing elsewhere. But we don't need a war zone either with a bunch of casualties.

For now, I say let things go as they are until the situation changes. Politically, I think it makes the Dems look bad to the rest of America. At this point the ball is still n Seattle's and Washington state, everyone can get a good look at the consequences of a no-cops area. Somebody is going to have to pay for all this, including the cleanup and it looks like it will be the people who voted for the mayor and the governor. You asked for it, you got it.
The taxpayers of Washington State are on the hook for the cleanup costs. I bet they will be delighted. Not every taxpayer is a fucking raving LIB/Socialist/DEM.
Erect a wall around the piece of shits wall...convert the space they occupy into an Auschwitz style concentration camp and gas them all.
Its peaceful there now, they seem to be taking care by themselves.
The first amendment people seem to be in power.

LefTard Logic:
“Some folks took over my property; they put their own locks on my gates and locked me out but they are being ‘peaceful’ so I’m okay with conceding my property to them.”
Haha...you dumbmotherfuckers can’t get out of your own way.
And then there are the 500 residents stuck inside against their will that the Mayor couldn’t care less about that are now going on the news media saying their rights are being taken away. Welcome to the democrat party.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

- we should do what we would do if right wing militia did the same thing (as they keep threatening to do)
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

- we should do what we would do if right wing militia did the same thing (as they keep threatening to do)
I don't think that right wing militias want anarchy, nor do they want lawlessness like the Left. Why? Because lawlessness and anarchy lead to tyranny.

No, those right wing militias are spot on, arm themselves with the thought in the back of their mind that if and when government crosses a line they cannot stomach, they will fight to the death if need be. All they want is to be left alone, but we all know at some point the government will come for them and when they do they will be ready.
Use the national guard under trumps command to seal off the occupied area and let nothing or no one enter from the outside

and then arrest them as they try to leave
If Trump did anything and people died, he would lose the election.

This isn't on him. Let that shithole city and state deal with their own leftist lunatics. Fuck em.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else? Come on and display those facts with reputable reporting and not bullshit propaganda from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, AmericanThinker or the likes. What a fucking Putz! Be a good little Mockingbird and mindlessly repeat what your minders put in your vacuous head regardless of the facts!

When the Mayor tells the Police Commissioner to reoccupy the East Precinct in Capitol Hill, it will be done and the squatters will move on.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else? Come on and display those facts with reputable reporting and not bullshit propaganda from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, AmericanThinker or the likes. What a fucking Putz! Be a good little Mockingbird and mindlessly repeat what your minders put in your vacuous head regardless of the facts!

When the Mayor tells the Police Commissioner to reoccupy the East Precinct in Capitol Hill, it will be done and the squatters will move on.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else?


Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else? Come on and display those facts with reputable reporting and not bullshit propaganda from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, AmericanThinker or the likes. What a fucking Putz! Be a good little Mockingbird and mindlessly repeat what your minders put in your vacuous head regardless of the facts!

When the Mayor tells the Police Commissioner to reoccupy the East Precinct in Capitol Hill, it will be done and the squatters will move on.
The facts are their mere existence....The bums infesting the streets, the general filth, the insane taxes and regs, the shitty schools, the racial strife that they've claimed to have been fixing -but have actually been fanning- for over fifty years, the outright refusal of any of the leftbats running those shitholes to take any responsibility for anything.....Then there are the riots.

But let's just disregard our own lying eyes and ears, right?
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else? Come on and display those facts with reputable reporting and not bullshit propaganda from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, AmericanThinker or the likes. What a fucking Putz! Be a good little Mockingbird and mindlessly repeat what your minders put in your vacuous head regardless of the facts!

When the Mayor tells the Police Commissioner to reoccupy the East Precinct in Capitol Hill, it will be done and the squatters will move on.
When did you get to decide what is and is not 'reputable' reporting?
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else? Come on and display those facts with reputable reporting and not bullshit propaganda from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, AmericanThinker or the likes. What a fucking Putz! Be a good little Mockingbird and mindlessly repeat what your minders put in your vacuous head regardless of the facts!

When the Mayor tells the Police Commissioner to reoccupy the East Precinct in Capitol Hill, it will be done and the squatters will move on.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else?

View attachment 349767

View attachment 349768
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else?
That's what I asked another, and you spent an hour to copy & paste and sent back to me ass wipe. Your dumb ass just had to chime in with bravado and quote it back to me and present two photos as YOUR LAUGHABLE "PROOF" of what's going on in Seattle's Capitol Hill District. But rather than do any due diligence and get actual pictures of the District which would blow your bullshit out of the water, you put up two fraudulent pix from other locations and in history times. Your first picture on top shows hundreds of people on a broad street around what looks like a large bonfire, with two people in the foreground with Vancouver Canucks fans in sport jerseys after the Canucks lost the Stanly Cup to the Bruins on June 15, 2011! None of this type of wanton destruction is going on in Capitol Hill, asswipe. You're the worst kind of liar Nostra!

The lower photo is a May Day protest in Portland, OR that took place in 2017. Neither of the photos depict what you claim or have a DAMN THING TO DO WITH CAPITOL HILL IN SEATTLE, you fucking fraud! What a useless fucking lump you truly are!

Google Image Result for https://external-preview.redd.it/zMwWEOb1stRCN-PeSv30NLETERMldHfr5vtRy93GG8Y.jpg?auto=webp&s=534bcd7b70eef29a5acf1b48b738846d0796c872
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