Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Shut the phukk up and get the goddamned shot and quit your whining, little bitches.

I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are whining..

If they think the vaccine works then they should get it and shut up. They are protected, right?

Then they have nothing to worry about from the ones that didn't get it, right?

They need to stop being fucking Karens trying to tell other people how to live their lives, right?
We had three employees come down with Covid at work. Our company did not institute a vaccine mandate, but did require us to show our vaccine passports if we didn't want to wear a mask. I have a Libertarian friend who got the shot but chose to wear a mask rather than show the company his passport.

Whatever floats your boat, I guess.
I understand where your friend is coming from. I refuse to show my personal medical records to anyone. It is no one else’s business but my own.

We have illegal immigrants that cant asked to show any documentatio, yet Americans need to show papers to work, travel, go to events and eat at restaurant. since the beginning of this virus I have been a good citizen and have followed the rules. i stayed home, social distanced, masked up, vaccinated, and now my doctor told me it was not a good idea with my health problems. I am now over it. Since Covid, my life has changed, we go nowhere where there are other people, we have become loaners, eating out, going to dinner, socializing, sport or entertainment events, we don’t do anymore and we both enjoy staying at home, watch movies, home projects and hobbies, we found life more relaxing and enjoying staying away from people.

I refuse to be forced to show papers, that is over the line, it is intrusive, it is a violation of HIPAA laws, it is over the line. If I need to retire, so be it. I am over it! Imagine this is now a country where illegals have more rights than it is citizens and citizens now have to show papers to eat at a restaurant, where the transmission rates are almost non-existent.

You want to be fucking stupid, go right ahead.
Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Please do not answer if you will not be forced to comply by your employer as a result of a politician making a mandate like Biden did today. I am not looking for hypotheticals. I want answers from people who will be required to provide proof of vaccination to be employed. This only includes private businesses with >100 employees, Executive Branch workers, certain health care and education professionals, etc.

It's fine if you answer yes and are completely against mandatory vaccination. People have bills to pay.

You can vote more than once, and you can change your vote.
You missed yes, vaccinated, refuse to show facist papers.
I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much

Just remember, throwing kids into cages and gassing peaceful protestors isn't fascism....

But making you get a shot so you don't endanger yourself and your coworkers is.
I don't know why these stupid Moon Bats are whining..

Of course you know why.

If a Republican doesn't like the McDonald's restaurant chain, a Republican will not patron McDonald's. If a liberal doesn't like the McDonald's restaurant chain, nobody should like or go to McDonald's either.

If a Republican feels no need to carry a firearm, a Republican will not get their license to carry a firearm. If a liberal doesn't like the idea of carrying a firearm, nobody should be allowed to carry a firearm.

If a Republican doesn't like going to a bar because people smoke cigarettes there, a Republican will simply go to another bar. If a liberal doesn't like a bar because people smoke there, they petition their fellow commies to stop everybody from smoking in that bar.

By nature communists are control freaks. They want to control every action of society based on their likes or dislikes. So if they want to get the vaccine, everybody should have to get the vaccine too.
I work for myself, so no I won't get the vaccine.
See this is where Pedo Joe’s plan goes awry. Obviously the unvaccinated are either self employed or have a side job or two. They can’t be bullied with mandates. Should be interesting to see how this plays out.
Why not?
Diabetics have it much worse.

People diagnosed with type 1 diabetes usually start with two injections of insulin per day of two different types of insulin and generally progress to three or four injections per day of insulin of different types. The types of insulin used depend on their blood sugar levels. Studies have shown that three or four injections of insulin a day give the best blood sugar control and can prevent or delay the eye, kidney, and nerve damage caused by diabetes.

Most people with type 2 diabetes may need one injection per day without any diabetes pills. Some may need a single injection of insulin in the evening (at supper or bedtime) along with diabetes pills. Sometimes diabetes pills stop working, and people with type 2 diabetes will start with two injections per day of two different types of insulin. They may progress to three or four injections of insulin per day.

You have no clue WTF you're talking about. It doesn't work that way. Type 1 is insulin dependent, Type 2 is non-insulin dependent. I've never heard of any doctor prescribing pills and shots. Insulin is not like opioid products where your body develops a tolerance to it and you need more as time goes on. Any changes in dosage is based on your glucose test results, otherwise known as A1C. At times a doctor may start you off on one shot and progress to two shots, and other times you may start of with two shots and the doctor reduces it to one. It all depends on test results, not how long you've been taking it.

Some people diagnosed with Type 2 may start of taking two or three pills a day like a friend of mine. He hated taking the pills, lost about 50 lbs, started exercising, and they took him of the medication entirely. This is a very common story with people who have weight problems as they age.
Probably the best way is to eat perfect, exercise 3 hours per day, and get 8 hours of sleep. But in this so called greatest nation we are inundated by fast food which kills Americans by the drives, people only exercise and hour per day, and some are working 12 hour shits....all anti health measures.
Apparently that is their choice. Even fast food places give you healthy food options. McDonald sells salads,fruit,oatmeal and grilled chicken for example.
Apparently that is their choice.
Which do you really want, people working enough to support themselves and pay taxes -or- people buying grilled chicken, french fries, and soda from Micky D's with food stamps? Your choice!
I think the point is that citing a noble prize for medicine for roundworms as an argument to imply that it would be effective for treating Covid-19 is so stupid it is embarrassing.
Not really. It is an inflammatory that can help with lung related issues due to multiple viruses…per studies related to said viruses…

“Reports from in vitro studies suggest that ivermectin acts by inhibiting the host importin alpha/beta-1 nuclear transport proteins, which are part of a key intracellular transport process that viruses hijack to enhance infection by suppressing the host’s antiviral response.4,5 In addition, ivermectin docking may interfere with the attachment of the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) spike protein to the human cell membrane.6 Ivermectin is thought to be a host-directed agent, which may be the basis for its broad-spectrum activity in vitro against the viruses that cause dengue, Zika, HIV, and yellow fever.4,7-9”
Which do you really want, people working enough to support themselves and pay taxes -or- people buying grilled chicken, french fries, and soda from Micky D's with food stamps? Your choice!
People are free to make whatever choices they see fit. That includes opting for a Big Mac over a salad at a fast food restaurant. It not like they don’t have other restaurant options that are healthier.
Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Please do not answer if you will not be forced to comply by your employer as a result of a politician making a mandate like Biden did today. I am not looking for hypotheticals. I want answers from people who will be required to provide proof of vaccination to be employed. This only includes private businesses with >100 employees, Executive Branch workers, certain health care and education professionals, etc.

It's fine if you answer yes and are completely against mandatory vaccination. People have bills to pay.

You can vote more than once, and you can change your vote.

Very few of these angry big mouths will quit their jobs if they are required to get vaccinated. A few will, but most of these self-described “patriots” will fold like cheap tents in a thunderstorm. Their inane “defiance” will crumble when faced with the loss of a paycheck.
Seatbelts were experimental when they came out.

Some states still resisted.

Once the idea of safety benefits of seat belts caught on in the U.S. public, sales of seat belts skyrocketed. Auto companies offered seat belts as optional equipment and were even sold at local gas stations.

Since 1966, American vehicles are required to have seat belts in their cars. As such, by 1975, most first-world countries had a seat belt requirement in their cars. Once they became more common in cars, laws soon followed afterwards. By 1970, the world’s first seat belt law was created in Victoria, Australia, which required passengers to wear their seat belts at all times. In the U.S., seat belt laws came around the time of the creation of The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966.

Though they were required by law to be in cars, wearing seat belt laws were a different story. The National Ad Council ran countless ads for 25 plus years encouraging drivers to “Buckle Up.” States slowly starting implementing laws and by 1995, every state except New Hampshire had “Click it or ticket” laws. Currently, all states have a seat belt enforcing law.

Air bags can hurt you, they put them in every new car now.

Totally wrong. Why must people wear seat belts today? Because the insurance industry paid off the politicians. That's the bottom line. The insurance industry controls legislation in our country. The insurance industry forced states to lower their blood alcohol level to .08 from whatever it was before, they forced states into mandating helmets for motorcycle riders, and the reason better paying companies drug test is because they get cheaper workman's compensation rates for their employees if there is random testing.

Money is power baby.
Very few of these angry big mouths will quit their jobs if they are required to get vaccinated. A few will, but most of these self-described “patriots” will fold like cheap tents in a thunderstorm. Their inane “defiance” will crumble when faced with the loss of a paycheck.
Wrong. Polls say 75% will quit rather than follow the mandate.
Yeah, I keep hearing that. Money is clearly no obstacle in Lalaland.
Obviously democrats don’t think so since they gifted food stamp recipients an extra $100.00 a month during the pandemic. And released them from food restrictions.

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