Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters

Trumpsters are the most submissive, credulous, self-deluded, willfully blind people in the history of American politics.

TRUMP: The moon is made of White American cheese!

PARROTING RUBES: The moon is made of white American cheese!

REPORTER: You don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you Mr. President?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.
Psstttt....Trump isn't president any more.
The author suggested never by software 1.0. Wait a while and buy software 1.2 or 1.3, because those are the versions where everything was worked out. That's what people are doing today. They are not buying vaccine 1.0 for the exact same reasons.

You must know we're already up to windows 10 and they still haven't solved all the bugs. But that doesn't mean you shouldn't have bought windows 3.1 or windows 95.

You think having to take a booster, means the initial vaccine was flawed, when every vaccine has a booster timetable.

To be truthful, I think it's a matter of weighing risks and benefits....

We lost my Dad years ago, and I'm the primary caregiver for my Mom (she's 91)....

My main concern about the shots are the side effects and the fact that we don't know the long term effects, but, due to my Mom being in a high-risk group, I would take them in a heartbeat if they would protect her. Since it's proven that you can still catch (and spread) COVID after taking the shots, I really don't see the benefit of taking them....

As a matter of fact, my Mom won't take the shots, since she has had several fully vaccinate friends who still caught COVID, and she has actually lost several to the disease. Her attitude is that the shots are worthless....
The decision is up to you and her. Your decision is different. If she were in a foreign country, would you take the shot, knowing that if it does not always prevent, it almost always lessens the severity, w so a foreign country would allow you entry to visit her, or would seeing her again, just not be that important?
I have a different perspective, with both parents long dead, and of course, like the majority over 55, I have already taken the vaccine with not ill effects and had Covid so early in the epidemic in this country the medical group that I see refer to me in their practice as their patient zero.
Damn, that brings back memories....

During Basic, we had a measles outbreak in my platoon (even though we had all been vaccinated as kids)...

So once we all got out of quarantine the Army, in it's infinite wisdom, vaccinated all of us!!!!!!
They thrive on uniformity, alright.
Obvious how, by what you read on USMB?

That and everything else.

Polls show that Republicans are one of the least vaccinated groups. People on USMB who aren't vaccinated are always Republican.

And if you look at vaccination rates by state, there's a very clear pattern that emerges.


You'd have to be retarded not to recognize this obvious fact.
It should be perfectly obvious that Republicans are one of the groups least likely to be vaccinated.
Yeah sure. People of color are least likely.

I welcome them to join the Republican party, where they will be treated in accordance with MLK Jr's desire to be treated based upon one's character, not the color of their skin.

I think you will find that the majority of the unvaccinated are city dwellers. Talking numbers, not CNN BS maps with percentages.

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