Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The Smallpox vaccine had a 150 year history before the NYC incident, this incident also lasted less than 2 months, 12 people were infected and 2 died. Smallpox had up to a 35% loss of life…

You might want to be less gullible and more questionable…
We will see who is gullible, when you keep talking. please, go on...
What's with the arbitrary 100 employee trigger? Biden doesn't care about small business employees?
We have a vaccination for the flu, the problem with that is there are dozens of flu variants, and currently the vaccine is limited to the top 3 or 4.
Less than half of the population takes a Flu shot (vaccine), so what’s preventing us from making it mandatory?
Where you confuse the effectiveness of the vaccine is because of the delta variant decreasing it's effectiveness by 10%.
No, I have several friends and family members who have taken the shot and have been extremely sick, ICU, double pneumonia, mild to not so mild cases…

I can only be accountable for myself, that is how this still works in America, so I thought, but in the 20+ months of this hysteria, I have not changed my behavior with my daily activities, which means I am involved with numerous sub contractors, vendors, employees and the general public on a daily basis and to this day I have not tested positive yet, I had a heart attack 11 months ago, so I was tested 3 times for procedures, all while living in the State of Texas, which has the highest percentage of non vaccinated population in the country…
Loyalty to whom? Trump is vaccinated and supports vaccination. So loyalty to whom?

I didn't get the shot because I don't want it. It's that simple.
You don’t want it cuz you think it makes you somehow a liberal pawn. Why aren’t you willing to help others? Is your politics so important you won’t do what millions of Americans did to combat measles?
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What's with the arbitrary 100 employee trigger? Biden doesn't care about small business employees?
It's like when they forced gun manufacturers to change six-shooters to five-shooters.
There are always alot of holes in these mandates.
Number one is the fact that kids under twelve don't have to, or can't, get the shots....but kids under twelve spread diseases more than any other age group.
It's like when they forced gun manufacturers to change six-shooters to five-shooters.
There are always alot of holes in these mandates.
Number one is the fact that kids under twelve don't have to, or can't, get the shots....but kids under twelve spread diseases more than any other age group.
Speaking of kids and shots....

More children have been SHOT in Chicago this year than the total number of those who have died from COVID-19 nationwide​

  • More children have died from gunshot wounds than COVID-19 in the city Chicago, according to a new report
  • A total of 214 minors have died of COVID-19 in the country; 261 were shot in Chicago, the CDC and National Center for Health Statistics
  • Coronavirus cases among children have spiked over the last two months, but death rates within are only 0-0.27 percent of COVID-19 fatalities nationwide
  • Only seven states of the entire 52 reported no deaths among children, the CDC and American Academy of Pediatrics report
  • In Chicago, more children have been shot to death citywide than have died of the virus in the whole state of Illinois
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Go in the post that you replied to and point to me calling you any name? So no, it wasn't "quid pro quo".

In the case of Covid, a disease that has killed about 650000 Americans alone, the vaccine was rushed. It needed to be. Now billions of doses have been distributed. With very few actual serious side effects.

How is this relevant?

No, I don't.

When you claim you were responding in context and say " left-wing people getting closer to your arms when you are swinging" I need you to be specific about how you think this is applicable in the current discussion. Because your metaphor is frankly not very clear and doesn't seem to make sense in this context at all.

These data further indicate that COVID-19 vaccines offer better protection than natural immunity alone and that vaccines, even after prior infection, help prevent reinfections.

The study of hundreds of Kentucky residents with previous infections through June 2021 found that those who were unvaccinated had 2.34 times the odds of reinfection compared with those who were fully vaccinated.

Seems to me that the CDC doesn't agree with you.

You can cut the irony with a knife in this sentence. The only way you can "contain" a virus like this is by everybody getting vaccinated. Something you oppose. As for it being treatable. The number of people dead of Covid seems to argue that treatment is neither easy nor always succesfull.
Don't have time for all your lame CYA here at this moment, but one of the points, starts with post #99 of this thread by you, where you made this;
" ... As the cliché goes. " Your freedom to swing your arms ends at my nose" ... "

BTW, I already posted that only about 6% of that 650,000 died from COVID only, the rest had other co-morbidites.

And I've already had covid, wasn't worse than usual flu.
Look at Joe Dufus infecting everyone around him.

Therefore. 59% is still greater than 9%.

Your own source showing Republicans at 59% shows black people at 79%.

Why is your source valid for conservatives but not valid for black people? Is your source credible or not?

I’m just using the study you’re referencing. And it agrees with my claim.
Right, polls. Polls are no more honest than the MSM because they are nothing more than an extension of the Democrat party.

I gave you vaccination rates by state. Those aren’t polls/surveys.

Here, why don’t you tell me which are the top 10 states in vaccination rates. Can you answer that? Or are you going to argue that it’s a magical conspiracy theory and that the numbers are secretly manipulated by those evil Democrats?
They don't record political affiliation, but they do record race. From the CDC:

View attachment 537876

We can see that in that data I have referenced that also shows black people with higher vaccine rates than Republicans.

Look at the vaccination rates by state. A very obvious pattern emerges.

Surely just a magical coincidence, right?
The average time from conception to FDA approval of drugs is 12 years and only a fraction of those drugs ever make it to human testing, but you moron expect people take take a vaccine that's only been around for little over a year. I'm not a Republican or a Democrat. I'm a Conservative and exercise common sense.

Cool. And yet people seem surprised when I say that conservatives are one of the least vaccinated groups.

It’s obvious.

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