Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I'm in a purple state. They voted for DumBama twice and Trump twice. Every Republican state has liberal cities which are all highly populated by commies. Your chart means nothing.

I understand that it’s too complicated for you, but it shows that blue states have higher vaccine rates than red states.

Do you think that’s a magical coincidence? You do, don’t you?
How about a very effective mandate?

Our Social Security system is (if you believe the media) is about to crash and burn. There's no money; it's all spent on handouts to the lazy.

So rather than increase taxes ("contributions") let's instead just MANDATE shots for the elderly. For example, MANDATE that everyone, on their 75th birthday, line up for a "Social Responsibility Vaccine". One that kills quickly and without pain. Instant solution to the whole problem?

Maybe not.

There might still be not enough money.

So - no new MANDATE.

Just "adjust" the age. Maybe down to 72......

And then, if there's not enough money................

Why not? We're already living with MANDATES. And without even a vote in Congress. Isn't there a word beginning with "d" that describes that?

No, liberals, the "d" word does not indicate "desirable" and it's a small "d" so don't you Democrats get delusions of grandeur.
You don’t want it cuz you think it makes you somehow a liberal pawn. Why aren’t you willing to help others? Is your politics so important you won’t do what millions of Americans did to combat measles?

It has nothing to do with politics. Our entire life isn't about politics like those on the left. People are concerned about the safety of these vaccines and that's all there is to it.
People have that absolute right, BUT, like with anything else they chose to do, we can limit them to doing it in "private".

If you chose not to wear clothes, you are prohibited from doing so "in public".

If you chose to have sex, you are prohibited from doing it "in public"

So if you refuse to get vaccinated, it's fine, but you can't do it "in public". Which means you can be prohibited from entry into public events or activities requiring vaccination.


If you try to imprison people in their own home for not following the commands of Big Brother, it will be met with challenges and defeated in court. Our Declaration of Independence guarantees us the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness and even the top commies can't take that away from us.
The Smallpox vaccine had a 150 year history before the NYC incident, this incident also lasted less than 2 months, 12 people were infected and 2 died. Smallpox had up to a 35% loss of life…

You might want to be less gullible and more questionable…
First the smallpox vaccine was invented in the late 1700's was completely different, and far more deadly than the vaccine from the 1930's and 1940's, which was actually only a new invention.

New York City Board of Health (NYCBOH) vaccinia strain.

The same NYCBOH strain was used in 1947 to vaccinate approximately six million New York City (NYC) residents (80% of the population) during a 4-week period
[Moved to this page for better visibility.]

With select excerpts:

Natural Immunity Longer Lasting Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone​

The immunity conferred by recovering from COVID-19 is better than the protection afforded by COVID-19 vaccines, a prominent vaccine inventor says, citing in part a recent study from Israel.

Israeli researchers found that people in the country vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot were 13 times more likely to contract the Delta variant of the CCP virus and 27 times more at risk of symptomatic disease, compared to those who had recovered from COVID-19.

“It’s now been shown in that paper and others that the breadth of that immune response in terms of T and B cell memory populations is more diverse and more long-lasting than the breadth of immune response elicited by the spike-based vaccines alone,” Dr. Robert Malone, the inventor of the class of vaccines based on messenger RNA, said on Epoch TV’s “American Thought Leaders” program.

While antibodies reduce over time, T cells, a type of white blood cells that protect against infection, and B cells can last for a lifetime.
Some other scientists, though, say the growing body of evidence on natural immunity must play a larger role in policy discussions on vaccination amid the pandemic.

“Natural immunity is pretty darn good. We would be best to focus our efforts on people who are both unvaccinated AND have not recovered from prior infection,” Dr. Vinay Prasad, a professor at the University of California–San Francisco’s Department of Epidemiology & Biostatistics, wrote on social media over the weekend.

The Israeli study, Malone said, “seems to indicate that the breadth and durability of the immune response was superior with the natural infection in recovery.”

“There’s also evidence that there’s a significant—depending on the timeframe—six- to 20-fold improvement in protection from infection and disease associated with the natural immunity acquired from prior infection compared to that conferred by the vaccine.”


Natural Immunity Longer Lasting Than Protection From COVID-19 Vaccines: Dr. Robert Malone

The immunity conferred by recovering from COVID-19 is better than the protection afforded by COVID-19 vaccines, a prominent ...


To the posters here whom have reading and comprehension impairment, Dr. Malone is the inventor of the mRNA vaccine.

Also, for those such as myself whom have had COVID-19 and recovered, we are better protected and for longer than any experimental vaccine will ever provide. In fact, the vaccine could compromise and reduce the better protection I(we) have from our improved natural immunity.
You know that forgery or falsification of a government documents is a felony.

It's what Michael Flynn was convicted of.

I did not say I would do it. I said Others would. I got my vaccine. Do you have a reading comprehension problem?

I didn't say you would falsify a vaccine card, but you did encourage others to do so. Kinda like the way Osama BinLaden encouraged others to wage suicide attacks, something he wouldn't do himself.
I understand that it’s too complicated for you, but it shows that blue states have higher vaccine rates than red states.

Do you think that’s a magical coincidence? You do, don’t you?
Probably because people who don't like being forced to put poison in your body are moving to red states.
They also don't like high taxes and rolling-blackouts....along with high crime and overcrowding.
Then there's the millions of unvaccinated migrants Biden is shipping into Red States in the dead of night....let's not forget that.

Your own source showing Republicans at 59% shows black people at 79%.

Why is your source valid for conservatives but not valid for black people? Is your source credible or not?

I’m just using the study you’re referencing. And it agrees with my claim.
Why are republicans so bad at math.

79% of 13% of the population is far less than 57% of 60% of the population.

In fact there are three times as many unvaccinated whites, as blacks. Making them 75% of the problem.
Israeli researchers found that people in the country vaccinated with Pfizer’s COVID-19 shot were 13 times more likely to contract the Delta variant of the CCP virus and 27 times more at risk of symptomatic disease, compared to those who had recovered from COVID-19.

The problem with the Israeli study is that their "natural immunity" candidates were selected from a period where the delta variant was the primary strain. In short, they were comparing delta recovery to the alpha vaccine.

Those who recovered from alpha strain actually had lower immunity than those who got vaccinated. Just from the decline of immunological response with time.
Maybe Democrats are just more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.

What a crazy and difficult concept.
Some Democrats....but only the rich and the extremely poor. The Middle-Class and blacks in general tend to avoid jumping on the bandwagon. People who don't trust the president tend to tell him to go get screwed.
Apparently we've gone from wearing masks to getting a shot.
I suggest that if the left mandates that you get sterilized and remove part of your brain....feel free to do so. I'm sure you won't miss either.
None of this changes the fact that Biden is simply trying to use COVID to get everyone's mind off of Afghanistan.
So something they promised would never happen....yet again happened.
They swore they wouldn't make vaccines mandatory.

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Don't have time for all your lame CYA here at this moment, but one of the points, starts with post #99 of this thread by you, where you made this;
" ... As the cliché goes. " Your freedom to swing your arms ends at my nose" ... "

BTW, I already posted that only about 6% of that 650,000 died from COVID only, the rest had other co-morbidites.

And I've already had covid, wasn't worse than usual flu.
" Your freedom to swing your arms ends at my nose"
So this to you is sufficiently bad to prompt you to call me names? And they call left-wing people snowflakes.

As to the rest. 6 Percent had co-morbidities? In other words 39000 people. As for the rest. I always find the argument interesting that someone killed by covid who has co-morbidities is somehow... less dead? Deserved to die? Not killed by Covid? What exactly? They are dead. Without catching covid they would be alive. Ergo, Covid killed them.

So you as a 71-year-old all of a sudden have no time? Fine answer me this one question then. I gave as a source the CDC. What is your source to conclude that since you have already been infected not only do you need no vaccine but your previous infection gives you better protection than the vaccine?
It has nothing to do with politics. Our entire life isn't about politics like those on the left. People are concerned about the safety of these vaccines and that's all there is to it.
People are afraid of the "boogey man"

Anti-vaccine propaganda. Like the lady who claimed spoons were sticking to her because of the vaccination.
We can see that in that data I have referenced that also shows black people with higher vaccine rates than Republicans.

Look at the vaccination rates by state. A very obvious pattern emerges.

Surely just a magical coincidence, right?
I am sorry, but you are simply assuming things. You do not have data to back up what you say. You have anecdotes and obviously-unreliable surveys to support your claim.

I posted the data which supports my claim that Black people are least likely (by far) to get vaccinated. Real data from the official source.

Someone threw in Republicans, and that is interesting, but no one has proven that Republicans are less likely than Blacks (a minority of whom are Republicans) to get vaccinated. Think about it...

There are plenty of old White folks who are Republicans. As you know, both older people and White people are more likely to be vaccinated.

I think your claim is very likely false for these reasons.

If you try to imprison people in their own home for not following the commands of Big Brother, it will be met with challenges and defeated in court.
NObody suggested "imprisoning" anybody. But in order to leave your house you need either a mask or a vaccination.

Your choice.
Fortunately for me, I won't have to make that call. I've already been vaccinated, and my company has less than 100 employees. But I'm disgusted by Biden's approach to this. We don't need mandates, and we sure as fuck don't need government "conscripting" businesses to act as vaccine cops. If the feds wanna do a mandate, they should fucking enforce it themselves.

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