Poll on what to do about Antifa taking over Seattle

How should Antifa be handled?

  • The police in Seattle should remove them

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • Trump should send in troops to remove them

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Just let them take over as much of Seattle as they want and ignore them

    Votes: 36 43.9%

  • Total voters
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.
I would have had troops and Abrams tanks in there day one and what riot and revolt there was would have been very short indeed. It would already be a footnote in history as one of the stupidest and one sided revolts in the history of mankind.
We could go Stalin/Ukraine style and starve them out.

The faggots will last less than a week without Vegan food options.
Well, the United States does not have a treaty with this new nation so we have no legal obligations to them and if they want food or water or medicine, they'll have to pay the tariff.

I’m thinking, for every Vegan Pizza we let through, CHAZ has to make us a patchouli scented dream catcher and 5 bars of homemade soap.
I'm thinking a 15% surcharge on any supplies allowed into this new country. Payable in advance.

Tarrif's on all
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

A pundit today named it Antifastan.
Joe Rogan said that when he went to Seattle, the cops just let people beat up each other without doing anything
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
Oh, maybe the fact that they're FUCKING ARMED and carrying openly.....That's all.

Fucking dope.
Oh, maybe the fact that they're FUCKING ARMED and carrying openly.....That's all.
Open Carry is legal in Washington under most conditions. I lived there for 35 years just South of Tacoma/Seattle shit for brains and I've been in the Capitol Hill Dist. frequenting clubs a number of times with friends.

So what you're saying is you have no proof of what you're claiming. That's confirmation that you have no fucking evidence of what you claim and you're just another fucking liar that talks tall shit but shovels it with a bent teaspoon, ya fraud!
Couldn't care less about the carry laws....Fact remains that "CHAZ" is under armed siege by mostly white suburbanite commie wannabees....There are more than enough real pix of these little shitheels on this thread to prove that beyond any doubt.

So go soak your head.
Couldn't care less about the carry laws....Fact remains that "CHAZ" is under armed siege by mostly white suburbanite commie wannabees....There are more than enough real pix of these little shitheels on this thread to prove that beyond any doubt.

So go soak your head.
Hey, you're the dipshit that brought open carry up asshole, 'member sweet cheeks?

If you know Capitol Hill,"...is under armed siege by mostly white suburbanite commie wannabees"...., then prove it asshole! I've already asked you to prove it but you come back with the same bullshit and no fucking evidence. Your just a fucking liar as I said in my last post, and you keep proving it, OddOne!!

Pictures on the internet can be of any event in any country or anywhere in the World, fool!. About 10 days ago I traced one picture of the "riot" in Minneapolis, a nighttime shot back lit by a burning building. It turned out to be a 2012 photo of a riot in London between a group of "Muslims" and the authorities. If valid depictions of actual current events in this country are to be had so easily, then why the fuck can't you post them with their valid source and PROVE YOUR CLAIMS?
Stop picking up their garbage.

What makes you think they'll care?

Have you seen San Francisco?

I'm kinda surprised that this shit in Seattle hasn't spread to other cities: Portland, SF, Minneapolis for starters. It ain't so much concern for Antifa as for the people who live in the area and didn't ask for this, although I think that some did. Wonder how many rapes, beatings, robberies, and extortion are going on, and how long it will continue. Doesn't sound like the mayor or governor will do jack squat about the situation. But unless reports start to surface about killings and looting/burning, I don't think Trump has reasonable cause to intervene. Yet. And if Antifa puts up a fight, how many dead people will be portrayed as martyrs. Frankly, I don't think it's a good idea to let this situation drag on, cuz other Antifa groups in other cities will be embolden to do the same thing elsewhere. But we don't need a war zone either with a bunch of casualties.

For now, I say let things go as they are until the situation changes. Politically, I think it makes the Dems look bad to the rest of America. At this point the ball is still n Seattle's and Washington state, everyone can get a good look at the consequences of a no-cops area. Somebody is going to have to pay for all this, including the cleanup and it looks like it will be the people who voted for the mayor and the governor. You asked for it, you got it.
I'm kinda surprised that this shit in Seattle hasn't spread to other cities: Portland, SF, Minneapolis for starters. It ain't so much concern for Antifa as for the people who live in the area and didn't ask for this, although I think that some did. Wonder how many rapes, beatings, robberies, and extortion are going on, and how long it will continue. Doesn't sound like the mayor or governor will do jack squat about the situation. But unless reports start to surface about killings and looting/burning, I don't think Trump has reasonable cause to intervene. Yet. And if Antifa puts up a fight, how many dead people will be portrayed as martyrs. Frankly, I don't think it's a good idea to let this situation drag on, cuz other Antifa groups in other cities will be embolden to do the same thing elsewhere. But we don't need a war zone either with a bunch of casualties.

For now, I say let things go as they are until the situation changes. Politically, I think it makes the Dems look bad to the rest of America. At this point the ball is still n Seattle's and Washington state, everyone can get a good look at the consequences of a no-cops area. Somebody is going to have to pay for all this, including the cleanup and it looks like it will be the people who voted for the mayor and the governor. You asked for it, you got it.
We have an antifa group near Charlotte that my group is watching they act like these terrorists and they'll never be heard from again.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

How it should be "handled" is up to Seattle and the state of Washington.
You have a real knack for pointing out the obvious.
Joe Rogan said that when he went to Seattle, the cops just let people beat up each other without doing anything
Is this recent, or are you referring to him talking about Seattles "mutual combat law"? Cops will absolutely let you fight if both combatants agree. They will stand to the side and watch.

Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

I'd rather Trump spent him time and effort going after the organizer and financiers of the occupation, ignore the street urchins
I would rather trump learn how to speak in complete sentences.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

They've taken over a six block area...

This isn't a crisis, really. In a few days, they'll have made their point and go home.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

They've taken over a six block area...

This isn't a crisis, really. In a few days, they'll have made their point and go home.
If it works for them, I'll round up my neighbors to blockade our street and declare our neighborhood a "free zone".

I'm tired of paying such high property taxes, and with the insane spending going on now, taxation will soon be extremely oppressive.
If it works for them, I'll round up my neighbors to blockade our street and declare our neighborhood a "free zone".

I'm tired of paying such high property taxes, and with the insane spending going on now, taxation will soon be extremely oppressive.

Yeah, somehow I don't think your neighbors will want to go without public services those taxes pay for.
I'm kinda surprised that this shit in Seattle hasn't spread to other cities: Portland, SF, Minneapolis for starters. It ain't so much concern for Antifa as for the people who live in the area and didn't ask for this, although I think that some did. Wonder how many rapes, beatings, robberies, and extortion are going on, and how long it will continue. Doesn't sound like the mayor or governor will do jack squat about the situation. But unless reports start to surface about killings and looting/burning, I don't think Trump has reasonable cause to intervene. Yet. And if Antifa puts up a fight, how many dead people will be portrayed as martyrs. Frankly, I don't think it's a good idea to let this situation drag on, cuz other Antifa groups in other cities will be embolden to do the same thing elsewhere. But we don't need a war zone either with a bunch of casualties.

For now, I say let things go as they are until the situation changes. Politically, I think it makes the Dems look bad to the rest of America. At this point the ball is still n Seattle's and Washington state, everyone can get a good look at the consequences of a no-cops area. Somebody is going to have to pay for all this, including the cleanup and it looks like it will be the people who voted for the mayor and the governor. You asked for it, you got it.

We won't know until November.
We won't know until November.

After November, you guys will all be pretending you never supported Trump and he wasn't a real conservative, anyway.

You've never been correct, ErroneousJoe.....and I've always said the same thing: I support policies, not personalities.

That's why only your side claimed this about your candidate:
You anointed him as god, Jesus and the messiah, and promised that his election "was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth"

You guys actually anointed yourselves as simple-minded, huh?
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