Poll: Trump Getting More Hispanic Support Than Romney in 2012

This should drive all the leftwing turds crazy. Get used to saying "President Trump," turds!

He's going to need a lot more than 28% of Hispanics in order to win, you tard.

Oh no he does not, I think you underestimate greatly the number of Democrats who are also sick and tired of the illegals blacks in particular.

You think blacks will vote for Trump? :afro:

You think blacks won't vote against illegals?
Trump is lleading in MN....state libs never lose .....oooops

Why? His position on jobs, the economy, and illegals.

Probably little bit of everything. If he's leading here....I would bet he's quite capable of walking off with the swing states........on second thought economy here isnt hurting so maybe thats not a factor

Then its the illegals issue, trust me there is a LOT of pent up voter anger over this issue on both sides of the isle.
This should drive all the leftwing turds crazy. Get used to saying "President Trump," turds!

A new poll of 2,000 citizens shows that Donald Trump's immigration stance has more support among Hispanic Americans than Gov. Mitt Romney won in 2012, even after the pollsters reminded respondents of Trump's most controversial statements on immigration.

Twenty-eight percent of Hispanic Americans agreed with Trump's June statement that "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

In 2012, Romney won 27 percent of the Hispanic-American vote.

Twelve percent of Hispanic-Americans said they were not sure what to say about Trump's comment, and only 61 percent opposed it, despite heated criticism of Trump by Spanish-language media.

The new poll also showed that 35 percent of moderates and 38 percent of independents somewhat or strongly backed Trump's harshly-phrased, much-criticized statement. Twenty-five percent of moderates and 26 percent of independents disagreed strongly.

Among African-Americans, 24 percent agreed with Trump's statement- that's four times the 6 percent won by Romney in 2012 - while 28 percent of African-Americans disagreed strongly.

The "informative" icon wasnt enough...
Those are some very interesting numbers!
Rubio won't get the nomination because everyone knows he supports amnesty. That's a poison pill for any Republican candidate.
Nah. You'll swallow it just like you did when McCain supported illegals in 2007.

Rubio or hillary?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Republicans have had their fill of establishment Republicans. The establishment bought and paid for Rubio. He won't get the nomination.
You mean the middle class voters who they poll? They don't give a damn what you want. You'll never get your Ron Paul's Ross perot's or Donalds elected.

And when we elect a grass roots guy those same rich guys won't let the dems make any real change. Perfect example is obamacare. A gift to the insurance giants.

So you think middle class voters, many of who have unemployed children living at home who are recent college graduates, are going to vote for a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens?
College grads aren't competing against illegals. The people hurt most by them are poor people.

I think fox and rush can sell you anything they want.

College grads are competing against H1-B coolies from India. That has to stop as well.
Nah. You'll swallow it just like you did when McCain supported illegals in 2007.

Rubio or hillary?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Republicans have had their fill of establishment Republicans. The establishment bought and paid for Rubio. He won't get the nomination.
You mean the middle class voters who they poll? They don't give a damn what you want. You'll never get your Ron Paul's Ross perot's or Donalds elected.

And when we elect a grass roots guy those same rich guys won't let the dems make any real change. Perfect example is obamacare. A gift to the insurance giants.

So you think middle class voters, many of who have unemployed children living at home who are recent college graduates, are going to vote for a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens?
College grads aren't competing against illegals. The people hurt most by them are poor people.

I think fox and rush can sell you anything they want.

College grads are competing against H1-B coolies from India. That has to stop as well.

Maybe they should start protesting...once they finish with the important stuff in Missouri of course.
You know what Hispanics hate ? When you refer to them all as "Mexicans".

The GOP can't get out of their own racist way .
The smart GOP know that, but our far right nativist crackers know it too, so that's why they pull that nonsense.

Their whole plan on immigration is based on racism! It's all about the border !!!! As if all immigrants are Mexicans who just ran over the line .

Illegals come from everywhere . About 1/2 of them
Come in legally and overstay visas . Walls do nothing to stop that .

You know what? No matter how many times we try and save the American middle class and low wage earners you liberals thwart us.
You cry about wage stagnation and the lack of jobs yet you still want the influx of immigrants,legal or not.
How exactly do you square that?
Nah. You'll swallow it just like you did when McCain supported illegals in 2007.

Rubio or hillary?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Republicans have had their fill of establishment Republicans. The establishment bought and paid for Rubio. He won't get the nomination.
You mean the middle class voters who they poll? They don't give a damn what you want. You'll never get your Ron Paul's Ross perot's or Donalds elected.

And when we elect a grass roots guy those same rich guys won't let the dems make any real change. Perfect example is obamacare. A gift to the insurance giants.

So you think middle class voters, many of who have unemployed children living at home who are recent college graduates, are going to vote for a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens?
College grads aren't competing against illegals. The people hurt most by them are poor people.

I think fox and rush can sell you anything they want.

College grads are competing against H1-B coolies from India. That has to stop as well.
I can show you liberals back In 2006 saying what you're saying. Can you show me 1 conservative back then saying such things? I bet you can't.
In case you haven't figured it out yet, Republicans have had their fill of establishment Republicans. The establishment bought and paid for Rubio. He won't get the nomination.
You mean the middle class voters who they poll? They don't give a damn what you want. You'll never get your Ron Paul's Ross perot's or Donalds elected.

And when we elect a grass roots guy those same rich guys won't let the dems make any real change. Perfect example is obamacare. A gift to the insurance giants.

So you think middle class voters, many of who have unemployed children living at home who are recent college graduates, are going to vote for a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens?
College grads aren't competing against illegals. The people hurt most by them are poor people.

I think fox and rush can sell you anything they want.

College grads are competing against H1-B coolies from India. That has to stop as well.
I can show you liberals back In 2006 saying what you're saying. Can you show me 1 conservative back then saying such things? I bet you can't.

So you're saying you changed your mind?
You know what Hispanics hate ? When you refer to them all as "Mexicans".

The GOP can't get out of their own racist way .
The smart GOP know that, but our far right nativist crackers know it too, so that's why they pull that nonsense.

Their whole plan on immigration is based on racism! It's all about the border !!!! As if all immigrants are Mexicans who just ran over the line .

Illegals come from everywhere . About 1/2 of them
Come in legally and overstay visas . Walls do nothing to stop that .

You know what? No matter how many times we try and save the American middle class and low wage earners you liberals thwart us.
You cry about wage stagnation and the lack of jobs yet you still want the influx of immigrants,legal or not.
How exactly do you square that?
No we don't. Take a poll you'll find most liberals want them gone too. Stop listening to rush and fox. They lie to you.
You mean the middle class voters who they poll? They don't give a damn what you want. You'll never get your Ron Paul's Ross perot's or Donalds elected.

And when we elect a grass roots guy those same rich guys won't let the dems make any real change. Perfect example is obamacare. A gift to the insurance giants.

So you think middle class voters, many of who have unemployed children living at home who are recent college graduates, are going to vote for a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens?
College grads aren't competing against illegals. The people hurt most by them are poor people.

I think fox and rush can sell you anything they want.

College grads are competing against H1-B coolies from India. That has to stop as well.
I can show you liberals back In 2006 saying what you're saying. Can you show me 1 conservative back then saying such things? I bet you can't.

So you're saying you changed your mind?
I want them gone. Unions warned you and this started on Reagan's watch. Before him they just picked fruit.
Nah. You'll swallow it just like you did when McCain supported illegals in 2007.

Rubio or hillary?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Republicans have had their fill of establishment Republicans. The establishment bought and paid for Rubio. He won't get the nomination.
You mean the middle class voters who they poll? They don't give a damn what you want. You'll never get your Ron Paul's Ross perot's or Donalds elected.

And when we elect a grass roots guy those same rich guys won't let the dems make any real change. Perfect example is obamacare. A gift to the insurance giants.

So you think middle class voters, many of who have unemployed children living at home who are recent college graduates, are going to vote for a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens?
College grads aren't competing against illegals. The people hurt most by them are poor people.

I think fox and rush can sell you anything they want.

College grads are competing against H1-B coolies from India. That has to stop as well.

You Establishment/Rino groupies aka Tea Party will be the reason that Hillary Clinton will win in a Landslide.

Your lives are centered around Reich wing Talk radio & Fox News. Entertainment centered around political discourse for PROFIT. That's all you know. You refuse to read anything, and if it doesn't come out of Rush Limbaugh's mouth, you don't know it, and certainly wouldn't believe it--if it didn't come out of his mouth. While you've been busy attacking your own party, you haven't noticed that it's shrinking.

Republicans are 41 million, Democrats are stronger at 46 million, and Independents are the majority today making up for 40% of the electorate. Legal Voting Latinos in this county are 17% of the population. The other FACT is that since Reagan, the GOP nominee has to capture at least 40% of this voting block to win the White House.
GOP Win Will Need More Than 40 Percent Of Latino 2016 Vote, Says Study
CDC - Hispanic - Latino - Populations - Racial - Ethnic - Minorities - Minority Health

In 2012 your group chased off women, and Republicans lost them by double digits. They lost younger women by a whopping 36 points. I understand that you were told it's because Romney wasn't "conservative" enough and that's why he lost--LOL Some of you are stupid enough to actually believe that--LOL But the fact is that Romney only captured 27% of the Latino vote, because the platform again was anti-immigration reform and you lost women by going into topics of abortion, who's not going to pay for birth control pills, and what is legitimate rape, which was always answered by an old white male Republican. This is what secured a 2nd term for Barack Obama.
The GOP's woman problem goes beyond Trump

Donald Trump is polling at a NEGATIVE 75% with voting Hispanics. That is historic in itself.
Poll: 75% of Latinos Have Negative View of Donald Trump
Shocker: Donald Trump By Far Least Favorable Candidate Among Hispanic Voters

Hillary Clinton is going into this race with a 6 to 10 point advantage as the 1st women POTUS in 200 YEARS. Women are the majority voters at 54%, they outvote men by 10 points.

So what you Tea Party & Rino & Establishment groupies have done is cost the Republican party another election in 2016. You did it in 2012, and you didn't learn anything from that loss. With these numbers it wouldn't surprise me if we lost the Senate a ton of seats in the house also.

You are going to witness the unadulterated POWER of women & Latino voters in this country on election night and you're not going to like the result. And you only have yourselves to blame for it. But not to worry, the morning after Rush Limbaugh, Shawn Hannity, Michael Savage and all the rest will be there to help blow your noses and wipe your tears.

I suspect the results of the 2016 election will look similar to a past one, just switch a couple of states around.
Just change Reagan's name to Clinton, and Carter to whatever num nut male you nominate.


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You know what Hispanics hate ? When you refer to them all as "Mexicans".

The GOP can't get out of their own racist way .
The smart GOP know that, but our far right nativist crackers know it too, so that's why they pull that nonsense.

Their whole plan on immigration is based on racism! It's all about the border !!!! As if all immigrants are Mexicans who just ran over the line .

Illegals come from everywhere . About 1/2 of them
Come in legally and overstay visas . Walls do nothing to stop that .

You know what? No matter how many times we try and save the American middle class and low wage earners you liberals thwart us.
You cry about wage stagnation and the lack of jobs yet you still want the influx of immigrants,legal or not.
How exactly do you square that?
No we don't. Take a poll you'll find most liberals want them gone too. Stop listening to rush and fox. They lie to you.

Seriously? You have wknd at Bernie's and soon to be convict hilary who both support amnesty and open borders.
And we both know you'll vote for the last standing dumbass,and bernie may be starring in wknd at bernies 5 by the time the elections roll around and the beast may be in prison.
So why dont you fill me in on this mythical democrat running on a "no more illegal immigration" platform because I dont even see a mainstream republican running that has the balls to break ranks.
This should drive all the leftwing turds crazy. Get used to saying "President Trump," turds!

A new poll of 2,000 citizens shows that Donald Trump's immigration stance has more support among Hispanic Americans than Gov. Mitt Romney won in 2012, even after the pollsters reminded respondents of Trump's most controversial statements on immigration.

Twenty-eight percent of Hispanic Americans agreed with Trump's June statement that "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

In 2012, Romney won 27 percent of the Hispanic-American vote.

Twelve percent of Hispanic-Americans said they were not sure what to say about Trump's comment, and only 61 percent opposed it, despite heated criticism of Trump by Spanish-language media.

The new poll also showed that 35 percent of moderates and 38 percent of independents somewhat or strongly backed Trump's harshly-phrased, much-criticized statement. Twenty-five percent of moderates and 26 percent of independents disagreed strongly.

Among African-Americans, 24 percent agreed with Trump's statement- that's four times the 6 percent won by Romney in 2012 - while 28 percent of African-Americans disagreed strongly.
Imagine how much support they'll give rubio when he's the nominee.

The only ones who hate trump is the GOP establishment because they won't nominate trump.

Why you even yuck yucking about libs when we don't even have to worry about him?

Rubio won't get the nomination because everyone knows he supports amnesty. That's a poison pill for any Republican candidate.
Nah. You'll swallow it just like you did when McCain supported illegals in 2007.

Rubio or hillary?

Yeah....thats why Trump is killing it at every level no matter what the liberal pukes and the shit head RINOs throw at him.
Rubio won't get the nomination because everyone knows he supports amnesty. That's a poison pill for any Republican candidate.
Nah. You'll swallow it just like you did when McCain supported illegals in 2007.

Rubio or hillary?

In case you haven't figured it out yet, Republicans have had their fill of establishment Republicans. The establishment bought and paid for Rubio. He won't get the nomination.
You mean the middle class voters who they poll? They don't give a damn what you want. You'll never get your Ron Paul's Ross perot's or Donalds elected.

And when we elect a grass roots guy those same rich guys won't let the dems make any real change. Perfect example is obamacare. A gift to the insurance giants.

So you think middle class voters, many of who have unemployed children living at home who are recent college graduates, are going to vote for a candidate who supports amnesty for illegal aliens?
College grads aren't competing against illegals. The people hurt most by them are poor people.

I think fox and rush can sell you anything they want.

This should drive all the leftwing turds crazy. Get used to saying "President Trump," turds!

He's going to need a lot more than 28% of Hispanics in order to win, you tard.

Oh no he does not, I think you underestimate greatly the number of Democrats who are also sick and tired of the illegals blacks in particular.

You think blacks will vote for Trump? :afro:

Actually yes.
Who do you think takes most of their jobs?
You know what Hispanics hate ? When you refer to them all as "Mexicans".

The GOP can't get out of their own racist way .
The smart GOP know that, but our far right nativist crackers know it too, so that's why they pull that nonsense.

Their whole plan on immigration is based on racism! It's all about the border !!!! As if all immigrants are Mexicans who just ran over the line .

Illegals come from everywhere . About 1/2 of them
Come in legally and overstay visas . Walls do nothing to stop that .

You know what? No matter how many times we try and save the American middle class and low wage earners you liberals thwart us.
You cry about wage stagnation and the lack of jobs yet you still want the influx of immigrants,legal or not.
How exactly do you square that?
No we don't. Take a poll you'll find most liberals want them gone too. Stop listening to rush and fox. They lie to you.

Seriously? You have wknd at Bernie's and soon to be convict hilary who both support amnesty and open borders.
And we both know you'll vote for the last standing dumbass,and bernie may be starring in wknd at bernies 5 by the time the elections roll around and the beast may be in prison.
So why dont you fill me in on this mythical democrat running on a "no more illegal immigration" platform because I dont even see a mainstream republican running that has the balls to break ranks.
I think then we need to hear hillary debate rubio and see who the public agrees with. I can tell you rubio should win the Latino vote.
You know what's funny?
Liberal pukes complain about Trumps lack of experience in politics and global affairs.
And you know what? I agree,he is lacking in those departments.
Yet we'd gladly give up those skills so we can regain our sovereignty because without that we are done as a nation.
This should drive all the leftwing turds crazy. Get used to saying "President Trump," turds!

A new poll of 2,000 citizens shows that Donald Trump's immigration stance has more support among Hispanic Americans than Gov. Mitt Romney won in 2012, even after the pollsters reminded respondents of Trump's most controversial statements on immigration.

Twenty-eight percent of Hispanic Americans agreed with Trump's June statement that "When Mexico sends its people, they're not sending their best. They're sending people that have lots of problems. They're bringing drugs. They're bringing crime. They're rapists."

In 2012, Romney won 27 percent of the Hispanic-American vote.

Twelve percent of Hispanic-Americans said they were not sure what to say about Trump's comment, and only 61 percent opposed it, despite heated criticism of Trump by Spanish-language media.

The new poll also showed that 35 percent of moderates and 38 percent of independents somewhat or strongly backed Trump's harshly-phrased, much-criticized statement. Twenty-five percent of moderates and 26 percent of independents disagreed strongly.

Among African-Americans, 24 percent agreed with Trump's statement- that's four times the 6 percent won by Romney in 2012 - while 28 percent of African-Americans disagreed strongly.
Imagine how much support they'll give rubio when he's the nominee.

The only ones who hate trump is the GOP establishment because they won't nominate trump.

Why you even yuck yucking about libs when we don't even have to worry about him?

Rubio won't get the nomination because everyone knows he supports amnesty. That's a poison pill for any Republican candidate.
Nah. You'll swallow it just like you did when McCain supported illegals in 2007.

Rubio or hillary?

Yeah....thats why Trump is killing it at every level no matter what the liberal pukes and the shit head RINOs throw at him.
We aren't throwing anything. His fight is with the GOP.

They're already plotting the fall. Supposedly Carson's tied with him? I don't believe that. Who the hell are they polling and are they asking misleading or leading questions to get people to pick carson? Then carli is up for a bit. Kasich got a bump for a second.

You wait and see how trump falls. Please don't blame us or forget you don't pick the nominee. We do. We gave it to Obama when it was supposed to be hillary in 2008

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