POLL: Republicans Oppose Paul Ryan’s Proposed Changes To Medicare

Apparently you drink the Koolaid, too.

Obamacare is technically dead since it no longer has a source of funding after the USSC ruling. Unless you're delusional enough to believe this "tax" on individuals who choose not to buy insurance will be sufficient to cover the cost.

Medicaid? How many states have dropped out and how many more will? Who's going to pick up the cost? Obama? Or do they remain uninsured?

Preventive care? How long do you think doctors are even going to accept Medicare patients under Obamacare [after he reduces their payments] in order to provide them something for FREE?
Big government repubs oppose changes....

I thought you had some news..........................
NYC - the proof of what I said can be found.....

by reading Ryan's plan. It's on paper.

Can you provide proof that Medicare will be broke by 2016 if Obamacare is repealed?

Can Stephanie Cutter provide numbers and not just spin?
Obamacare is technically dead since it no longer has a source of funding after the USSC ruling.

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37OWL7AzvHo]Dr. Evil "Riiiiight" - YouTube[/ame]

Medicaid? How many states have dropped out and how many more will?

No state has every dropped out of Medicaid. Likely none ever will. Analyses conducted a few years ago in states like Wyoming and Texas confirmed that it isn't in their financial interest to withdraw from the program.

Preventive care? How long do you think doctors are even going to accept Medicare patients under Obamacare [after he reduces their payments] in order to provide them something for FREE?

Physician payments aren't governed by Obamacare.

Choosing not to expand to cover the new childless adults category is not the same as "dropping out" of Medicaid. No state is dropping out of the program, nor may coverage for anyone who's already eligible for Medicaid be dropped.

Physician payments aren't governed by Obamacare?

No. Payments to physicians are governed by a formula established in the Balance Budget Act of 1997: Medicare Sustainable Growth Rate - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

If you're getting preventive care from you family doc, that's covered under physician services. Obamacare's tinkering with Medicare reimbursements happens in hospital services.
Apparently you drink the Koolaid, too.

Obamacare is technically dead since it no longer has a source of funding after the USSC ruling. Unless you're delusional enough to believe this "tax" on individuals who choose not to buy insurance will be sufficient to cover the cost.

Medicaid? How many states have dropped out and how many more will? Who's going to pick up the cost? Obama? Or do they remain uninsured?

Preventive care? How long do you think doctors are even going to accept Medicare patients under Obamacare [after he reduces their payments] in order to provide them something for FREE?

Just address ONE ISSUE:

How does the Romney/Ryan plan keep Medicare solvent past 2016?

That is the projected insolvency date once Obamacare is repealed.

List the specific actions Romney/Ryan takes to keep Medicare solvent past 2016.
NYC - the proof of what I said can be found.....

by reading Ryan's plan. It's on paper.

Can you provide proof that Medicare will be broke by 2016 if Obamacare is repealed?

Can Stephanie Cutter provide numbers and not just spin?

The proof of what I said can be found.

If you don't want to debate this issue like an adult don't respond to my posts.
Like I said----if you wish to parse words

to avoid admitting the truth, be my guest.
Do you know how Medicare is funded?

I do.

And after you find the answer, we will both be prepared to have your "debate" about your alleged bankruptcy by 2016 "talking point."

You might also want to refresh your memory and realize that it was YOU who responded to MY post - not the other way around :)
So now that Romney and Ryan don't plan to save any money on Medicare for at least ten years,

why were they and the rest of the chorus going on and on about how urgent it was to reform Medicare?????????????????
You might want to consider another perhaps overlooked consequence of privatizing Medicare,

giving it over to the for-profit insurance companies:

Seniors will get a voucher.

The voucher will come out of tax revenues.

As the cost of healthcare continues to skyrocket, and as the insurance companies demand higher and higher premiums to cover the requirements of Medicare (and of course make their profit) the voucher value becomes less and less able to pay for the insurance and seniors have to pay more and more out-of-pocket,

BUT, and here's the consequence,

as that happens POLITICAL pressure will also skyrocket, and that political pressure will be to repeatedly increase the amount of the voucher - out of tax revenues -

and politicians, bowing to that clamor, will in fact comply, and all the savings you once thought were going to magically occur will evaporate,

and the voucher program will be just one more version of a government spending program sucking up billions and billions every year.

And don't think the private insurance industry doesn't know this...

Here's a thought.....

ACA doesn't get repealed but Medicare gets overhauled.

What role does private insurance play then?
How does the Romney/Ryan plan keep Medicare solvent past 2016?

An excellent question.

Made better for the fact that no Romney/Ryan supporters will even attempt to substantively answer it.

I don't think it's quite sunken in for most of them yet that Romney's Medicare reforms don't kick in until 7 years after the Medicare trust fund becomes insolvent in his proposal. And all because he consciously decides to move up the date of insolvency.

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