Poll: Should the New York City police union be terminated?

Poll: Should the New York City police union be terminated?

  • Yes

    Votes: 3 9.7%
  • No

    Votes: 28 90.3%

  • Total voters
If my boss told everyone that I could not be trusted to do my job, I would show him the same lack of respect that he showed me.
Vote with your feet then. I'd fire your ass in heartbeat.

Dude, you are a minimum-wage fry cook experiencing delusions of adequacy. You cannot fire anyone.
I can fire everyone who works for me. It's the real Golden Rule, he who has the gold makes the rules.

Dude, nobody works for you. Now back to work, boy--the fries are going to be overcooked!
You live your life as a lie so believe as you like and carry on.

Are you posting stoned AGAIN, boy?
Why should cops have union protection and teachers not have union protection?
They shouldnt. No one should have union protection. Just like no one should have mafia protection.

Fine, so we agree that cops should not have union protection. So, how did you vote in the thread poll?
I didnt. The question is asinine.

You didn't? Sooo, you must think cops should have union protection. Where's your spine?
Why should cops have union protection and teachers not have union protection?
They shouldnt. No one should have union protection. Just like no one should have mafia protection.

Fine, so we agree that cops should not have union protection. So, how did you vote in the thread poll?
I didnt. The question is asinine.

You didn't? Sooo, you must think cops should have union protection. Where's your spine?
Stoned again? I answered the question. Your question is asinine. My position is clear.
Cops should be the least deserving of all public servants to have union protection. Protecting bad teachers is one thing - but protecting bad cops is quite another.
Hey lakota. you support criminals and thugs. I bet if someone broke into your home, you'd just run like a little bitch and not call the evil police.

You're dead wrong on this issue.

So, you support police unions? What about teachers and government employees?
Who really thinks that being in a union had anything to do with the cops turning their backs on the mayor? The police felt betrayed by the mayor, that's why they turned their backs. It doesn't take Union membership to do that.
Who really thinks that being in a union had anything to do with the cops turning their backs on the mayor? The police felt betrayed by the mayor, that's why they turned their backs. It doesn't take Union membership to do that.

What legitimate reason did the cops have for turning their back on the Mayor? In what way did the Mayor not support them?
Quite simply put, blaming today's skirmishes between police and criminals on the police is ludicrous. Non of the statistics regarding crime and race will point a finger at the police.

The culture within predominantly black communities creates the crime. The high percentage of blacks among those incarcerated is a direct result of their own culture. It is time to stop calling out the police for doing their jobs. Without the police, anarchy would prevail in all large communities, especially within those that have strong gun "control" laws on the books.

The continuous shortage of responsibility among black males drives too many black children, male and female, into a life savaged by their own irresponsibility. Youngsters emulate their parents until they are old enough to "hang with the gang" and do as they please. It is no wonder that jails and prisons are highly populated with black criminals. It is no wonder that black on black crime is exponential by comparison. It is no wonder that black females have bastard child after bastard child to increase the welfare check.

Blaming the police for this situation is nothing short of idiocy.
Who really thinks that being in a union had anything to do with the cops turning their backs on the mayor? The police felt betrayed by the mayor, that's why they turned their backs. It doesn't take Union membership to do that.

What legitimate reason did the cops have for turning their back on the Mayor? In what way did the Mayor not support them?

He was divisive in his generalizations highlighting negative portrayals of the police. The force clearly saw the potential for the fatal backlash, which is why they proactively stated that they didn't want someone attending their funerals who would promote such stirring of the pot...their fears came to pass, and their silent protest against him is not surprising, nor is it disrespectful.

'Blood on Many Hands': Police union president slams De Blasio after cops' killing

Patrick Lynch, head of the Patrolmen's Benevolent Association, should stop saying the Mayor has "blood on his hands".

The Mayor didn't kill Eric Garner.
Bottom line, the police have freedom of speech like any US citizen.
So, cops, teachers, and government employees should all have union protection? Is that what I'm hearing...?

So you want to "ban" a union simply because some of it's members TURNED THEIR BACKS ON SOMEONE THEY FELT SLIGHTED BY? No violence...not even a verbal assault...simply a group making their feelings known by turning their backs on a Mayor?

Bill de Blasio is an idiot...and so are you, Lakhota!

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