Poll: Trump Getting More Hispanic Support Than Romney in 2012

Lets poll blacks and see what they think of Trump's position illegals, Dem's will shit themselves.
Trump polls among blacks about the same Hispanics. The small percent of blacks who vote conservative is primarily due to conservative support for religious issues, an area in which Trump is very weak.
This should drive all the leftwing turds crazy. Get used to saying "President Trump," turds!

He's going to need a lot more than 28% of Hispanics in order to win, you tard.

Oh no he does not, I think you underestimate greatly the number of Democrats who are also sick and tired of the illegals blacks in particular.

You think blacks will vote for Trump? :afro:

You think blacks won't vote against illegals?
Looking at polls on immigration, blacks like other races support a path to citizenship and oppose mass deportation of undocumented immigrants. Despite rightwing media attempts to blame illegal immigration for unemployment, crime, and other problems black families face, illegal immigration is still not a priority item. When blacks are asked what issues are most important to them illegal immigration doesn't make the top ten. Polls show the largest concern that blacks have is jobs and decent wages followed closely by alcohol and drug addition, neighborhood crime, quality of education, unmarried parents, and lack of black roll models.

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