Poll. Please Vote. Did You Have a Mother & Father in Your Life?

Did you have regular contact with both a mother and father in life & think it was important?

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a democrat) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a democrat) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a moderate/independent) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (I'm a republican) Yes. But no it was not important to me

  • (I'm a republican) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (I'm a republican) No. And no, it didn't bother me

  • (Other) Yes. And yes it was important to me

  • (Other) Yes. But not it was not important to me

  • (Other) No. But yes I longed for contact with both of them

  • (Other) No. And no, it didn't bother me

Results are only viewable after voting.
Again, marriage doesn't define the gender of one's parents.

It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

Again, marriage doesn't define the gender of one's parents.

It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is?

Yup. We created marriage, we define it. It changes as our needs change. At certain times it included multiple women and one man. Other times, it didn't include interracial couples. At other times, women were considered property in marriage.

And now it includes one man and one woman in an equal partnership. Or one man and one man in an equal partnership. Or one woman and one woman in an equal partnership.

You disagree. Um, so? You don't define marriage. We do.

Nature defines marriage. We can lie about it to ourselves, like you are, now.

Again, marriage doesn't define the gender of one's parents.

It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.


Laughing.....you claim to be the definitive arbiter of reality, the meaning of words, the dictionary and now *nature*?

Um, no Mark. You're none of those things. Your subjective opinion doesn't define the laws of 'nature' anymore than it does the meaning of marriage or 'reality'. Its still just your opinion. Which defines nothing objectively.

You can't get around that.
I feel so sorry for these poor children nowadays...with 2 moms or three dads ....you know

Had that been my case...I would have turned into a serial killer.....

God bless these poor people...what a life.
How do we know you are not a serial killer now.
Again, marriage doesn't define the gender of one's parents.

It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is?

Yup. We created marriage, we define it. It changes as our needs change. At certain times it included multiple women and one man. Other times, it didn't include interracial couples. At other times, women were considered property in marriage.

And now it includes one man and one woman in an equal partnership. Or one man and one man in an equal partnership. Or one woman and one woman in an equal partnership.

You disagree. Um, so? You don't define marriage. We do.

Nature defines marriage. We can lie about it to ourselves, like you are, now.


Says who? There's you, making shit up and pretending to speak for nature. And.......

Nope, its just you. And you're nobody. Sorry, Mark...but your argument keeps breaking in the exact same place: your subjective opinions don't define objective reality.

Laughing....there isn't even marriage outside of human societies. We invented it. Not 'nature'. And it is whatever we decide it is. As its our invention created for our benefit. With its definition changing as our needs change.

But tell us again how 'definitions do not change'. Its adorable.
I had both parents. They did not divorce and the strife was terrible. I prayed for them to divorce.
My, my, you seem upset.
Smiling....is that your way of telling us that you did in fact take the position that definitions do not change? Deny it again, I'll just quote you again.

If even you are going to treat your positions like meaningless garbage to be tossed on the rhetorical midden heap, surely you'll understand why we treat your positions the same way.

Like I said before, the law or the dictionary do not define reality. I can legally change the name of a rose to broccoli, but it will always and forever be a rose.

The only thing you've offered us in 'defining reality' is your subjective opinion. Sorry, Zephy...but subjective is not objective. And you don't define the meaning of marriage.

We do.

You're offering you citing yourself vs. the dictionary on the meaning of words. You lose.

You're offering you citing yourself vs. the law on legal definitions. You lose.

It is quite impossible for me to lose. Reality does not change because the law says it does.

Except that you already did. As the only thing you've offered to define 'reality'....is your subjective opinion.

And you're nobody.

Is you citing your subjective opinion as defining objective reality all you have? If so.....that was easy.

Sorry, I am rational enough to understand "newspeak". And I reject it because it is not reality.


Sorry, Mark. But your'e wildly irrational. As you still think that your subjective opinion defines objective reality.

Contrary to your hapless claims, definitions do change. All the time. The law changes. All the time. And your refusal to acknowledge either really has no relevance to the meaning of words or legal definitions. As subjective isn't objective.

See how that works?

You can call an elephant an ant. Make it legal and everything. And my subjective bleating will have no affect on the legal definition.

Of course, we both know it changes nothing.

Smiling....is that your way of telling us that you did in fact take the position that definitions do not change? Deny it again, I'll just quote you again.

If even you are going to treat your positions like meaningless garbage to be tossed on the rhetorical midden heap, surely you'll understand why we treat your positions the same way.

The only thing you've offered us in 'defining reality' is your subjective opinion. Sorry, Zephy...but subjective is not objective. And you don't define the meaning of marriage.

We do.

You're offering you citing yourself vs. the dictionary on the meaning of words. You lose.

You're offering you citing yourself vs. the law on legal definitions. You lose.

It is quite impossible for me to lose. Reality does not change because the law says it does.

Except that you already did. As the only thing you've offered to define 'reality'....is your subjective opinion.

And you're nobody.

Is you citing your subjective opinion as defining objective reality all you have? If so.....that was easy.

Sorry, I am rational enough to understand "newspeak". And I reject it because it is not reality.


Sorry, Mark. But your'e wildly irrational. As you still think that your subjective opinion defines objective reality.

Contrary to your hapless claims, definitions do change. All the time. The law changes. All the time. And your refusal to acknowledge either really has no relevance to the meaning of words or legal definitions. As subjective isn't objective.

See how that works?

You can call an elephant an ant. Make it legal and everything. And my subjective bleating will have no affect on the legal definition.

Of course, we both know it changes nothing.


You can call whatever you want whatever you like. Your subjective opinion still doesn't define objective reality. And you citing yourself is all you have.

Meanwhile, marriage is whatever we agree it is. We invented the institution. We invented the word. We invented the laws surrounding them. And each is whatever we decide it is.

You're functionally irrelevant to this entire process. As we make these decisions. Not you.
Again, marriage doesn't define the gender of one's parents.

It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

Im glad I don't live in a society that condolns those things but I don't like gay people having to live in the closet. They are who they are. Like Peter Griffin said I like my beer cold and my homos flaming.

Sorry, the homosexual is one of many reasons I determined Christianity is just another ancient religion written by homophobic men.
Smiling....is that your way of telling us that you did in fact take the position that definitions do not change? Deny it again, I'll just quote you again.

If even you are going to treat your positions like meaningless garbage to be tossed on the rhetorical midden heap, surely you'll understand why we treat your positions the same way.

The only thing you've offered us in 'defining reality' is your subjective opinion. Sorry, Zephy...but subjective is not objective. And you don't define the meaning of marriage.

We do.

You're offering you citing yourself vs. the dictionary on the meaning of words. You lose.

You're offering you citing yourself vs. the law on legal definitions. You lose.

It is quite impossible for me to lose. Reality does not change because the law says it does.

Except that you already did. As the only thing you've offered to define 'reality'....is your subjective opinion.

And you're nobody.

Is you citing your subjective opinion as defining objective reality all you have? If so.....that was easy.

Sorry, I am rational enough to understand "newspeak". And I reject it because it is not reality.


Sorry, Mark. But your'e wildly irrational. As you still think that your subjective opinion defines objective reality.

Contrary to your hapless claims, definitions do change. All the time. The law changes. All the time. And your refusal to acknowledge either really has no relevance to the meaning of words or legal definitions. As subjective isn't objective.

See how that works?

You can call an elephant an ant. Make it legal and everything. And my subjective bleating will have no affect on the legal definition.

Of course, we both know it changes nothing.

The definition itself will change. That's everything.

No one in 200 years will care what you or Jesus said
It is quite impossible for me to lose. Reality does not change because the law says it does.

Except that you already did. As the only thing you've offered to define 'reality'....is your subjective opinion.

And you're nobody.

Is you citing your subjective opinion as defining objective reality all you have? If so.....that was easy.

Sorry, I am rational enough to understand "newspeak". And I reject it because it is not reality.


Sorry, Mark. But your'e wildly irrational. As you still think that your subjective opinion defines objective reality.

Contrary to your hapless claims, definitions do change. All the time. The law changes. All the time. And your refusal to acknowledge either really has no relevance to the meaning of words or legal definitions. As subjective isn't objective.

See how that works?

You can call an elephant an ant. Make it legal and everything. And my subjective bleating will have no affect on the legal definition.

Of course, we both know it changes nothing.

The definition itself will change. That's everything.

No one in 200 years will care what you or Jesus said

You don't need 200 years for the former. That's already happened.
It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

Im glad I don't live in a society that condolns those things but I don't like gay people having to live in the closet. They are who they are. Like Peter Griffin said I like my beer cold and my homos flaming.

Sorry, the homosexual is one of many reasons I determined Christianity is just another ancient religion written by homophobic men.

Religion has nothing to do with nature. If I start using religion, you have permission to stop me.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

Im glad I don't live in a society that condolns those things but I don't like gay people having to live in the closet. They are who they are. Like Peter Griffin said I like my beer cold and my homos flaming.

Sorry, the homosexual is one of many reasons I determined Christianity is just another ancient religion written by homophobic men.

Religion has nothing to do with nature. If I start using religion, you have permission to stop me.


You don't speak for nature, Mark. Nor is marriage bound to your conceptions of nature.

Remember, you're nobody. Your subjective opinion has no relevance to anything we're discussing. Not the meaning of marriage, not the meaning of words, not the meaning of the laws.

We decide all those things. You decide none of it. Get used to the idea.
It is quite impossible for me to lose. Reality does not change because the law says it does.

Except that you already did. As the only thing you've offered to define 'reality'....is your subjective opinion.

And you're nobody.

Is you citing your subjective opinion as defining objective reality all you have? If so.....that was easy.

Sorry, I am rational enough to understand "newspeak". And I reject it because it is not reality.


Sorry, Mark. But your'e wildly irrational. As you still think that your subjective opinion defines objective reality.

Contrary to your hapless claims, definitions do change. All the time. The law changes. All the time. And your refusal to acknowledge either really has no relevance to the meaning of words or legal definitions. As subjective isn't objective.

See how that works?

You can call an elephant an ant. Make it legal and everything. And my subjective bleating will have no affect on the legal definition.

Of course, we both know it changes nothing.

The definition itself will change. That's everything.

No one in 200 years will care what you or Jesus said

Lol. I swear that when Orwell wrote 1984, he had a picture of you on his desk for inspiration.

The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.

George Orwell

Read more at: George Orwell Quotes at BrainyQuote
Except that you already did. As the only thing you've offered to define 'reality'....is your subjective opinion.

And you're nobody.

Is you citing your subjective opinion as defining objective reality all you have? If so.....that was easy.

Sorry, I am rational enough to understand "newspeak". And I reject it because it is not reality.


Sorry, Mark. But your'e wildly irrational. As you still think that your subjective opinion defines objective reality.

Contrary to your hapless claims, definitions do change. All the time. The law changes. All the time. And your refusal to acknowledge either really has no relevance to the meaning of words or legal definitions. As subjective isn't objective.

See how that works?

You can call an elephant an ant. Make it legal and everything. And my subjective bleating will have no affect on the legal definition.

Of course, we both know it changes nothing.

The definition itself will change. That's everything.

No one in 200 years will care what you or Jesus said

Lol. I swear that when Orwell wrote 1984, he had a picture of you on his desk for inspiration.

The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.

George Orwell

Read more at: George Orwell Quotes at BrainyQuote

Or.....your subjective opinion doesn't define objective reality.

One of the two.
Again, marriage doesn't define the gender of one's parents.

It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

No. So what? There have always been gays. If there's a god he made them. No reason to hide who you are. Who are you to judge? How they hurting you?
Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

Im glad I don't live in a society that condolns those things but I don't like gay people having to live in the closet. They are who they are. Like Peter Griffin said I like my beer cold and my homos flaming.

Sorry, the homosexual is one of many reasons I determined Christianity is just another ancient religion written by homophobic men.

Religion has nothing to do with nature. If I start using religion, you have permission to stop me.


You don't speak for nature, Mark. Nor is marriage bound to your conceptions of nature.

Remember, you're nobody. Your subjective opinion has no relevance to anything we're discussing. Not the meaning of marriage, not the meaning of words, not the meaning of the laws.

We decide all those things. You decide none of it. Get used to the idea.

Who is this "we" you keep referring to? It wasn't to long ago that "you" are where I am, being dictated to. The only difference is, that my stance was rational. Your side will also determine that Jenner is a woman. They are already.

Sorry, just because you are now in a position of power doesn't make your assertion any more sensible

Sorry, I am rational enough to understand "newspeak". And I reject it because it is not reality.


Sorry, Mark. But your'e wildly irrational. As you still think that your subjective opinion defines objective reality.

Contrary to your hapless claims, definitions do change. All the time. The law changes. All the time. And your refusal to acknowledge either really has no relevance to the meaning of words or legal definitions. As subjective isn't objective.

See how that works?

You can call an elephant an ant. Make it legal and everything. And my subjective bleating will have no affect on the legal definition.

Of course, we both know it changes nothing.

The definition itself will change. That's everything.

No one in 200 years will care what you or Jesus said

Lol. I swear that when Orwell wrote 1984, he had a picture of you on his desk for inspiration.

The very concept of objective truth is fading out of the world. Lies will pass into history.

George Orwell

Read more at: George Orwell Quotes at BrainyQuote

Or.....your subjective opinion doesn't define objective reality.

One of the two.

Reality is not subject to my opinion. It is what it is.

It doesn't have to. Biology does that. It takes both a man and a woman—a father and a mother—to produce a child.

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Marriage reflects this immutable biological fact, and the needs of society and of children with regard to the responsibility of fathers and mothers for their children and to each other.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

No. So what? There have always been gays. If there's a god he made them. No reason to hide who you are. Who are you to judge? How they hurting you?

Any action in society affects all of society. Hurting me is not the question. And if God made gays, he also made murderers, thieves, and liars. Who am I to judge them?

And as adoption demonstrates, the ability to concieve a child isn't what makes you that child's parents. A lesson reaffirmed when one parent is infertile....and they have kids by other means.

Unless you're going to argue that adoptive parents aren't parents....your argument is already DOA.

Except that it doesn't. No marriage requires children or is predicated on them. And if you do have kids, there's no requirement that they be genetically related to you in order to be their parents.

Marriage is whatever say it is. As we invented it.

Marriage is what we say it is? In reality then, EVERYTHING is what we say it is. The only law against murder is because we "say" that it is illegal and the killer will be punished. Everything we do is because it is "what we say it is" All of morality, all of what is right or wrong is a human construct.

Orwell has your kind down pat.

War is peace. Freedom is slavery. Ignorance is strength.

George Orwell

We humans do make the rules.

Yes, we do, but not all the time. The laws of nature don't change. Would you be happy if murder or pedophilia was legalized? Do you feel it would be a help or a hindrance to the human condition.

Im glad I don't live in a society that condolns those things but I don't like gay people having to live in the closet. They are who they are. Like Peter Griffin said I like my beer cold and my homos flaming.

Sorry, the homosexual is one of many reasons I determined Christianity is just another ancient religion written by homophobic men.

Religion has nothing to do with nature. If I start using religion, you have permission to stop me.

We used to think no other animals were gay but now we know it is natural. Rare but natural none the less.

And we are the most evolved animal. It doesn't matter if a more primitive animal is gay. If some of us are so what?

You would think gays would have gone extinct because they can't pass on the gay gene. Lol. The truth is do you know who gives birth to gay kids? Hetero parents. I guess exposure to straight couples doesn't necessarily make a kid straight

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