Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Why mandates, when it comes to COVID are only for some of us and not for everyone?

What separates some of us and - for instance - Members of Congress and their Staff?

Why do we have to obey and they do not have to? no vaccines for them.

Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970
Freedom of Information Act and Privacy Act
Ethics in Government Act of 1978
The black community is more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.
Doesn't change anything I said, however, that is not correct.

Not just Republicans: Young people, minorities less likely to get vaxxed

While surveys like one released by the Kaiser Family Foundation on June 30 show Democrats with an 86 percent vaccination rate versus a 52 percent rate for Republicans.
CDC data shows 9 percent of black Americans are fully vaccinated
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The black community is more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.

Doesn't change anything I said, however, that is not correct.

"While surveys like one released by the Kaiser Family Foundation on June 30 show Democrats with an 86 percent vaccination rate versus a 52 percent rate for Republicans."

The survey you're referencing confirms what I said. The black community is more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.


I wanted to exit but not the way it happened. The fact that you’re proud of your vote proves you’re a leftist. You cannot even criticize your hero, Quid Pro Quo Joe.
Grow up. If you are not the victor, it is always messy to disentangle from a war zone and always will be. Do not ever back a political party that supports nation building outside the United States using our troops and our money. Unless declaring outright war, do not accept mission creep as valid in any US action on foreign soil. It will only benefit the military industrial complex we were warned about. Joe got it done, and I can live with the results easily, and you will have to.
Some people believe that naturally acquired immunity—immunity from having the disease itself—is better than the immunity provided by vaccines. However, natural infections can cause severe complications and be deadly. This is true even for diseases that many people consider mild, like chickenpox. It is impossible to predict who will get serious infections that may lead to hospitalization.

Over 100 years of scientific study show natural immunity to be superior to any vaccine.

I hate to break it to ya, but that is a well known fact.
Biden's no liberal and as much yours as anyone else's here.
he may not be a "liberal" in the classical sense as applied 2-3 centuries ago, but since the Democrats co-opted the label for themselves a few decades ago, he is in the contemporary sense within USA politics.

I didn't vote for him so to use the standard we saw in recent years regard the previous POTUS, he isn't mine. In fact I consider him a traitor to the Republic, along with the Obama's and Clinton's.

You'll need to point out which vaccine, since every one mentioned here weren't the one you talked about.
And the follow up study? No this does not sound like the experiment the drug companies talked about, but it may be....if so they lied about the timing: they originally said it took place in the mid 2000's.

No, I hope and pray it is okay. But without at least a 5 year follow up, we are in the dark.
This is where you make a mistake. Natural immunity isn't a monolith. It isn't one size fits all, and actually widely varies from person to person, depending on many factors.

So lumping the effectiveness of natural immunity together is like lumping all cars together for their fuel economy. Good for modeling the fleet, but may be completely inaccurate for the individual.

Wrong on all levels. Anyone who enjoys natural immunity is either immune completely, or suffers so little that it doesn't matter.

Those are the two extremes. Further, we are no more prone to be vectors than any other person, including the vaccinated, as the CDC made abundantly clear.

Thus, your desire to force us to get vaccinated is not supported by ANY science. Only a desire to enforce your will over mine.

You will have to use force to do it in my case and I will use force to resist you.
Yes, natural immunity to covid appears likely to wane. Still need more data, but it all seems to point in the same direction so far..

Your anecdote is a bit flawed (there are several flu strains), but nevertheless, even if all gospel, meaningless. Covid is a nasty one.

Nope. Zero evidence to support your claim
The survey you're referencing confirms what I said. The black community is more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans.

View attachment 537702

That is a survey, as you noted, and not actual statistics.
Per their statement....
...this project tracks the dynamic nature of public opinion...

Per the CDC only 9% of blacks have been vaccinated.

The link below will help you get a more well rounded picture. The post I originally made was not a republican vs black on vaccines. It was that they too are a group that has shied way from getting the vaccine. So I am good if you think republicans are at the top, as this is about freedom of choice on what we do with our bodies, and about our civil liberties.

That is a survey, as you noted, and not actual statistics.

The exact same survey that YOU referenced and confirms exactly what I said. Odd that you're now discrediting your own source.

The link below will help you get a more well rounded picture. The post I originally made was not a republican vs black on vaccines.

That doesn't link to anything other than your search engine question. Which specific link are you using that disproves my claim that blacks are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans?
Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Please do not answer if you will not be forced to comply by your employer as a result of a politician making a mandate like Biden did today. I am not looking for hypotheticals. I want answers from people who will be required to provide proof of vaccination to be employed. This only includes private businesses with >100 employees, Executive Branch workers, certain health care and education professionals, etc.

It's fine if you answer yes and are completely against mandatory vaccination. People have bills to pay.

You can vote more than once, and you can change your vote.
I voted “other” because I am retired.

I did any own risk analysis and decided to get the vaccine. However I am 75, overweight with COPD.

If I was 20 to 40 in prime health I may have decided to avoid the vaccine. If I had already had COVID-19 I might have no reason to get the vaccine. The Cleveland Clinic has changing its views on that subject.

This poll requested that retired people not vote, since they are not impacted by Biden's tyrannical action. Yet..
You DID NOT specifically mention "retired people" and yes, I'm retired so did not "answer" by selecting from any of your concocted responses. I can't speak for the others but I sure do appreciate this river you're crying over us for nothing here. This is a MB, not just a polling place.
What is wrong with you Dems? Why can't you vote in accordance with the posted rules? You guys cheat every chance you get or what???
Not a Dem either :p
I voted “other” because I am retired.

I did any own risk analysis and decided to get the vaccine. However I am 75, overweight with COPD.

If I was 20 to 40 in prime health I may have decided to avoid the vaccine. If I had already had COVID-19 I might have no reason to get the vaccine. The Cleveland Clinic has changing its views on that subject.

I don't fault anyone for their choices. Thank you for affording me the same courtesy.
The exact same survey that YOU referenced and confirms exactly what I said. Odd that you're now discrediting your own source.

That doesn't link to anything other than your search engine question. Which specific link are you using that disproves my claim that blacks are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans?
I don't care about your claim. It was to show you that blacks are also reluctant to take the vaccine. I could link you to 50 websites, but thought it better to just give you a search that will allow you to pick which ever you feel would be best for you. It is not hidden information, and even the democrats have talked about it.
I don't care about your claim. It was to show you that blacks are also reluctant to take the vaccine.

I haven't disputed that blacks are also reluctant to take the vaccine. That can easily be seen in the source I provided you with, the one that we BOTH used. It also shows that blacks are more likely to be vaccinated than Republicans, as I claimed.

You said that my claim was wrong. Stating that you "don't care" now after saying it was "not correct" makes it seem like you're back-pedaling. Are you able to show that my claim is wrong or not?

I don't fault anyone for their choices. Thank you for affording me the same courtesy.
In a free nation you should be able to decide for yourself if you want to take a new vaccine. We have no idea if these new vaccines will cause problems that surface in 5, 10 or 20 years. You should have the right to decide if you want to take that risk.

When I joined the military back in the Vietnam Era, I got a whole bunch of vaccines. That I can understand as if you are in the military who can rapidly get sent to far off places and be exposed to any number of nasty illnesses.
Seat belts are not experimental. They've been around for generations. They can't hurt you. Even if it was a requirement, once you punch out, you don't have to wear a seat belt until the next time you get to work.
Seatbelts were experimental when they came out.

Some states still resisted.

Once the idea of safety benefits of seat belts caught on in the U.S. public, sales of seat belts skyrocketed. Auto companies offered seat belts as optional equipment and were even sold at local gas stations.

Since 1966, American vehicles are required to have seat belts in their cars. As such, by 1975, most first-world countries had a seat belt requirement in their cars. Once they became more common in cars, laws soon followed afterwards. By 1970, the world’s first seat belt law was created in Victoria, Australia, which required passengers to wear their seat belts at all times. In the U.S., seat belt laws came around the time of the creation of The National Traffic and Motor Vehicle Safety Act of 1966.

Though they were required by law to be in cars, wearing seat belt laws were a different story. The National Ad Council ran countless ads for 25 plus years encouraging drivers to “Buckle Up.” States slowly starting implementing laws and by 1995, every state except New Hampshire had “Click it or ticket” laws. Currently, all states have a seat belt enforcing law.

Air bags can hurt you, they put them in every new car now.

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