Zone1 Poll: Which is the bigger, cause of white supremacy?

Which is the bigger cause of white supremacy?

  • POC supremacy and white inferioraty.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • All other causes combined.

    Votes: 2 66.7%

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What do I think?

good to be white.jpg
Mostly ignorance and learned behavior.
But, again, it is something of the past. It does not exist on any meaningful scale today, except for the race baiters and white nighters insisting that it does.

You obviously do not read this board
You obviously do not read this board
This board is no representation of reality.
Are there white people who believe they are superior because they are white. Of course.
But are they of any significant number that creates a problem, or mark on society? No. Period.
50 years ago, probably as many as half of white people thought black people were inferior. 50 years before that - almost 100%.
Today... maybe 2%. Maybe.
The only people that keep droning on about it are again, race baiters and white nighters.
You obviously do not read this board
In fairness..this board in NOT representative of the mainstream beliefs or attitudes in this Now white privilege does exist..but that's not the same thing at all. White privilege is built into the system..and is a manifestation of mainstream culture. One could say that white privilege is the outgrowth of the ideal of white supremacy that was built into the system by our founders..who, for the most part, were unapologetic believers in white supremacy--as that was the cultural norm.
White supremacy, the belief that white people are inherently superior by virtue of their a dying thing. Not that it's going quietly or without a some circles.

White privilege will be with us for quite a while yet--as it is human to favor those who look, talk and act like us. It takes an act of will to overcome this in our personal lives and most are really not into the effort. The culture will continue to favor white people--because white people will continue to favor white people.

Those who believe that racial superiority is a thing are a dying breed..and good riddance~
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And by the way - people who have a problem with the unacceptable, abhorrent behavior of inner-city blacks - that is not racism.
People who have a problem with urban black culture... that is not racism either. could well be bigotry though, eh? As I parse your post I'm struck by the absolutism shown. You posit the " unacceptable, abhorrent behavior of inner-city blacks" as a blanket statement, with no modifier--thus..inferring that all inner city black's behavior is unacceptable and abhorrent. This is, of course, both demonstrably untrue and bigoted.

As for "a problem with urban black culture" could just be personal preference and prejudice, to which we all fall prey. I guess only you would know if your 'problem' was based in the culture and lack of perceived shared values etc. or...based on the color of their skins~

I don't like this racist or bigoted? As it is a matter of personal Were it because Rap is predominantly a Black musical form..and that is why I hate it...yup..bigoted.

Were it part and parcel of a general dislike, or even hatred of Black people in general..based solely on their skin color..yup..racist.
The idea that there are lots of "white supremacists" around causing problems is one of the big myths of liberalism.

Most people who are dues paying members of the Trip K's in 2022 are law enforcement, journalists and others keeping an eye on the group. There are indeed a small core of "true believer " types there, who sometimes get baited by law enforcement to agree to do some crime, so they can be brought before the public and show the KKK is a danger.

And of course, the presumed leader of the group- Dave Duke- occasionally gets drawn off the bocce courts at his retirement in Florida to comment as a paid CNN contributor and spokesperson for the supposed movement.
"White" supremacy is a fact. In every significant area of our society and culture, the greatest contributors happen to be "white." This is not to say that,
  • There are no significant contributors from other demographics,
  • "White" people are in any way superior to POC's, or
  • "White" supremacy justifies any sort of discrimination or oppression of non-"white" people.
But "white" supremacy is just a fact. It doesn't hold anyone back from making their own contributions or accomplishments, regardless of gender or other demographic classification, but to deny it is just foolishness.

The CAUSE of "white" supremacy is mainly just numbers. OTOH, the REASON why Blacks and Hispanics remain sucking on the hind teat of the society economically, is a combination of numbers and culture. The proof of this is the success of Asians and jews. Both are "minorities," both are the victims of harmful discrimination, and yet they do fine. Blacks and Hispanics have a culture that disdains most of the characteristics that breed success. Not my fault. Not the result of racism. Mainly self-caused.
The idea that there are lots of "white supremacists" around causing problems is one of the big myths of liberalism.

Most people who are dues paying members of the Trip K's in 2022 are law enforcement, journalists and others keeping an eye on the group. There are indeed a small core of "true believer " types there, who sometimes get baited by law enforcement to agree to do some crime, so they can be brought before the public and show the KKK is a danger.

And of course, the presumed leader of the group- Dave Duke- occasionally gets drawn off the bocce courts at his retirement in Florida to comment as a paid CNN contributor and spokesperson for the supposed movement.
Well yeah..the KKK is joke. Of course, there are any number of white supremacist organizations that are not the KKK. Christian Identity groups seem to be the thing these organized racists.

A lot of them..nope..very few, as an absolute number. I look at it like have a soup...2 gallons of delicious soup..and then you add 2 tablespoons of shit. Is it still good soup? Would you drink it..knowing that it has shit in it?

Thus our country and white supremacist groups.
"White" supremacy is a fact. In every significant area of our society and culture, the greatest contributors happen to be "white." This is not to say that,
  • There are no significant contributors from other demographics,
  • "White" people are in any way superior to POC's, or
  • "White" supremacy justifies any sort of discrimination or oppression of non-"white" people.
But "white" supremacy is just a fact. It doesn't hold anyone back from making their own contributions or accomplishments, regardless of gender or other demographic classification, but to deny it is just foolishness.

The CAUSE of "white" supremacy is mainly just numbers. OTOH, the REASON why Blacks and Hispanics remain sucking on the hind teat of the society economically, is a combination of numbers and culture. The proof of this is the success of Asians and jews. Both are "minorities," both are the victims of harmful discrimination, and yet they do fine. Blacks and Hispanics have a culture that disdains most of the characteristics that breed success. Not my fault. Not the result of racism. Mainly self-caused.
...And yet..attacks on Asians are endemic these days....and Jew-baiting is in the news daily. Just about everything has a past..a history...and only a fool...or a racist...would posit that Jim and Juan Crow have not had a pervasive and lasting effect.

Your argument is an old one..and a failure.
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I don't personally know any white supremacists and doubt there are very many in our country.
Yeah..they do seem to be over-represented in this forum eh?
The internet is custom built for such it gives them the anonymity they require.
Why do they require such? is a healthy their abhorrent views are no longer welcome in public society. So, they hide their shame..knowing that most people would ostracize them, did they know what twisty snakes they really are.
This is a good thing.
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