Poll: Which way did you vote?

Did you vote mostly FOR a candidate, or TO BLOCK the other candidate?

  • I didn't like Trump but I voted FOR him to stop Hillary

    Votes: 19 63.3%
  • I didn't like Clinton but I voted FOR her to stop Trump

    Votes: 6 20.0%
  • I could have accepted Clinton but voted FOR Trump because I believe in him

    Votes: 4 13.3%
  • I could have accepted Trump but voted FOR Clinton because I believe in her.

    Votes: 1 3.3%

  • Total voters
That's good. Much better than staying home, but of course you live in a locked-red state so you had no say in how your state's Electors were going to vote since that was already known. So you cast a protest vote. I agree with that action, but sadly way too few voters will do that, so ......... nothing changes.
Not completely true. First, there is no federal requirement for winner-take-all. Each state can decide to apportion their electoral votes. Second, as in my case, voting third party on local and state levels is a way to grow support to national levels. Ergo, change is possible and happens regularly. It's up to "We, the People" to decide if they want change or not. Just like they did in 2012 and just like they did in 2016.
Not completely true. First, there is no federal requirement for winner-take-all. Each state can decide to apportion their electoral votes.

Of course. That's why I keep qualifying the "Electoral College system" or the "Electoral College as it's practiced today". That's what that refers to. A state can consult a ouija board if it wants to; the entire winner-take-all inanity is just a me-too mob mentality on the part of the states. And what I articulate here is the detriments of that system as it's practiced.

A system which James Madison, one of the designers of the EC, tried to get abolished by Constitutional Amendment.

Second, as in my case, voting third party on local and state levels is a way to grow support to national levels.

And good luck with that, I say sincerely, as I wish good luck to anything that can serve to deconstruct the Duopoly system. But I've been where you are before and I don't recall that a whole lot of satisfaction ensued.
Would you have voted for a third party candidate in this election had you felt it was an option?
I voted a Libertarian ticket. Not that I thought Johnson would win, but 1) to vote against the other two choices offered and 2) a more realistic goal of local Libertarian successes.
I voted Jill Stein because I believe in her values, which are in line with Sanders' values, whom I also supported.

Which kind of state are you in? (Locked or "in play")?
Florida. I guess that means "in play". Was that supposed to have caused me to vote for someone I didn't believe in or something?

Usually yeah. Unless you honestly see no difference between the LCD Red and Blue candidates.
My point here was to establish what level of "voting-to-block" went on. It sounds like the situation does not apply in your case.

Now being in a so-called "battleground" state* your like-minded friends prolly chastize you for making the Rump election possible by not voting to block him. That's what they will be talking about. Some of mine tried to do that to me in 2000 but I pointed out to them that our state (Louisiana) was going red regardless what we did, so I may as well cast a protest vote, which I did. Didn't make a damn bit of difference except as an obscure number somebody who really needs a lot of numbers can look up in a book. But in that case my state's outcome was known before Election Day so I felt I at least had that option. It's a drop in the bucket but it's all we can squeeze out of the EC system.
...And good luck with that, I say sincerely, as I wish good luck to anything that can serve to deconstruct the Duopoly system. But I've been where you are before and I don't recall that a whole lot of satisfaction ensued.
Do you really think endlessly bitching about is any better? The Libertarian party has grown. Only idiots think a party can leap from 3% to taking the WH. In addition, it's not necessary to formulate an entire new party. Sometimes just taking over an old one is sufficient.

Would you have voted for a third party candidate in this election had you felt it was an option?
I voted a Libertarian ticket. Not that I thought Johnson would win, but 1) to vote against the other two choices offered and 2) a more realistic goal of local Libertarian successes.
I voted Jill Stein because I believe in her values, which are in line with Sanders' values, whom I also supported.

Which kind of state are you in? (Locked or "in play")?
Florida. I guess that means "in play". Was that supposed to have caused me to vote for someone I didn't believe in or something?

Usually yeah. Unless you honestly see no difference between the LCD Red and Blue candidates.
My point here was to establish what level of "voting-to-block" went on. It sounds like the situation does not apply in your case.

Now being in a so-called "battleground" state* your like-minded friends prolly chastize you for making the Rump election possible by not voting to block him. That's what they will be talking about. Some of mine tried to do that to me in 2000 but I pointed out to them that our state (Louisiana) was going red regardless what we did, so I may as well cast a protest vote, which I did. Didn't make a damn bit of difference except as an obscure number somebody who really needs a lot of numbers can look up in a book. But in that case my state's outcome was known before Election Day so I felt I at least had that option. It's a drop in the bucket but it's all we can squeeze out of the EC system.
Now being in a so-called "battleground" state* your like-minded friends prolly chastize you for making the Rump election possible by not voting to block him.
I'm not bothered by it. I remained true to myself, it's more important to me. They are the ones that sold out.
Besides, they are to busy blaming the Russians now.
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This poll looks just like those CNN/NBC Fake News polls. The voting options are shite. The OP needs to try again.
Not American, don't live there, can't vote. I think though that the "the two most despised candidates ever" were probably Hillary Clinton and Richard Nixon ..... or did that sexy idiot from Alaska every run for the presidency?

That's a pretty dumb comparison when she received 3 million more votes than Trump.
This poll looks just like those CNN/NBC Fake News polls. The voting options are shite. The OP needs to try again.

The OP has already proven his (my) point. This is where you end up when you don't bother to read the thread.
I voted a Libertarian ticket. Not that I thought Johnson would win, but 1) to vote against the other two choices offered and 2) a more realistic goal of local Libertarian successes.
I voted Jill Stein because I believe in her values, which are in line with Sanders' values, whom I also supported.

Which kind of state are you in? (Locked or "in play")?
Florida. I guess that means "in play". Was that supposed to have caused me to vote for someone I didn't believe in or something?

Usually yeah. Unless you honestly see no difference between the LCD Red and Blue candidates.
My point here was to establish what level of "voting-to-block" went on. It sounds like the situation does not apply in your case.

Now being in a so-called "battleground" state* your like-minded friends prolly chastize you for making the Rump election possible by not voting to block him. That's what they will be talking about. Some of mine tried to do that to me in 2000 but I pointed out to them that our state (Louisiana) was going red regardless what we did, so I may as well cast a protest vote, which I did. Didn't make a damn bit of difference except as an obscure number somebody who really needs a lot of numbers can look up in a book. But in that case my state's outcome was known before Election Day so I felt I at least had that option. It's a drop in the bucket but it's all we can squeeze out of the EC system.
Now being in a so-called "battleground" state* your like-minded friends prolly chastize you for making the Rump election possible by not voting to block him.

I'm not bothered by it. I remained true to myself, it's more important to me. They are the ones that sold out.
Besides, they are to busy blaming the Russians now.

But looking at the results ---------- aren't they correct?

Rump won Florida by less than 113,000 votes. Third parties pulled 297,000, two and a half times that differential.
This poll looks just like those CNN/NBC Fake News polls. The voting options are shite. The OP needs to try again.

The OP has already proven his (my) point. This is where you end up when you don't bother to read the thread.

You gave shite choices. Don't emulate CNN/NBC Fake News polls. Try again with some credible options.
This poll looks just like those CNN/NBC Fake News polls. The voting options are shite. The OP needs to try again.

The OP has already proven his (my) point. This is where you end up when you don't bother to read the thread.

You gave shite choices. Don't emulate CNN/NBC Fake News polls. Try again with some credible options.


Again --- read the thread before you dig yourself even deeper.

The options are not the credible part here --- the results are. I see nineteen to four, not counting narratives.
And you have no clue what I'm even talking about.
But looking at the results ---------- aren't they correct?

Rump won Florida by less than 113,000 votes. Third parties pulled 297,000, two and a half times that differential.
Doesn't that go against your pet theory? Same for Nader in 2000 and Perot in 1992? Third party candidates may not have a chance of winning, but they certainly can affect the outcome of elections. If Bush, Gore and Hillary had been more appealing to the Third Party group's interests, they might have won the election.
Did you vote mostly FOR a candidate, or TO BLOCK the other candidate?

I voted for Trump in the primary and general election because he was clearly the best candidate.

And it was also imperative to prevent an alcoholic compulsive liar and career criminal from becoming the president.

Not American, don't live there, can't vote. I think though that the "the two most despised candidates ever" were probably Hillary Clinton and Richard Nixon ..... or did that sexy idiot from Alaska every run for the presidency?

That's a pretty dumb comparison when she received 3 million more votes than Trump.
Sarah Palin would have got 4 million more votes, just on her tits alone. But Trump still won and that's what matters.

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