Poll on what to do about Antifa taking over Seattle

How should Antifa be handled?

  • The police in Seattle should remove them

    Votes: 32 39.0%
  • Trump should send in troops to remove them

    Votes: 14 17.1%
  • Just let them take over as much of Seattle as they want and ignore them

    Votes: 36 43.9%

  • Total voters
When did you get to decide what is and is not 'reputable' reporting?
I got that right at birth being born in the United States of America. When a news source, outlet or whatever fails to communicate unfailing truth to power, it becomes disreputable. That is fundamental and the sum total of my previous thoughts written here are not controlled by any tribe, cabal, or self appointed thought police on the internet, you fucking pompous ass! Just when did you assume the power to question OR stifle anyone's thoughts or speech ass wipe?
You've never been correct, ErroneousJoe.....and I've always said the same thing: I support policies, not personalities.

That's why only your side claimed this about your candidate:
You anointed him as god, Jesus and the messiah, and promised that his election "was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth"

Wow, Happy Ending, is there some kind of weird reflex where you can't really defend what Trump has done, so you need to whine about a speech Obama made 12 years ago?

I mean, seriously.

The thing was, maybe the oceans didn't stop rising, but things really got better for most of us between 2008 and 2016.
You've never been correct, ErroneousJoe.....and I've always said the same thing: I support policies, not personalities.

That's why only your side claimed this about your candidate:
You anointed him as god, Jesus and the messiah, and promised that his election "was the moment when the rise of the oceans began to slow and our planet began to heal; this was the moment when we ended a war and secured our nation and restored our image as the last, best hope on Earth"

Wow, Happy Ending, is there some kind of weird reflex where you can't really defend what Trump has done, so you need to whine about a speech Obama made 12 years ago?

I mean, seriously.

The thing was, maybe the oceans didn't stop rising, but things really got better for most of us between 2008 and 2016.

Learn how to speak to your betters.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

We should send the looters and rioters in Seattle gasoline and matches.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else? Come on and display those facts with reputable reporting and not bullshit propaganda from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, AmericanThinker or the likes. What a fucking Putz! Be a good little Mockingbird and mindlessly repeat what your minders put in your vacuous head regardless of the facts!

When the Mayor tells the Police Commissioner to reoccupy the East Precinct in Capitol Hill, it will be done and the squatters will move on.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else?

View attachment 349767

View attachment 349768
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else?
That's what I asked another, and you spent an hour to copy & paste and sent back to me ass wipe. Your dumb ass just had to chime in with bravado and quote it back to me and present two photos as YOUR LAUGHABLE "PROOF" of what's going on in Seattle's Capitol Hill District. But rather than do any due diligence and get actual pictures of the District which would blow your bullshit out of the water, you put up two fraudulent pix from other locations and in history times. Your first picture on top shows hundreds of people on a broad street around what looks like a large bonfire, with two people in the foreground with Vancouver Canucks fans in sport jerseys after the Canucks lost the Stanly Cup to the Bruins on June 15, 2011! None of this type of wanton destruction is going on in Capitol Hill, asswipe. You're the worst kind of liar Nostra!

The lower photo is a May Day protest in Portland, OR that took place in 2017. Neither of the photos depict what you claim or have a DAMN THING TO DO WITH CAPITOL HILL IN SEATTLE, you fucking fraud! What a useless fucking lump you truly are!

Google Image Result for https://external-preview.redd.it/zMwWEOb1stRCN-PeSv30NLETERMldHfr5vtRy93GG8Y.jpg?auto=webp&s=534bcd7b70eef29a5acf1b48b738846d0796c872
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Fake news, Soy Boi.
I'm a libertarian. I voted to let them continue. But I won't be ignoring them. I will be watching them to see how it goes.

If the people of Seattle don't like what's going on, they can vote out the mayor (who supports the takeover) in the next mayoral election.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Where is your concrete evidence that ANY "enemy combatants" and/or a "hostile quasi-military force" are involved on that little area on Capitol Hill? You're letting your fingers overload your ass with that Bullshit! Further, Darkwind is correct. Trump has and will not have authority in the Capitol Hill District of Seattle! Trump is more full of shit than you are!
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
The wonderful part is Trump KNOWS the longer these DEM assholes destroy Seattle the more votes he is going to get from Indies.
Let them show the world what being a DEM looks like.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else? Come on and display those facts with reputable reporting and not bullshit propaganda from GatewayPundit, Breitbart, AmericanThinker or the likes. What a fucking Putz! Be a good little Mockingbird and mindlessly repeat what your minders put in your vacuous head regardless of the facts!

When the Mayor tells the Police Commissioner to reoccupy the East Precinct in Capitol Hill, it will be done and the squatters will move on.
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else?

View attachment 349767

View attachment 349768
Where are the facts detailing the "destruction" of Seattle by "Dem assholes" or anyone else?
That's what I asked another, and you spent an hour to copy & paste and sent back to me ass wipe. Your dumb ass just had to chime in with bravado and quote it back to me and present two photos as YOUR LAUGHABLE "PROOF" of what's going on in Seattle's Capitol Hill District. But rather than do any due diligence and get actual pictures of the District which would blow your bullshit out of the water, you put up two fraudulent pix from other locations and in history times. Your first picture on top shows hundreds of people on a broad street around what looks like a large bonfire, with two people in the foreground with Vancouver Canucks fans in sport jerseys after the Canucks lost the Stanly Cup to the Bruins on June 15, 2011! None of this type of wanton destruction is going on in Capitol Hill, asswipe. You're the worst kind of liar Nostra!

The lower photo is a May Day protest in Portland, OR that took place in 2017. Neither of the photos depict what you claim or have a DAMN THING TO DO WITH CAPITOL HILL IN SEATTLE, you fucking fraud! What a useless fucking lump you truly are!

Google Image Result for https://external-preview.redd.it/zMwWEOb1stRCN-PeSv30NLETERMldHfr5vtRy93GG8Y.jpg?auto=webp&s=534bcd7b70eef29a5acf1b48b738846d0796c872
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~~ Click the link in another header to view photo source and details ~~
Fake news, Soy Boi.
Fake news, Soy Boi.
Your lies trying to pass off those two photos as pixs of the current Seattle Capitol Hill District when in fact they were shots of a riot in Vancouver, Canada 11 years ago and the other was a somewhat minor standoff of far Left Wingers in Portland, OR on Mayday 3 years ago is bald face lying. You've doubled down on that lie now, which makes you out to be more than just an ignorant piece of shit. You're now a worthless lying lowlife who no one should trust. You're a fucking lying pig.
I'm a libertarian. I voted to let them continue. But I won't be ignoring them. I will be watching them to see how it goes.

If the people of Seattle don't like what's going on, they can vote out the mayor (who supports the takeover) in the next mayoral election.
If you're a libertarian, then you'd be at least partially, in principle, against eminent domain.

What the grimy little Pantifa commies have done goes so far beyond eminent domain as to be literally criminal.
I'm a libertarian. I voted to let them continue. But I won't be ignoring them. I will be watching them to see how it goes.

If the people of Seattle don't like what's going on, they can vote out the mayor (who supports the takeover) in the next mayoral election.
If you're a libertarian, then you'd be at least partially, in principle, against eminent domain.

What the grimy little Pantifa commies have done goes so far beyond eminent domain as to be literally criminal.

Yes, I am against eminent domain.

I'm not aware of them taking over any privately owned homes or businesses. As far as I can tell, their actions have been limited to government owned property.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.

Ignore them! Totally. Let them serve as an example of Marxist leadership. They built a wall, they check ID's they will confiscate stuff.

Do nothing

Well it is a test.

What they want most if for "the pigs", as they call them, move in an have just one person die for the media.

On the other hand, doing nothing empowers them to take more and more of the city and in every city.
They tried in Tennessee, they weren’t having it. But they’re running low on cigs and food over in CHAZ so if anyone wants to run over there and give them some...

The CHAZ is a fucking joke. There is ZERO about it that is autonomous. Yeah rip on capitalism while your taking in the food, cigs, solar panel phone chargers, phones,musical instruments, barricades, bottled water, etc. all on the back of capitalism. Great job antifa. They couldn’t figure out how to produce food if the Amish gave them a year long lesson on how to do so. Those motherfuckin Amish are the true autonomous zones.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.
Hell, if the people there chose to elect Democrats, that's their problem...

Let Antifa take over the entire city and secede from the US...

Then build a wall around it, and sanction them (NO IMPORTS OR EXPORTS)!!!
You wouldn’t have to sanction them. They’re not going to be able to produce a THING. They’re not going to have any money. What on earth do they think they’re going to use as trade? Are they going to come up with terrible chants for the rest of the world to use and try to trade those?

Let them have their zone. Let them be their own country. It’s going to be a hoot to watch it collapse.
Trump has no authority to do anything with regard to unrest in Seattle.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.

"CHAZ" isn't a protest, it's an armed occupation by a hostile quasi-military force....Pantifa are enemy combatants.
Pound sand up you ass, commie moonbat.
So Antifa has taken over streets in Seattle declaring them liberated zones and blocking any entrance into those areas of town.

So how should this be handled?

Don't be surprised if you have heard about this. The press..............well................ya know.
Should be handled the same way the SLA were handled.

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