Poll to condemn or condone "the violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"

Do you support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6"?

  • I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 35 33.3%
  • I'm a GOP voter and YES I do support the attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 11 10.5%
  • I'm a democrat and I condemn the 1/6 attack on the Capital Building

    Votes: 22 21.0%
  • Other, see my post

    Votes: 37 35.2%

  • Total voters
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.
You’re not asking the right question.

my vote….

Not a democrat. Oppose the attack
The right question is?
Something along the lines of, "I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans".

You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question. A lot of the GOP voters really believe the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong.
Look at the fucking poll before typing nonsense.
The vote is 16 to 4 of GOP voters opposed to the riot at the capital, not 0.0
Assuming the 4 votes are GOP and not dems.
Read the fucking post you're responding to.

Who committed the acts of violence at the capital?
OK, I re-read it. You said: "You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question." I showed you that the response was 16-4 (not 0.0)

Prove that "a lot of GOP voters believe "the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong." (you can't, the poll proves you wrong)

Here is my poll question, and your recommended poll question:
"I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans". (yours)

"I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building" (mine)

Call me illiterate, but I'm not seeing a major difference in those two questions, since the capital riot was obviously by Trump supporters, and FBI instigators.
Yeah shit brains; you didn't post the question I posited. Condemning the violence and explicitly listing the offenders as Trump supporters will get you nowhere with your fellow blobbers. You guys are not living in reality.

As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?
You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know as "fact" that the people who rioted at the capital building were Trump supporters, duh.

Proving my point about your illiteracy. Your last line:
"As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?" (look again, yes it is in yours, its assumed in mine)

I win. Give your mom her puter back.
Meanwhile back in reality, I gave you 2 links to folks who still insist it was not Trump supporters.

Oh, I'm 100% sure it was Trump supporters who rioted at the Capitol, did the Tiki Torch white power march in Charlottesville, shot up multiple places across the nation...ran over people in their car, routinely beat the crap out of people at their rallies.

Trump supporters crave violence...always have, always will.

PS: My mother died. Watch your step, boy.
1. Ok, but it was Trump supporters. There may have been a few others, such as FBI or antifa, but of the ~400 rioters obviously most were Trump supporters who were upset about the alleged voter fraud.

2. The tiki torch march was about confederate statues not voter fraud. Lets stick to debating one topic at a time. I'm not sure what got shot up except gang violence in urban plantations, like Chicago?! If antifa doesn't want to get beat up, don't have counter rallies, free speech, diversity, tolerance, and all.

3. Trump violence?!
View attachment 504719

View attachment 504720

4. Sorry about your mother, you sounded younger than that. My only point being that proof-reading posts is a good thing.
Great, let's see your evidence that there were members of the FBI and Antifa there....
The "evidence" is tough to come by being that the FBI doesn't like to admit they spy on Americans, and the MSM covers up for them.
Which means you made it up.

You freaks live in a fantasy world where you accept your hallucinations as real. Do you even know you’re psychotic?
Made what up? How stupid are you? Read the fucking articles, and google it.
You're just a partisan hack that can't face reality.

Why on Earth should I Google your bullshit just because you can't prove it? I already showed revolver.news is a fake news site. Your literally sourcing a known Russian propaganda site (RT) sourcing rightarded news (Fox) sourcing a fake news website (revolver.news) and then getting pissy with me for laughing at your ignorance.

Dumbfuck, Carlson is a moron. Want proof? He claims the FBI was involved because there are "unindicted co-conspirators" listed on the complaint against some Oath Keepers. Carlsson is such an imbecile, it doesn't even occur to him that those are otherwise known as -- informants. Those would be other Oath Keepers striking deals with the FBI to sing like a bird in exchange for reduced or eliminated charges.

You Qultists are out of your fucking minds. There is no tin foil hat conspiracy crazy enough to make you think, 'wait a second?'
So if the FBI "informants" were some of the most radical "conspirators" trying to entrap the goobers, that makes "white supremacists" the biggest threat facing the US? Hardly.
Keep covering up for the deep state moron. The FBI got away with illegally spying on Trump, falsifying evidence, and setting up General Flynn, so setting up a few hicks is no challenge. Yet they fail to investigate Hunter's laptop full of evidence as well as in in-person whistleblower. The Federal government is just a partisan extension of the DNC.
So I'm not giving the FBI a pass yet. If the "informants" were part of the planning, why wasn't the capital building fortified and reinforced? Maybe someone wanted an incident for political gain. We'll see what comes out of the woodwork over time.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
"So if the FBI "informants"..."

That's as far as I got to see you're lying again.

In reality, you possess zero evidence the informants are FBI.

And again, you posted links to a number of websites carrying this nonsense as though multiple sites carrying the story lends it credibility -- but you ignored the fact that EVERY site you linked referenced the same fake news website, revolover.news, which is an unabashedly fake website; which refuses to disclose who's behind it.

You're fucking crazy, con. :cuckoo:
You don't know how many FBI informants, including "deal cutter rats" not just undercover FBI agents, there were. Given other surveillance capabilities of the government, I can't imagine that the FBI didn't know that the bullhorn guys would herd the crowd over to the capital building. Even if there were zero "informants" the security folks knew that up to 1m Trump supporters would be attending his rally. So why wasn't the Capital Building, that was in-session, protected better? just sayin'

Ummm, neither do you yet you're the one claiming the FBI may have been involved but you have no proof to back that up.

I'm the one pointing out you have no proof.

Proof is difficult without wearing a wire, but for example, we have the recorded conversations from Emad Salem and his FBI supervisors, that prove the FBI provided the truck and explosives in the 1993 WTC bombing, and likely talked everyone involved into making it happen.

I can also tell you from personal experience from civil rights and Vietnam protests, that FBI informants were constantly trying to talk people into committing illegal acts. If you want an example, look up the police shooting death of Randy Anderson in Milwaukee, WI.
In the wee hours of July 17, far across town, a PTSD-addled Marine Vietnam veteran named Randy Anderson (pictured below), along with two companions, decided to strike a blow against the empire by firebombing an A&P grocery store at 79thand Burleigh. Unknown to Anderson and one of his friends, the person driving them to the scene was a police informer, and the cops were laying in wait all around the neighborhood.
The driver (an FBI informant) dropped Anderson and his friend off and then peeled away. Anderson allegedly lit the firebomb and as he was throwing it through a window, the police emerged. Anderson and his friend, both unarmed, tried to flee across the boulevard but were caught in a crossfire of police weaponry. A shotgun pellet caught Anderson in the cheek and lodged in his throat, and a revolver shot penetrated his lower back, according to a newspaper report, and he died at the scene.

His accomplice was shot six times but survived. After a quick review in the DA’s office the next morning the police actions were ruled justified and the cops were back on the street in short order. No "administrative duty" requirement back in 1970, much less a formal inquiry into such matters.
I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian and I literally couldn’t support the events at the US Capitol Building any more if I tried. It is one of the greatest American political moments in my lifetime.
It was literally one the STUPIDEST things Trump ever did... hold a massive rally steps from the capitol on THAT DAY. He should have KNOWN, or someone around him, that the corrupts democrats and their human debris within the deep state would EXPLOIT IT.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. This is all on you kids.

Yes, Democrats supported the violence, looting and plunder in cities across America all last summer, not going into the Capital on January 6. True dat
Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.
I condemned the people who entered the capital repeatedly, so I don't know what your point is other than you're a total dick.


And back atcha for last summer, fascist. You know it. So what about you, you condemn rioters from BLM and antifa and other Democrats?

You said "Democrats supported the violence, looting and plunder in cities across America all last summer"

I said they didn't, and just like with the Capital assault, most people support the right to protest, but not the right to riot or launch an assault on the seat of our Federal Legislature.

But thanks for the hilarious outburst, Trigger.

View attachment 505050

Poor Trigger.

Note you evaded the question. Here it is again, you still can't do it. "So what about you, you condemn rioters from BLM and antifa and other Democrats?"

I condemned the people who went into the capital no matter who they were. You still won't condemn the people who committed violence in Democrat cities no matter who they were. You're just bickering over whether you supported the violence or not. That wasn't the question

I said "most support the right to protest, not to riot. " You called me a total dick and STUPID FUCKING DICK.


I don’t support the actions of any rowdy mob that damages buildings or loots and burns. Therefore I don’t support the actions of those who entered the Capitol Building on Jan 6th.

However this was no “insurrection.” The rioters did not have firearms and it appears the FBI may have been involved in setting up the riot.

You don't have to have guns to have an insurrection.. Many of them did have weapons.. and per Trump's instructions they were there to fight for their country, take back America and overturn the election.

But to implement an insurrection, you have to not just delay the election certification by a day, but prevent it permanently.
Since I did not see any sleeping bags, tents, etc., I saw nothing to indicate this was a permanent attempt, but just headlines grandstanding for a single day. And I see no harm in that. In fact, I kind of like that, even though I totally disagree with their beliefs, values, etc.
In fact, I wish all different opinions and views got similar face time on a regular basis.
Had those insurrectionists gotten hold of the electoral ballots it would have thrown the election to the House based on the number of states and not members , meaning Republicans win. And that was the plan

None of that made any sense to me.
There are never any electoral ballots at the capital, because states run elections, not the federal government.
And no, nothing would throw the election to the House.
There is no way that could happen.
I'm something like eight pages behind, but this is incorrect. The states tabulate their votes at their own capitals, and then the physical results are sent to DC for the certification. The boxes look like that, here modeled by four staffers who carried them out as the invaders climbed in through the windows.

View attachment 505070

Yes the tabulated results are put into these ceremonial boxed, but there are no ballots in them and the results are already known.
The boxes are purely ceremonial and have no real purpose or concern.
They originally likely were useful in order to save a copy of the signatures of those who certified the results of each state.
But these days paper is worthless and the electronic counts stored do not need signatures.
Yep, how many Republicans are willing to admit the 1/6 attack on the Capital was bad for democracy. Fucking losers, let's hear from you.

They broke the law or they are heroes? Seems an easy choice to make.
the mass trespassing and brief violence was not helpful ....there ! you satisfied !
You forgot about the personal violence, vandalism, theft and overall damage to our democratic values that permeate not just through our country that creates instability but what this does to our reputation around the globe for being the good guys when now Putin leaps onto this to try and demonstrate that somehow they are a beacon of freedom.
i know ! the blm and antifa riots have damaged gov buildings ,injured over 2000 cops and they even managed to overthrow local state and fed government and established the marxist nation of Chop in Seattle ! View attachment 505077
So, I wonder why Seattle is doing just fine with all your doom and gloom talk?
Is the 1619 Project wrong in stating who fought to free the slaves?
who fought to free slaves?
The Abolitionists.
who? name one. abraham lincoln?
Abraham Lincoln wasn't an Abolitionist. He was a Free Soiler....AND firmly believed in maintaining the Union.
name one, see Lincoln emancipated the black people. So take your history where you want, it isn't real.

Now it's the Mayor? I thought the latest deflection was, it was ordered earlier in the day to allow a construction crew to build a fence, (not because Baby Barr had a snit-fit and bitched like a wienie about it to the Commander in charge).

Don't believe you lying eyes folks, believe me this is what really happened. Republican never really change. You guy's lie like Rumsfeld pointing out where the WMD in Iraq were.

Don't believe you lying eyes folks, believe a government investigation this is what really happened.
Democrats never really change. You guy's lie like the faux outrage over Trump attacking poor little
BLM friendly protestors setting a torch to St. John's Episcopal church and commandeering the streets.

How much mileage did that lie get you? At least you don't have to admit your were lying through
your teeth. We know you were!

Or I guess you could believe Muriel Bowser herself and her lawyers. Biden and Bowser administrations change their tunes on last summer's riot response.
But then you couldn't attack "baby Barr" or the Orange Ogre, and that's no fun.
It's much more pleasant to operate in your elaborate dream world where the "truth" never
double crosses you.
Revisionist history conflicts was it the mayor of the fencing crews. Just baffle them with bullshit from several different directions so they wont know who to believe.
I don’t support the actions of any rowdy mob that damages buildings or loots and burns. Therefore I don’t support the actions of those who entered the Capitol Building on Jan 6th.

However this was no “insurrection.” The rioters did not have firearms and it appears the FBI may have been involved in setting up the riot.

You don't have to have guns to have an insurrection.. Many of them did have weapons.. and per Trump's instructions they were there to fight for their country, take back America and overturn the election.

But to implement an insurrection, you have to not just delay the election certification by a day, but prevent it permanently.
Since I did not see any sleeping bags, tents, etc., I saw nothing to indicate this was a permanent attempt, but just headlines grandstanding for a single day. And I see no harm in that. In fact, I kind of like that, even though I totally disagree with their beliefs, values, etc.
In fact, I wish all different opinions and views got similar face time on a regular basis.
Had those insurrectionists gotten hold of the electoral ballots it would have thrown the election to the House based on the number of states and not members , meaning Republicans win. And that was the plan

None of that made any sense to me.
There are never any electoral ballots at the capital, because states run elections, not the federal government.
And no, nothing would throw the election to the House.
There is no way that could happen.
I'm something like eight pages behind, but this is incorrect. The states tabulate their votes at their own capitals, and then the physical results are sent to DC for the certification. The boxes look like that, here modeled by four staffers who carried them out as the invaders climbed in through the windows.

View attachment 505070
why would they allow them to go in if that was truly their intent? stop the boxes from the cars that brought them. Seems more like a plan than waiting for them to be delivered. That's stupid. Just proves it wasn't anyone's intent ever. Just garbage knowledge from demofks.
Dumbfuck, they only allowed them to enter to save the lives of the police, who were overwhelmed by shear numbers, after trying to keep them out...

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

He was referring to the election result boxes, not the demonstrators.
If one is worried about the demonstrators getting hold of the election result boxes, then simply don't send them to the capital that day, and wait a day.
Protecting the election result boxes was not dependent upon protecting the whole capital building.
There really was no point in trying to protect the whole building complex.
Yep, how many Republicans are willing to admit the 1/6 attack on the Capital was bad for democracy. Fucking losers, let's hear from you.

They broke the law or they are heroes? Seems an easy choice to make.
the mass trespassing and brief violence was not helpful ....there ! you satisfied !
You forgot about the personal violence, vandalism, theft and overall damage to our democratic values that permeate not just through our country that creates instability but what this does to our reputation around the globe for being the good guys when now Putin leaps onto this to try and demonstrate that somehow they are a beacon of freedom.
i know ! the blm and antifa riots have damaged gov buildings ,injured over 2000 cops and they even managed to overthrow local state and fed government and established the marxist nation of Chop in Seattle ! View attachment 505077
Are you asking me to defend and make excuses for antifa's actions like you do the January 6th insurrectionists? Sorry, I'm not the left's version of you. Antifa has almost no capitol in the Democratic party, certainly not to the extent that you wingnuts have taken over the GOP.

BLM, also I've never condoned any violence that has taken place. Never, not once. Most BLM protesters haven't engaged in violence. There are many sources that cover this. You won't believe them because they don't bend over for your god-king.

To blame all BLM protesters for violence is to blame every single one of you misguided idiots that stood on the Capital lawn while the most degenerate invaded. I believe those that think the election was stolen are wrong but I don't blame every last one of you for the insurrection. Maybe downplaying and supporting it after the fact but not the violence itself.

Does that make sense to you? Probably not.
To prove a point, we need to clarify how many GOP posters support the "violence and law breaking that took place inside the Capital on 1/6/21".
As opposed to the many of us who supported the 1/6 protest, but NOT the attack on the Capital Building and the threats to Mike Pence and the injuries and deaths and property damage.

Please vote in the poll honestly.
You’re not asking the right question.

my vote….

Not a democrat. Oppose the attack
The right question is?
Something along the lines of, "I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans".

You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question. A lot of the GOP voters really believe the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong.
Look at the fucking poll before typing nonsense.
The vote is 16 to 4 of GOP voters opposed to the riot at the capital, not 0.0
Assuming the 4 votes are GOP and not dems.
Read the fucking post you're responding to.

Who committed the acts of violence at the capital?
OK, I re-read it. You said: "You'll get a 0.0 response rate to that question." I showed you that the response was 16-4 (not 0.0)

Prove that "a lot of GOP voters believe "the Trump supporters were just on a Capitol Building tour and doing nothing wrong." (you can't, the poll proves you wrong)

Here is my poll question, and your recommended poll question:
"I'm a GOP voter and I condemn the violence done by my fellow Republicans". (yours)

"I'm a GOP voter and NO I do NOT support the attack on the Capital Building" (mine)

Call me illiterate, but I'm not seeing a major difference in those two questions, since the capital riot was obviously by Trump supporters, and FBI instigators.
Yeah shit brains; you didn't post the question I posited. Condemning the violence and explicitly listing the offenders as Trump supporters will get you nowhere with your fellow blobbers. You guys are not living in reality.

As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?
You must be the only idiot in the country who doesn't know as "fact" that the people who rioted at the capital building were Trump supporters, duh.

Proving my point about your illiteracy. Your last line:
"As for your illiteracy...you don't see the word "republican" in mine but not yours?" (look again, yes it is in yours, its assumed in mine)

I win. Give your mom her puter back.
Meanwhile back in reality, I gave you 2 links to folks who still insist it was not Trump supporters.

Oh, I'm 100% sure it was Trump supporters who rioted at the Capitol, did the Tiki Torch white power march in Charlottesville, shot up multiple places across the nation...ran over people in their car, routinely beat the crap out of people at their rallies.

Trump supporters crave violence...always have, always will.

PS: My mother died. Watch your step, boy.
1. Ok, but it was Trump supporters. There may have been a few others, such as FBI or antifa, but of the ~400 rioters obviously most were Trump supporters who were upset about the alleged voter fraud.

2. The tiki torch march was about confederate statues not voter fraud. Lets stick to debating one topic at a time. I'm not sure what got shot up except gang violence in urban plantations, like Chicago?! If antifa doesn't want to get beat up, don't have counter rallies, free speech, diversity, tolerance, and all.

3. Trump violence?!
View attachment 504719

View attachment 504720

4. Sorry about your mother, you sounded younger than that. My only point being that proof-reading posts is a good thing.
Great, let's see your evidence that there were members of the FBI and Antifa there....
The "evidence" is tough to come by being that the FBI doesn't like to admit they spy on Americans, and the MSM covers up for them.
Which means you made it up.

You freaks live in a fantasy world where you accept your hallucinations as real. Do you even know you’re psychotic?
Made what up? How stupid are you? Read the fucking articles, and google it.
You're just a partisan hack that can't face reality.

Why on Earth should I Google your bullshit just because you can't prove it? I already showed revolver.news is a fake news site. Your literally sourcing a known Russian propaganda site (RT) sourcing rightarded news (Fox) sourcing a fake news website (revolver.news) and then getting pissy with me for laughing at your ignorance.

Dumbfuck, Carlson is a moron. Want proof? He claims the FBI was involved because there are "unindicted co-conspirators" listed on the complaint against some Oath Keepers. Carlsson is such an imbecile, it doesn't even occur to him that those are otherwise known as -- informants. Those would be other Oath Keepers striking deals with the FBI to sing like a bird in exchange for reduced or eliminated charges.

You Qultists are out of your fucking minds. There is no tin foil hat conspiracy crazy enough to make you think, 'wait a second?'
So if the FBI "informants" were some of the most radical "conspirators" trying to entrap the goobers, that makes "white supremacists" the biggest threat facing the US? Hardly.
Keep covering up for the deep state moron. The FBI got away with illegally spying on Trump, falsifying evidence, and setting up General Flynn, so setting up a few hicks is no challenge. Yet they fail to investigate Hunter's laptop full of evidence as well as in in-person whistleblower. The Federal government is just a partisan extension of the DNC.
So I'm not giving the FBI a pass yet. If the "informants" were part of the planning, why wasn't the capital building fortified and reinforced? Maybe someone wanted an incident for political gain. We'll see what comes out of the woodwork over time.
As an example, Dr. Fauci's paying the Wuhan Lab for covid "gain of function" research bit him on the ass.
"So if the FBI "informants"..."

That's as far as I got to see you're lying again.

In reality, you possess zero evidence the informants are FBI.

And again, you posted links to a number of websites carrying this nonsense as though multiple sites carrying the story lends it credibility -- but you ignored the fact that EVERY site you linked referenced the same fake news website, revolover.news, which is an unabashedly fake website; which refuses to disclose who's behind it.

You're fucking crazy, con. :cuckoo:
You don't know how many FBI informants, including "deal cutter rats" not just undercover FBI agents, there were. Given other surveillance capabilities of the government, I can't imagine that the FBI didn't know that the bullhorn guys would herd the crowd over to the capital building. Even if there were zero "informants" the security folks knew that up to 1m Trump supporters would be attending his rally. So why wasn't the Capital Building, that was in-session, protected better? just sayin'

Ummm, neither do you yet you're the one claiming the FBI may have been involved but you have no proof to back that up.

I'm the one pointing out you have no proof.

Proof is difficult without wearing a wire, but for example, we have the recorded conversations from Emad Salem and his FBI supervisors, that prove the FBI provided the truck and explosives in the 1993 WTC bombing, and likely talked everyone involved into making it happen.

I can also tell you from personal experience from civil rights and Vietnam protests, that FBI informants were constantly trying to talk people into committing illegal acts. If you want an example, look up the police shooting death of Randy Anderson in Milwaukee, WI.
In the wee hours of July 17, far across town, a PTSD-addled Marine Vietnam veteran named Randy Anderson (pictured below), along with two companions, decided to strike a blow against the empire by firebombing an A&P grocery store at 79thand Burleigh. Unknown to Anderson and one of his friends, the person driving them to the scene was a police informer, and the cops were laying in wait all around the neighborhood.
The driver (an FBI informant) dropped Anderson and his friend off and then peeled away. Anderson allegedly lit the firebomb and as he was throwing it through a window, the police emerged. Anderson and his friend, both unarmed, tried to flee across the boulevard but were caught in a crossfire of police weaponry. A shotgun pellet caught Anderson in the cheek and lodged in his throat, and a revolver shot penetrated his lower back, according to a newspaper report, and he died at the scene.

His accomplice was shot six times but survived. After a quick review in the DA’s office the next morning the police actions were ruled justified and the cops were back on the street in short order. No "administrative duty" requirement back in 1970, much less a formal inquiry into such matters.

You have no proof. So WTF was all that?
you people burn down entire cities

"Hyperbole of the Day"

I don't think an entire City has been burn down since Sherman's March to the Sea!

But do go on with your apocalyptic fantasy.

Fair enough. I will modify to “you people burn cities”.
Never burned a city ever. Haven't done what trump insurrectionist thugs did either, defecate in the Capitol building and try to kill Capitol police, Congresspeople, and the VP.
I’m an Ultra-Conservative Authoritarian and I literally couldn’t support the events at the US Capitol Building any more if I tried. It is one of the greatest American political moments in my lifetime.
It was literally one the STUPIDEST things Trump ever did... hold a massive rally steps from the capitol on THAT DAY. He should have KNOWN, or someone around him, that the corrupts democrats and their human debris within the deep state would EXPLOIT IT.
Democrats had nothing to do with it. This is all on you kids.

Yes, Democrats supported the violence, looting and plunder in cities across America all last summer, not going into the Capital on January 6. True dat
Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.
I do not support riots. Never seen you condemn those involved in city riots from the Floyd violence.

The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters
The Right: We condemn the rioters
BlindBoob: You never condemned the rioters ...

The guy is a total dick

What a couple of moroonies

"Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot."

Do you think I'm saying you support the riots?

But this is what makes up the Neo-GOP. Go on. Make America Proud.

Like the Capital assault, most support the right to protest, not to riot. You know it.

Yes, that sounds exactly like what you said. You lectured us as if we don't know the difference. You're the moron.

Note you still won't just condemn all the leftists who committed violence all last summer. All you said is you don't condone it, not the same thing
That's all you can do is make up lies. Rioters were condemned by me and many others on here and across the country. But then again if I recall, the same thing was said about the rioters during the Obama administration.

Violence is the last resort of the incompetent.

You don't condone them, you did condemn them. But no, you won't condemn the leftist rioters.

You did in the past is what we both know is a game. Bull shit, you never did, which is why you won't now. You're fooling no one, fascist
I condemn rioters. Period. I also condemn vandals. Period. I also condemn arsonists. Period. I also condemn looters. Period. I also condemn insurrectionists. Period.
Of course. Most all normal Americans do.
I don’t support the actions of any rowdy mob that damages buildings or loots and burns. Therefore I don’t support the actions of those who entered the Capitol Building on Jan 6th.

However this was no “insurrection.” The rioters did not have firearms and it appears the FBI may have been involved in setting up the riot.

You don't have to have guns to have an insurrection.. Many of them did have weapons.. and per Trump's instructions they were there to fight for their country, take back America and overturn the election.

But to implement an insurrection, you have to not just delay the election certification by a day, but prevent it permanently.
Since I did not see any sleeping bags, tents, etc., I saw nothing to indicate this was a permanent attempt, but just headlines grandstanding for a single day. And I see no harm in that. In fact, I kind of like that, even though I totally disagree with their beliefs, values, etc.
In fact, I wish all different opinions and views got similar face time on a regular basis.
Had those insurrectionists gotten hold of the electoral ballots it would have thrown the election to the House based on the number of states and not members , meaning Republicans win. And that was the plan

None of that made any sense to me.
There are never any electoral ballots at the capital, because states run elections, not the federal government.
And no, nothing would throw the election to the House.
There is no way that could happen.
I'm something like eight pages behind, but this is incorrect. The states tabulate their votes at their own capitals, and then the physical results are sent to DC for the certification. The boxes look like that, here modeled by four staffers who carried them out as the invaders climbed in through the windows.

View attachment 505070

Yes the tabulated results are put into these ceremonial boxed, but there are no ballots in them and the results are already known.
The boxes are purely ceremonial and have no real purpose or concern.
They originally likely were useful in order to save a copy of the signatures of those who certified the results of each state.
But these days paper is worthless and the electronic counts stored do not need signatures.
It's more than ceremonial. It's Congress' job to decide if they're legit or not. Or if Congress should deny any and if it's necessary for Congress to decide who the winner of the election is.

Congress did that and in accordance with the Constitution of the United States, certified Joe Biden duly won the election and would be the next president. The best part? Nothing can change that now, despite the best efforts of Trumplicans to prevent it on Insurrection Day.
BLM, also I've never condoned any violence that has taken place. Never, not once. Most BLM protesters haven't engaged in violence. There are many sources that cover this. You won't believe them because they don't bend over for your god-king.
and yet you won't condemn the blm and antifa actions. tells us all how you really run.
To blame all BLM protesters for violence is to blame every single one of you misguided idiots that stood on the Capital lawn while the most degenerate invaded. I believe those that think the election was stolen are wrong but I don't blame every last one of you for the insurrection. Maybe downplaying and supporting it after the fact but not the violence itself.
you do!!!! that's really simple.
I don’t support the actions of any rowdy mob that damages buildings or loots and burns. Therefore I don’t support the actions of those who entered the Capitol Building on Jan 6th.

However this was no “insurrection.” The rioters did not have firearms and it appears the FBI may have been involved in setting up the riot.

You don't have to have guns to have an insurrection.. Many of them did have weapons.. and per Trump's instructions they were there to fight for their country, take back America and overturn the election.

But to implement an insurrection, you have to not just delay the election certification by a day, but prevent it permanently.
Since I did not see any sleeping bags, tents, etc., I saw nothing to indicate this was a permanent attempt, but just headlines grandstanding for a single day. And I see no harm in that. In fact, I kind of like that, even though I totally disagree with their beliefs, values, etc.
In fact, I wish all different opinions and views got similar face time on a regular basis.
Had those insurrectionists gotten hold of the electoral ballots it would have thrown the election to the House based on the number of states and not members , meaning Republicans win. And that was the plan

None of that made any sense to me.
There are never any electoral ballots at the capital, because states run elections, not the federal government.
And no, nothing would throw the election to the House.
There is no way that could happen.
I'm something like eight pages behind, but this is incorrect. The states tabulate their votes at their own capitals, and then the physical results are sent to DC for the certification. The boxes look like that, here modeled by four staffers who carried them out as the invaders climbed in through the windows.

View attachment 505070
why would they allow them to go in if that was truly their intent? stop the boxes from the cars that brought them. Seems more like a plan than waiting for them to be delivered. That's stupid. Just proves it wasn't anyone's intent ever. Just garbage knowledge from demofks.
Dumbfuck, they only allowed them to enter to save the lives of the police, who were overwhelmed by shear numbers, after trying to keep them out...

Seriously, what the fuck is wrong with you??

He was referring to the election result boxes, not the demonstrators.
If one is worried about the demonstrators getting hold of the election result boxes, then simply don't send them to the capital that day, and wait a day.
Protecting the election result boxes was not dependent upon protecting the whole capital building.
There really was no point in trying to protect the whole building complex.

Sorry, my bad.
BLM, also I've never condoned any violence that has taken place. Never, not once. Most BLM protesters haven't engaged in violence. There are many sources that cover this. You won't believe them because they don't bend over for your god-king.
and yet you won't condemn the blm and antifa actions. tells us all how you really run.

I think another poster said it best. I do condemn any violence. Whether it was in Portland, Seattle or Washington D.C.
Awkward for you to the point that you can't even go on about "Blue Lives Matter"..............
still awkward for you I see, still can't name that black life black lives matter saved. skate along now sweetie.
So silly. No wonder people here laugh at you. :auiqs.jpg:
so still no black life has mattered to the black lives matter group. thanks for admitting that. I know they haven't. they take all the money and run. We get it. It's what demofks do.
To blame all BLM protesters for violence is to blame every single one of you misguided idiots that stood on the Capital lawn while the most degenerate invaded. I believe those that think the election was stolen are wrong but I don't blame every last one of you for the insurrection. Maybe downplaying and supporting it after the fact but not the violence itself.
you do!!!! that's really simple.

I do what? Bring some proof, bitch.
BLM, also I've never condoned any violence that has taken place. Never, not once. Most BLM protesters haven't engaged in violence. There are many sources that cover this. You won't believe them because they don't bend over for your god-king.
and yet you won't condemn the blm and antifa actions. tells us all how you really run.

I think another poster said it best. I do condemn any violence. Whether it was in Portland, Seattle or Washington D.C.
I condemn all violence.
Yep, how many Republicans are willing to admit the 1/6 attack on the Capital was bad for democracy. Fucking losers, let's hear from you.

They broke the law or they are heroes? Seems an easy choice to make.
the mass trespassing and brief violence was not helpful ....there ! you satisfied !
You forgot about the personal violence, vandalism, theft and overall damage to our democratic values that permeate not just through our country that creates instability but what this does to our reputation around the globe for being the good guys when now Putin leaps onto this to try and demonstrate that somehow they are a beacon of freedom.
i know ! the blm and antifa riots have damaged gov buildings ,injured over 2000 cops and they even managed to overthrow local state and fed government and established the marxist nation of Chop in Seattle ! View attachment 505077
So, I wonder why Seattle is doing just fine with all your doom and gloom talk?
I hear they have already rebuilt from the ashes........
To blame all BLM protesters for violence is to blame every single one of you misguided idiots that stood on the Capital lawn while the most degenerate invaded. I believe those that think the election was stolen are wrong but I don't blame every last one of you for the insurrection. Maybe downplaying and supporting it after the fact but not the violence itself.
you do!!!! that's really simple.

I do what? Bring some proof, bitch.
To blame all BLM protesters for violence is to blame every single one of you misguided idiots that stood on the Capital lawn while the most degenerate invaded.

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