Zone1 Poll: Which is the bigger, cause of white supremacy?

Which is the bigger cause of white supremacy?

  • POC supremacy and white inferioraty.

    Votes: 1 33.3%
  • All other causes combined.

    Votes: 2 66.7%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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Has nothing to do with how we treat OUR people
Good thing we haven’t done the back of the bus thing for nearly 70 years then. You leftists act as though we are still putting blacks in the back of the bus rather than what we are actually doing - bending over backwards to favor them over whites for everything from college admissions to jobs.
Good thing we haven’t done the back of the bus thing for nearly 70 years then. You leftists act as though we are still putting blacks in the back of the bus rather than what we are actually doing - bending over backwards to favor them over whites for everything from college admissions to jobs.
ummmm….and Jews haven’t been exterminated for 75 years and you keep bringing it up
Good thing we haven’t done the back of the bus thing for nearly 70 years then. You leftists act as though we are still putting blacks in the back of the bus rather than what we are actually doing - bending over backwards to favor them over whites for everything from college admissions to jobs.
I wouldn't allow them on the bus. Black behavior and violence is why mass transit will never work in our cities
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Well yeah..the KKK is joke. Of course, there are any number of white supremacist organizations that are not the KKK. Christian Identity groups seem to be the thing these organized racists.

A lot of them..nope..very few, as an absolute number. I look at it like have a soup...2 gallons of delicious soup..and then you add 2 tablespoons of shit. Is it still good soup? Would you drink it..knowing that it has shit in it?

Thus our country and white supremacist groups.
So why don't you move to Africa where they've mastered all the things white liberals yearn for
ummmm….and Jews haven’t been exterminated for 75 years and you keep bringing it up
Only to show the difference - that Jews went through hell and a generation later, they’re successful. THAT is why I bring it up. It shows that one can’t blame prejudice for failure. You Dems want to keep blacks feeling like helpless victims.
So why don't you move to Africa where they've mastered all the things white liberals yearn for
Uh..your post have nothing to do with what I said, now does it?

It amuses me that you seem to think that only white liberals think our system has favored the white male over all others..that it was built that way.

I like it the US..where we are addressing the issues of our past. I get that you don't like this trend..but I'm afraid that demographics don't favor your point of view~

White Supremacy is dying on the vine..and it's taking American Exceptionalism with it.
What is the cause of a racist fiction?

The better question I think is why isn’t this thread sent to the basement?
"White" supremacy is a fact. In every significant area of our society and culture, the greatest contributors happen to be "white." This is not to say that,
  • There are no significant contributors from other demographics,
  • "White" people are in any way superior to POC's, or
  • "White" supremacy justifies any sort of discrimination or oppression of non-"white" people.
But "white" supremacy is just a fact. It doesn't hold anyone back from making their own contributions or accomplishments, regardless of gender or other demographic classification, but to deny it is just foolishness.

The CAUSE of "white" supremacy is mainly just numbers. OTOH, the REASON why Blacks and Hispanics remain sucking on the hind teat of the society economically, is a combination of numbers and culture. The proof of this is the success of Asians and jews. Both are "minorities," both are the victims of harmful discrimination, and yet they do fine. Blacks and Hispanics have a culture that disdains most of the characteristics that breed success. Not my fault. Not the result of racism. Mainly self-caused.
White supremacy is a belief. It is not a fact. And the opinion you post is evidence of how it is perpetuated. White Jews are white people, Asians are not doing as good as whites claim. Indians raise the Asian income up, but Asians are a very large demographic and there are Asian ethic groups living in very high poverty. Your last two sentences are way inaccurate as I am black and know your comments are incorrect and based on your ant black/anti hispanic hate. . The cultural problem belongs to whites, specifically whites with your beliefs and opinion.Whites like you create the policies that have created the problems.
I don't personally know any white supremacists and doubt there are very many in our country.
There are very few. (That’s why the Democrats switched the “enemy” from white supremacists to election deniers.)

A couple of years ago we had a neo-Nazi group protest In Arlington, VA. Police warned everyone to stay away, as they feared a violent uprising. Turned out that six bigots turned up, stood there, and went home.

I actually tried to find the photo of it, which I saw before, but Google doesn’t have it. That’s because it would show how few white supremacists there really are.
Troll thread intended only to inflame passions and divide members only. Not posted with intentions of civil discussion.
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