Poll: Two-Thirds of Palestinians Want Abbas to Resign

See all you have is islamonazi propaganda talking points, and no actual evidence of any coup
I posted three reports from three different people from three different countries. There is no evidence that any of these people even know each other. Plus, these reports match the facts on the ground.

You have nothing but mindless babble.

No you posted the same report from the same person presented by 3 other people. When you understand that the source is where the report originates from and not by who presents it you will see how much of a fool you are.
And then to cover your inadequacies you resort to petty immature name calling
When you understand that the source is where the report originates from​

Where would that be?

Exactly what it says. If the report came from R.T. ( Iranian t.v. ) then that is the source even if it is broadcast by CBC or BBC. If I write a report that is later used by Fox or Haaretz the source is me.

Do you understand this yet. Your 3 youtube videos all came from the same source if you look at them in depth.
Of course that did not answer the question.

Only if you are a complete moron, but then we have known this about you for a long time now. Your 3 videos were based on one persons work and have no evidence to substantiate them as they are all traced back to the same person. Like the Harry Potter books are all traced back to J.K.Rowling, not Edgar Alan Poe or Isaac Asimov
Poll results have been consistent over six months and were affirmed Monday: two-thirds of Palestinians would like President Mahmoud Abbas to resign after a string of policy failures. Yet the Palestinian leader does not appear to be under palpable domestic or international pressure to step down.

Poll: Two-Thirds of Palestinians Want Abbas to Resign

It is interesting to note that nowhere in the article is the constitutional procedure for replacing a president mentioned.

I think he should as well, he seems to be on Israel's payroll as he is doing nothing for the Palestinians.

Of course. You're having difficulty understanding the inability of Islamic terrorist enclaves to operate in the relevant first world. So, you're left to promoting silly conspiracy theories.

No its obvious to me. Abbas is just a talking head, like most of the US politicians. I watched Vice on HBO , segment on Palestine. The young people there want Abbas gone, and a new leader. As long as Israel continues building their settlements they do not want peace, well they never did. I was sickened watching the segment on Vice, and I don't blame the Palestinian one iota for anything they do. We need to quit aid to Israel, thief's and killers. I never had much respect for Israel, Reagan had his issues with them as well, every President has, and its high time someone stand up to them. I wonder why they are so scared, I wouldn't doubt if Israel has nukes planted all over the US, because none of this makes sense.

That attitude is exactly why the Israeli's must start playing hardball. Not one single Arab Muslim with your attitude can be allowed to remain in the unified ( Eretz ) Israel.

Only those willing to live in peace.

Honestly, no one cares what 2/3 of the Arab Muslims think. What we care about is what each individual thinks and if they are willing to live and let live.

Oh give me a break, Israel has been playing hardball even before it was called Israel, they even bombed the King David hotel, getting rid of the Brits so they could get rid of the Palestinians. Murdering thugs. Never will I ever be on the side of Israel. We, the US, needs to rid our affair with them,

time for Israel to stand on their own two feet, and off the back of American taxpayers and workers. They are a leech on the US.

According to islamonazi propaganda and BLOOD LIBELS, not to the truth or reality as that would mean the muslims were wrong
I posted three reports from three different people from three different countries. There is no evidence that any of these people even know each other. Plus, these reports match the facts on the ground.

You have nothing but mindless babble.

No you posted the same report from the same person presented by 3 other people. When you understand that the source is where the report originates from and not by who presents it you will see how much of a fool you are.
And then to cover your inadequacies you resort to petty immature name calling
When you understand that the source is where the report originates from​

Where would that be?

Exactly what it says. If the report came from R.T. ( Iranian t.v. ) then that is the source even if it is broadcast by CBC or BBC. If I write a report that is later used by Fox or Haaretz the source is me.

Do you understand this yet. Your 3 youtube videos all came from the same source if you look at them in depth.
Of course that did not answer the question.

Only if you are a complete moron, but then we have known this about you for a long time now. Your 3 videos were based on one persons work and have no evidence to substantiate them as they are all traced back to the same person. Like the Harry Potter books are all traced back to J.K.Rowling, not Edgar Alan Poe or Isaac Asimov
Your 3 videos were based on one persons work​

Oh really, who would that be?
No you posted the same report from the same person presented by 3 other people. When you understand that the source is where the report originates from and not by who presents it you will see how much of a fool you are.
And then to cover your inadequacies you resort to petty immature name calling
When you understand that the source is where the report originates from​

Where would that be?

Exactly what it says. If the report came from R.T. ( Iranian t.v. ) then that is the source even if it is broadcast by CBC or BBC. If I write a report that is later used by Fox or Haaretz the source is me.

Do you understand this yet. Your 3 youtube videos all came from the same source if you look at them in depth.
Of course that did not answer the question.

Only if you are a complete moron, but then we have known this about you for a long time now. Your 3 videos were based on one persons work and have no evidence to substantiate them as they are all traced back to the same person. Like the Harry Potter books are all traced back to J.K.Rowling, not Edgar Alan Poe or Isaac Asimov
Your 3 videos were based on one persons work​

Oh really, who would that be?

Do your own homework and find out

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