Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Excellent. We're back on track. You made the claim that I'm wrong, so I think you should be able to show me I'm wrong. Seems reasonable, right?

Let's start with the fact that you're using two different sources. This raises questions in terms of what exactly was asked. One might look at vaccinated ADULTS while the other looks at vaccinated PEOPLE. They're also taken at different times which raises other comparison issues. They also might be asking the questions differently. So instead of dealing with all of those factors, how about we just go apples to apples? Seems reasonable to me. Just remove those unknowns.

Let's take a look at your second source that states: 41% of Republicans still refuse COVID-19 shots.

Here's a screen shot of the headline:

View attachment 537736

If you look closely, you can find the source that they're using at the bottom of that image. Marista polls tend to be pretty comprehensive so I figured we could get an apples-apples comparison by just referring to their source.

You can find it here: Home of the Marist Poll | Polls, Analysis, Learning, and More

Go to the May 4 through May 10 one. Still with me? Once there, we can find the overall results. I highlighted a few parts. You can see the numbers in the headline. Further below, you can see the vaccination rate for black people.

View attachment 537738

And once again, the overall results in YOUR source still agree with me. The black community is more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans. That's two sources of yours that confirm what I said. Are you going to discredit your own source again?
First off, it isn't back on track as it is not the topic of the thread. I tried to put it back on track, but you insisted on this.

No you cannot look at it that via a poll when it comes to race. Race information is collected by the CDC, so can get the exact number which is 9%. With party affiliation, you cannot since they do not collect that data, so you have to go to a poll to gather that data. Please provide me with actual statistical data on race for the black community instead of a poll. For political affiliation, I am good with a poll as that is going to be the only choice you have unfortunately.

Therefore. 59% is still greater than 9%.
That and everything else.

Polls show that Republicans are one of the least vaccinated groups. People on USMB who aren't vaccinated are always Republican.

And if you look at vaccination rates by state, there's a very clear pattern that emerges.

Right, polls. Polls are no more honest than the MSM because they are nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.
This poll requested that retired people not vote, since they are not impacted by Biden's tyrannical action. Yet..

Dragonlady voted in this poll.
She posted she is retired here:

Mr Clean voted in this poll.
He posted he is retired over 20 years here:

candycorn voted in this poll. It claims to be starting a small business, also not relevant...

Lesh voted in this poll. Retired...

Crepitus voted in this poll. Retired...

I could go on.

What is wrong with you Dems? Why can't you vote in accordance with the posted rules? You guys cheat every chance you get or what???
I am not retired. I was listing reasons why it might be difficult for people to get to a polling place with limited times and locations.

So bite me.
You must know we're already up to windows 10 and they still haven't solved all the bugs. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have bought windows 3.1 or windows 95.

You think having to take a booster, means the initial vaccine was flawed, when every vaccine has a booster timetable.

I don't recall ever getting a polio or measles booster shot.

Maybe I'm not educated enough to understand it all, but from what I do understand, the vaccine does not stop you from getting Covid, it only gives your body the ability to create antibodies to fight it off. So what's the booster shot for? If I did have covid with the vaccine and did create these antibodies, what good would a booster shot do me?

Or are we going to have to live with this active vaccine in our system the rest of our lives because we don't know if vaxed people got the virus or not, therefore also not know if they created these antibodies yet?

This vaccine was suspicious from the beginning, but even more suspicious now.
In a free nation you should be able to decide for yourself if you want to take a new vaccine. We have no idea if these new vaccines will cause problems that surface in 5, 10 or 20 years. You should have the right to decide if you want to take that risk.

When I joined the military back in the Vietnam Era, I got a whole bunch of vaccines. That I can understand as if you are in the military who can rapidly get sent to far off places and be exposed to any number of nasty illnesses.
Thank you for your service. Not serving in the military is a regret I have in life. After what happened in Afghanistan, I am worried about those who server under our current commander-in-chief :(.
Well, that's one of the dumbest "went right over your head"response to a statement I've ever seen.
Never said insulin WAS vaccine.

"You will need 2 boosters a year to keep vaccinated".

Diabetics need one to four shots DAILY, to keep them from getting sick, going into shock or dying.

Totally missed the entire point.

The number of SHOTS.
Very few of these angry big mouths will quit their jobs if they are required to get vaccinated. A few will, but most of these self-described “patriots” will fold like cheap tents in a thunderstorm. Their inane “defiance” will crumble when faced with the loss of a paycheck.

If you quit your job you are not entitled to any benefits. Your company must fire you or lay you off. It would be stupid to quit.
Shut the phukk up, get the goddamned vaccine, and stop being a whiny bitch.
With your well chosen words, articulated points, and professionalism, you have now convinced me to get the shot. All I needed was to see someone use name calling, taking God's name in vain, and to accuse those who disagree with them whining dogs of a specific sex. I have now seen the light through civil discourse and understanding of the opposing viewpoint.
You DID NOT specifically mention "retired people" and yes, I'm retired so did not "answer" by selecting from any of your concocted responses. I can't speak for the others but I sure do appreciate this river you're crying over us for nothing here. This is a MB, not just a polling place.

Not a Dem either :p
First sentence says:
"Please do not answer if you will not be forced to comply by your employer as a result of a politician making a mandate like Biden did today"

You voted Green. Aligned mostly with Dems, but even worse, and you threw away your vote.

I am not retired. I was listing reasons why it might be difficult for people to get to a polling place with limited times and locations.

So bite me.
Sorry about that. I saw that you posted "I'm retired," and that was good enough for me. My mistake.

Is your workplace affected by Biden's mandate?
People of color are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.
They don't record political affiliation, but they do record race. From the CDC:


It should be perfectly obvious that Republicans are one of the groups least likely to be vaccinated.
The average time from conception to FDA approval of drugs is 12 years and only a fraction of those drugs ever make it to human testing, but you moron expect people take take a vaccine that's only been around for little over a year. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a Conservative and exercise common sense.
Go in the post that you replied to and point to me calling you any name? So no, it wasn't "quid pro quo".

In the case of Covid, a disease that has killed about 650000 Americans alone, the vaccine was rushed. It needed to be. Now billions of doses have been distributed. With very few actual serious side effects.

How is this relevant?

No, I don't.

When you claim you were responding in context and say " left-wing people getting closer to your arms when you are swinging" I need you to be specific about how you think this is applicable in the current discussion. Because your metaphor is frankly not very clear and doesn't seem to make sense in this context at all.

These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections.

The study of hundreds of Kentucky residents with previous infections through June 2021 found that those who were unvaccinated had 2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with those who were fully vaccinated.

Seems to me that the CDC doesn't agree with you.

You can cut the irony with a knife in this sentence. The only way you can "contain" a virus like this is by everybody getting vaccinated. Something you oppose. As for it being treatable. The number of people dead of Covid seems to argue that treatment is neither easy nor always succesfull.

In that study everyone previously had COVID. Read it.

It does not compare uninfected vaccinated people with recovered people.

All it shows is that if you previously had COVID, getting vaccinated gives you some extra protection.

Big difference.

CDC has given that study a deliberately deceptive title, and the MSM jumped all over it with false headlines.

The CDC knows that natural immunity provides greater protection than the vaccines by far, but they refuse to release the data which they have tons of, because they work for Biden who wants everyone to take a shot, even if it does not make sense.

But Israel has...

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