Zone1 Poll: Which is the bigger, cause of white supremacy?

Which is the bigger cause of white supremacy?

  • POC supremacy and white inferioraty.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • All other causes combined.

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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I haven't seen any in this forum. Please be more specific. either see them..or you don't. IMO..if you don't it's either because you are invested in not seeing, because you're part of the problem or you're highly unobservant.
Either way..nothing I could say will have any effect, right? either see them..or you don't. IMO..if you don't it's because you are invested in not seeing, because you're part of the problem or you're highly unobservant.
Either way..nothing I could say will have any effect, right?
I'm not offended by opinions expressed at this site. I prefer freedom of expression over repression. could well be bigotry though, eh? As I parse your post I'm struck by the absolutism shown. You posit the " unacceptable, abhorrent behavior of inner-city blacks" as a blanket statement, with no modifier--thus..inferring that all inner city black's behavior is unacceptable and abhorrent. This is, of course, both demonstrably untrue and bigoted.

As for "a problem with urban black culture" could just be personal preference and prejudice, to which we all fall prey. I guess only you would know if your 'problem' was based in the culture and lack of perceived shared values etc. or...based on the color of their skins~

I don't like this racist or bigoted? As it is a matter of personal Were it because Rap is predominantly a Black musical form..and that is why I hate it...yup..bigoted.

Were it part and parcel of a general dislike, or even hatred of Black people in general..based solely on their skin color..yup..racist.
That is what you THINK I mean.
And everyone knows what the blanket statement "inner city black culture" is, and everyone knows that not every black is a part of it. Except for holier than thou virtue signalers who NEED to infer evil on to others in attempt to make themselves more enlightened.
Same for urban black culture - everyone knows what that is, and knows, again, not every black person living in an urban setting is like that.

Same goes for the term "white trash". Everyone knows what that is. Anyone using the term is not trying to claim all poor white people are trash. Just the ones who are.
What manufactures more white supremacy than all the other factors combined is the mainstream media.

They create it out of thin air in order to pursue their agenda of destroying America from within.
Well yeah..the KKK is joke. Of course, there are any number of white supremacist organizations that are not the KKK. Christian Identity groups seem to be the thing these organized racists.

A lot of them..nope..very few, as an absolute number. I look at it like have a soup...2 gallons of delicious soup..and then you add 2 tablespoons of shit. Is it still good soup? Would you drink it..knowing that it has shit in it?

Thus our country and white supremacist groups.

KKK has fallen out of fashion

Today they prefer to wear MAGA hats rather than white hoods
In fairness..this board in NOT representative of the mainstream beliefs or attitudes in this Now white privilege does exist..but that's not the same thing at all. White privilege is built into the system..and is a manifestation of mainstream culture. One could say that white privilege is the outgrowth of the ideal of white supremacy that was built into the system by our founders..who, for the most part, were unapologetic believers in white supremacy--as that was the cultural norm.
White supremacy, the belief that white people are inherently superior by virtue of their a dying thing. Not that it's going quietly or without a some circles.

White privilege will be with us for quite a while yet--as it is human to favor those who look, talk and act like us. It takes an act of will to overcome this in our personal lives and most are really not into the effort. The culture will continue to favor white people--because white people will continue to favor white people.

Those who believe that racial superiority is a thing are a dying breed..and good riddance~
There is no such thing as white privilege, there is only success privilege. Success comes to people regardless of their race, creed, or nationality. It’s brought by hard work and sacrifice.
There is no such thing as white privilege, there is only success privilege. Success comes to people regardless of their race, creed, or nationality. It’s brought by hard work and sacrifice.

So how does that explain the disproportionate success of impoverished NYC Jews, born to uneducated immigrant parents, who had no connections, no money, didn’t drive, lost their grandparents and other relatives to Hitler (and listened to it in real time every night on the transistor radio), found when they graduated that antisemitism was so strong they were blocked from being hired all over the place, and STILL managed to get a college education (and yes….blacks were in their colleges too), and move into the middle class by age 30?

It’s helping nobody, and certainly not blacks, that whites only achieved due to connections and family money. Many achieved despite having none of that - with motivation, discipline, intelligence, delaying childbearing, and steering clear of crime.

Blacks would do much better if they would emulate other disadvantaged minorities who have succeeded despite unspeakable bigotry rather than blame their failings on ”white privilege.”
So how does that explain the disproportionate success of impoverished NYC Jews, born to uneducated immigrant parents, who had no connections, no money, didn’t drive, lost their grandparents and other relatives to Hitler (and listened to it in real time every night on the transistor radio), found when they graduated that antisemitism was so strong they were blocked from being hired all over the place, and STILL managed to get a college education (and yes….blacks were in their colleges too), and move into the middle class by age 30?

It’s helping nobody, and certainly not blacks, that whites only achieved due to connections and family money. Many achieved despite having none of that - with motivation, discipline, intelligence, delaying childbearing, and steering clear of crime.

Blacks would do much better if they would emulate other disadvantaged minorities who have succeeded despite unspeakable bigotry rather than blame their failings on ”white privilege.”
Jews were still white

They weren’t forced to ride the back of the bus
Jews were still white

They weren’t forced to ride the back of the bus
Excuses, excuses. I would rather have to ride in the back of the bus than have my grandmother, aunt, and four cousins murdered for being Jewish. And despite that, Jews still succeeded.

The fact is that blacks can ALL succeed too, with the right choices and traits - no crime, no OOW babies, discipline, motivation, and ability.
Excuses, excuses. I would rather have to ride in the back of the bus than have my grandmother, aunt, and four cousins murdered for being Jewish. And despite that, Jews still succeeded.

The fact is that blacks can ALL succeed too, with the right choices and traits - no crime, no OOW babies, discipline, motivation, and ability.

Jews were not being murdered in the United States

Blacks were legally identified as second class citizens and lynched for standing up for their dignity
Jews were not being murdered in the United States

Blacks were legally identified as second class citizens and lynched for standing up for their dignity
In fact, Jews fled to the US escaping oppression...pogroms and ghettos, not to mention 2,000 years of oppression, 2nd class citizenship and random--(and not so random)-- attempts at genocide. Even so, prejudice directed at Jews it is a cultural archetype. It is ironic that one of the persistent conspiracy myths of the Jews is that they secretly run everything. No one has ever accused the American Blacks of that, I think.
Blacks were, by and large, brought here in be enslaved and oppressed.
For the Jews, emigration was voluntary..for the Blacks, not so much.

The Jewish brought with them Millennia of culture, a common religion, a common language, writing and skills. They had global connections they could draw on. They brought their families and traditions.

The Blacks in America had to invent their own culture on the fly..with very little cultural reference from their past, which was not even a shared past, as many of them were from wildly different tribes with different languages. They learned the language of their enslavers, had to adopt the culture of their enslavers and had to reinvent themselves anew.
Blacks were forbidden literacy, so most of their past was lost. In fact, American Black culture is less than 300 years old.

The comparison is are most..since the conditions that created American Black culture are unique. Jews brought with them a support structure that has served them well.
Jews were still white

They weren’t forced to ride the back of the bus
No, in many cases they weren't allowed ON the bus. There were as many neighborhoods that refused to allow Jews to live there as did blacks. Most country and yacht clubs banned Jews from membership. That may not sound like a big deal to you, but a hell of a lot of business deals are struck on the greens or in yacht clubs.
Jews were not being murdered in the United States

Blacks were legally identified as second class citizens and lynched for standing up for their dignity
Jews living here were having their families in Europe murdered for being Jewish. Don’t downplay the horrific experience Jews suffered knowing that was happening to their loved ones.

But hey….they’re just Jews. We know leftists like you care only about blacks and RESENT Jews rising above bigotry.
Jews living here were having their families in Europe murdered for being Jewish. Don’t downplay the horrific experience Jews suffered knowing that was happening to their loved ones.

But hey….they’re just Jews. We know leftists like you care only about blacks and RESENT Jews rising above bigotry.
Has nothing to do with how we treat OUR people
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