Poll:Stunning Per Cent of Voters Don't Think Biden is Legit President

Less than 50% accept him as president. In any event, the media projections are irrelevant. The final word will come from either the state certifications in December or from the courts after that.
If Biden did get elected legit, then FIVE historical trends have been totally destroyed if so.

1. 10 Million More Votes
Not since President Grover Cleveland’s re-election campaign in 1888 has a sitting president won more votes the second time around and still lost, which is one reason he successfully ran again four years later. To put this in perspective, Obama lost 5 million votes between his 2008 and 2012 elections. He is the only president to have lost voters and still won re-election.
By comparison, Trump not only added about 10 million votes to his 2016 haul but also shattered the record for most votes received by a sitting president.....
2. 56 Percent of Americans Better Off Than in 2016
This is a huge number. According to Gallup, only 32 percent of Americans say they aren’t better off since Trump was inaugurated. No sitting president has lost re-election when more than half of the country is doing better than before the incumbent entered office.....
3. Nearly 30 Percent Enthusiasm Gap Favoring Trump
In June, during the middle of the pandemic, pollster Scott Rasmussen was blown away by the enthusiasm gap between Trump and Biden voters. He wrote in amazement: “Wow! 76 percent of Trump voters are enthusiastic about their candidate compared to just 49 percent of Biden voters.”
This enthusiasm gap, measured consistently as somewhere between 15 and 30 percent, was picked up by many pollsters. Richard Baris, the director of Big Data Poll, told the New York Post in mid-October that enthusiasm for Trump “is historically high,” while “Biden’s enthusiasm level is historically low.”...
4. More People Thought Neighbors Were Voting for Trump
Just as in 2016, polling this election cycle proved decisively wrong. Republicans in the House, Senate, and state legislatures across the country all out-performed polling estimates. Pollsters consistently predicted a Biden blowout, but instead, the race is one of the closest in American history.
Pollsters have partially excused their efforts by pointing to a “shy Trump voter” error in the polls that failed to capture the president’s true support. To get around this problem, some pollsters asked respondents to name the candidate for whom they believed their neighbors would likely vote, hoping to elicit more candid voting intentions....
5. Trump Still Has 53 Percent Approval
Just 12 days before the election, Trump’s approval rating popped over 50 percent and has held steady since that time. As Gallup noted, “[A]ll incumbents with an approval rating of 50 percent or higher have won re-election, and presidents with approval ratings much lower than 50 percent have lost.” Rasmussen and Zogby both had Trump hitting that “holy grail” approval number tied to certain re-election.
On the day before the election, Rasmussen had Trump at 52 percent approval. At the same point in his presidency, and before his own re-election, Obama had 50 percent. As of Nov. 11, Rasmussen shows 53 percent of the country approves of Trump, compared to 46 percent who disapprove. No incumbent president has ever lost re-election with numbers such as these.

Republicans need to fight this thing and revoke these phony election results with state legislature action, replacing the election results as tainted beyond recovery and send a pro-Trump slate as they have the authority to do.

Less than 50% accept him as president. In any event, the media projections are irrelevant. The final word will come from either the state certifications in December or from the courts after that.
Biden is a fraud and a laughingstock.

That is true. Also true that he beat Donald Van Ruin.

The chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) stated that he believes there is evidence of voter fraud and other alleged irregularities.

In a recent interview, FEC Chairman Trey Trainor said reports of fraud in some battleground states are credible “otherwise they would allow the [poll] observers to go in,” referring to reports of some polling areas refusing to allow GOP observers to check on the process on Election Day and the days after.
Online poll "reported" by a Trumpster website.

The sad thing is, the sheep just automatically buy it.
An actual poll shows that only the die hard, insane, psychophants, believe Biden didn't win.


The chairman of the Federal Elections Commission (FEC) stated that he believes there is evidence of voter fraud and other alleged irregularities.

In a recent interview, FEC Chairman Trey Trainor said reports of fraud in some battleground states are credible “otherwise they would allow the [poll] observers to go in,” referring to reports of some polling areas refusing to allow GOP observers to check on the process on Election Day and the days after.
The FEC deals with campaign finance issues. You know, like the kind of fraud Trump engaged in and his lawyer went to prison for...

It is important to take into consideration that this survey was taken from the night of Nov. 5 until Saturday, Nov. 7, before any media outlet “had formally called the race for Biden” as noted by Rasmussen himself.

And there is the variable of the load.

After that it was uncovered that Biden cheated for absolute certain.

He can't ever be a legitimate president.
Same with Trump...

Trump was cheated against in a system that is built against people who work (democracy) and still won.

He didn't cheat shit.
The election was a robbery and Biden who seems conquered will have trouble with the Americans who looked at the election night with their eyes wide open and not closed to see the change in his favor .
The media here is shameless they report that white Americans have finally lost with a big smile in their ugly faces.

Less than 50% accept him as president. In any event, the media projections are irrelevant. The final word will come from either the state certifications in December or from the courts after that.
The certifications should prove interesting, since the voting machines that have been the issue aren't certified (due to the fact that they have modems)....

And some of the states that Biden is claiming to have won (and that used those machines) actually have laws prohibiting the use of uncertified machines!!!!

So how can those states certify the totals if they are using counts from machines that their own laws clearly say can't be used in an election????

Yup and from what I understand MIT is looking at those Dominion machines. Should be interesting to see what they discover.

Less than 50% accept him as president. In any event, the media projections are irrelevant. The final word will come from either the state certifications in December or from the courts after that.
The certifications should prove interesting, since the voting machines that have been the issue aren't certified (due to the fact that they have modems)....

And some of the states that Biden is claiming to have won (and that used those machines) actually have laws prohibiting the use of uncertified machines!!!!

So how can those states certify the totals if they are using counts from machines that their own laws clearly say can't be used in an election????
Most of Biden votes came from paper, mail in ballots and were not votes cast by election voting machines used on in person voting.

Paper mail in ballots are simply run through a scanner to count, but can also be counted manually because there is a paper trail....

Makes me wonder if it wasn't the Republicans, who allegedly won all of those congress critter etc seats, were not rigged by the Dominion voting machines..... :rolleyes-41:

Less than 50% accept him as president. In any event, the media projections are irrelevant. The final word will come from either the state certifications in December or from the courts after that.
The certifications should prove interesting, since the voting machines that have been the issue aren't certified (due to the fact that they have modems)....

And some of the states that Biden is claiming to have won (and that used those machines) actually have laws prohibiting the use of uncertified machines!!!!

So how can those states certify the totals if they are using counts from machines that their own laws clearly say can't be used in an election????
Most of Biden votes came from paper, mail in ballots and were not votes cast by election voting machines used on in person voting.

Paper mail in ballots are simply run through a scanner to count, but can also be counted manually because there is a paper trail....

Makes me wonder if it wasn't the Republicans, who allegedly won all of those congress critter etc seats, were not rigged by the Dominion voting machines..... :rolleyes-41:

What a joke....You really gonna use the pee wee Herman here?

Less than 50% accept him as president. In any event, the media projections are irrelevant. The final word will come from either the state certifications in December or from the courts after that.
So different than all the other polls....

Of all those that thought Trump really won, I wonder how many are discouraged to a point where they see voting as less than a useful endeavor?

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