Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
A few folks acting foolish is not an attack. Unless or until urban insurrection is put on equal standing, nobody should take these claims of 'attacks' on the Capitol as anything more than the political propaganda it is.
"A few folks acting foolish".............................
I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian and I literally couldn’t support the events at the US Capitol Building any more if I tried. It is one of the greatest American political moments in my lifetime.
It was literally one the STUPIDEST things Trump ever did... hold a massive rally steps from the capitol on THAT DAY. He should have KNOWN, or someone around him, that the corrupts democrats and their human debris within the deep state would EXPLOIT IT.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. This is all on you kids.

Yes, Democrats supported the violence, looting and plunder in cities across America all last summer, not going into the Capital on January 6. True dat
Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.
I do not support riots. Never seen you condemn those involved in city riots from the Floyd violence.

The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters ...

The guy is a total dick

What a couple of moroonies

"Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot."

Do you think I'm saying you support the riots?

But this is what makes up the Neo-GOP. Go on. Make America Proud.

Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.

Yes, that sounds exactly like what you said. You lectured us as if we don't know the difference. You're the moron.

Note you still won't just condemn all the leftists who committed violence all last summer. All you said is you don't condone it, not the same thing
That's all you can do is make up lies. Rioters were condemned by me and many others on here and across the country. But then again if I recall, the same thing was said about the rioters during the Obama administration.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
That's another lie. Fauci actually said “Senator Paul, with all due respect, you are entirely and completely incorrect, that the N.I.H. has not ever and does not now fund gain-of-function research in the Wuhan Institute.”
The Wuhan Lab documented that the funding came from NIH. Dr. Fauci paid the Wuhan Lab to do gain of function research, and it got out. Thank God it wasn't the deadliest virus they developed.
Point being, that we can't trust anything that the government says or does. You can drink their KoolAde, I'm not.
A few folks acting foolish is not an attack. Unless or until urban insurrection is put on equal standing, nobody should take these claims of 'attacks' on the Capitol as anything more than the political propaganda it is.
Tell that to the DoJ. They've got well over 500 of Trump's storm troopers facing jail time.
Yup, the age of political persecution has begun, thanks Biden.

Locking up people for breaking the law is "political prosecution" to lunatics.
They are following Putin in saying that.
If I was an American, I'd be a Republican voter and I found the Capitol scenes abhorrent and hope the folk involved in the initial actual break-in are jailed and anyone found guilty of other disorder such as assaults, rioting etc are also dealt with by the courts.

I've no issue with any of that happening.

My issue, again (as I've said this before) is the double standards in dealing with this incident.

Other acts of mob violence, rioting, assaults, damage etc the past year have had the mainstream media and left/Democrat politicians say absurd things like it was peaceful and justified as well as failing to condemn it in any terms.

Yet when the other side are involved, these same folk have plenty to say.

The double standards and martyr-making of one side, whilst criminalising the other side has to stop or else more and more incidents like this will happen as tensions and senses of injustice flare.

Sure that's whataboutary and me involving the other side when talking about criticism of one side but it still has to continue to be said whilst this massive two-tier social problem exists. Until this balance is addressed it will be impossible to deal with one side when something happens on it's actual merits alone.

The mainstream media and left/Democrat politicians and their mouth pieces all have blood on their hands.

I'm unsure what polling option that fits into - the OP can feel free to tell me and I'll vote it.
Yup, the age of political persecution has begun, thanks Biden.
These assholes are criminals who attacked Law Enforcement and our government itself...and you support that?

Notice how they've dropped the "Blue Lives Matter" schtick? Would be awkward.....now they are all after the FBI and other police agencies as bad guys.
Blue Lives Matter, oh fking yes they do. We stopped wasting our time on deaf ears such as yours. It gets boring to be ignored constantly. Especially why you can't name where black lives matter actually helped a black life.
Is the 1619 Project wrong in stating who fought to free the slaves?
who fought to free slaves?
The Abolitionists.
who? name one. abraham lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln wasn't an Abolitionist. He was a Free Soiler....AND firmly believed in maintaining the Union.
name one, see Lincoln emancipated the black people. So take your history where you want, it isn't real.
Yup, the age of political persecution has begun, thanks Biden.
These assholes are criminals who attacked Law Enforcement and our government itself...and you support that?

Notice how they've dropped the "Blue Lives Matter" schtick? Would be awkward.....now they are all after the FBI and other police agencies as bad guys.
Blue Lives Matter, oh fking yes they do. We stopped wasting our time on deaf ears such as yours. It gets boring to be ignored constantly. Especially why you can't name where black lives matter actually helped a black life.
See? Awkward for you, isn't it?
A few folks acting foolish is not an attack. Unless or until urban insurrection is put on equal standing, nobody should take these claims of 'attacks' on the Capitol as anything more than the political propaganda it is.
"A few folks acting foolish".............................View attachment 505064 View attachment 505065 View attachment 505066
I wonder why the pictures are cropped so tight? This trick was played by the Trump led media during his inauguration, it was suspect then and suspect now.

That all said, peaceful protesting is great and I support it whether I support the cause or not. January 6th was wrong when they went violent.
Is the 1619 Project wrong in stating who fought to free the slaves?
who fought to free slaves?
The Abolitionists.
who? name one. abraham lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln wasn't an Abolitionist. He was a Free Soiler....AND firmly believed in maintaining the Union.
name one
Name one what? An Abolitionist or a Free Soiler?
  • Funny
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Jan 6th was Xi and Nancy's Reichstag Fire. To our uneducated Progressive brothers and sistas, the Reichstag Fire was a false flag that brought Hitler to power same way the Stolen election put Xi's puppets in the American White House

"Hitler had been appointed Chancellor of Germany only four weeks previously, on 30 January 1933, when he was invited by President von Hindenburg to lead a coalition government. Hitler's government had urged von Hindenburg to dissolve the Reichstag and to call elections for 5 March."

On the evening of 27 February 1933—six days before the parliamentary election—fire broke out in the Reichstag chambers.
Reichstag Fire Decree - Wikipedia

"The Reichstag Fire Decree (German: Reichstagsbrandverordnung) is the common name of the Decree of the Reich President for the Protection of People and State (German: Verordnung des Reichspräsidenten zum Schutz von Volk und Staat) issued by German President Paul von Hindenburg on the advice of Chancellor Adolf Hitler on 28 February 1933 in immediate response to the Reichstag fire. The decree nullified many of the key civil liberties of German citizens. With Nazis in powerful positions in the German government, the decree was used as the legal basis for the imprisonment of anyone considered to be opponents of the Nazis, and to suppress publications not considered "friendly" to the Nazi cause. The decree is considered by historians as one of the key steps in the establishment of a one-party Nazi state in Germany."

Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to support democrats

See...your fellow blob supporters think it wasn't Trump supporters who stormed the capitol.

So your poll is useless unless you change it to condemning their fellow Trump supporters....which they never, ever will. When you're weak minded...you have to have a herd mentality because you're too dumb to exist on your own for long.
1. How do you know that the posters being referenced aren't just messing with you? T
There is no way of knowing if they really believe what they post. Trump is the most prolific liar to ever enter the public space. That his supporters would also lie their ass off is a very small jump in logic. Feel free to man up and call them out if you want. We all know you don't have the stones to do it.
2. My poll proves that at least 80% of GOP voters condemn the violence at the capital caused by Trump supporters. Until it can be proven that any other groups were involved. The rioters were herded to the capital by people with bullhorns.
Either you're being willfully aloof or you're just retarded. I can explain it to you but I can't understand it for you.
3. We'll see in 2022 and 2024 how Republicans and Trump supporters do. Buckle-up buttercup.
I know what the Trump supporters will do; they will vote for anyone with an R next to their name on the ballot.

Your poll is still useless.
1. Xiden is quite the liar too, as you well know. Just sayin'

2. We don't know what we don't know about who all was involved in the 1/6 riot.

3. Dodge/non-response/willful ignorance. The poll results are clear assuming honest responses. Republicans condemn the 1/6 riot.

4. You are totally free to have any opinion you want about the poll results. This thread was to settle a disagreement "HappyJoy" and I were having on another thread. He seems okay with the poll results. The poll questions were as agreed to, not just mine.
RT is Russia Today, a propaganda tool of Putin/Russians....
OK, I googled it and that's what came up. Funny how google puts up RT and censors RWs. WTF?
OK, here's another link to Tucker.
Dumbfuck, Carlson is just another wackadoo like you. Want proof? His source is revolver.news. Revolver.news is a fake news website. It was just started last year and it conceals who started the site...

Real news agencies don't hide who they are.
There are MANY sites that are covering the potential FBI involvement, not just revolver.
Don't forget that the MSM covers up for the deep state. I'm not saying FBI involvement is proven, just being investigated.

They're ALL sourcing fake news revolver.news, ya fucking moron. :cuckoo:

All you're doing is posting fake news and pretending like it's real news because other non-news outlets are echoing that one fake news site.

You never answered my question... do you even know you’re psychotic?
You can't prove that 100% of revolver is fake news, anymore than you can prove that the MSM's fake news and propaganda is real.
Name-calling means you lose the debate. Thanks for playing.
Of course I can. Here's a real news website...

You can see who owns the site, they don't hide it. You can see it's well established, being around for 23 years...

You can click on any abcnews.go article and it shows who the authors are, with links which show they're journalists.

That's what real news looks like. It doesn't hide from the public. It doesn't conceal who's behind the articles. That's what fake news does. That's what the source you're leaning on does. They've only been around 1 year and they hide who's behind it. They conceal who's site it is...

In the article you fall for, they don't disclose who wrote it...

And you can't find that nonsense on real news.

Of course, I'm explaining this to a moron who actually claimed he's pro-choice after saying he's not pro-choice, so there's that. :eusa_doh:
See? Awkward for you, isn't it?
Awkward for me to ask you to say where black lives matter saved a black person. Not at all, I've now asked three times, can you provide information after the third time? I doubt it. You're a deflectionist.

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