Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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The credulous rubes keep claiming that everyone who is vaccinated can spread the disease as easily as someone who is unvaccinated.

That is plain old horseshit.
Yet your Libtard POTUS said yesterday that everyone needs to be vaccinated to protect those whom are already vaccinated from getting Covid. :icon_rolleyes:

Does that mean the vaccine doesn't really work?:eusa_think:
What you forget is they've been researching mRNA vaccines for the last 10 years.
This isn't like building a car from scratch, but instead taking last years proven model, and just wrapping it in different sheet metal.

If that was the case they would have known about heart enlargements in younger people who got vaxed. But guess what, they didn't have a clue it would happen. And if that were the case, clinicians would be getting vaxed at a 98% rate. But even some doctors are not getting the vaccine.

On one hand it made sense to get this vaccine out there ASAP even if some risks were involved due to the urgency to fight this thing. On the other hand, you can't blame people for still not trusting it due to the rush and believe their chances are better with Covid if they get it.

Everybody should make their own decisions about getting the vaccine. Nobody should be trying to force them or threatening their job to take a medication they don't want. Yes, the technology sped things up, but until we find a way to make an accurate crystal ball, there is no possible way to speed up time which is what it would take to assure most Americans this is safe in the short-term as well as long-term in every given situation.
You must not be a very good engineer, if you think that having recovered from COVID yields a single immunity level. As an engineer you know that number would actually be part of a Gaussian bell curve with people distributed all along it.
Yawn. We have absolutely exceptionally intelligent and creative people working with me. Great place to work, thanks. We have very high standards.
You could be at the top end , the bottom end or anywhere in between. But what is known is that someone anywhere on the curve, moves to the top end by getting a booster.

“COVID-19 did not occur in anyone over the five months of the study among 2579 individuals previously infected with COVID-19…"

Necessity of COVID-19 vaccination in previously infected individuals

Mild COVID-19 induces lasting antibody protection​

Israeli study shows natural immunity many times more effective than vaccine.
Natural immunity from Covid could be stronger than vaccination

From the leaked CDC document...

Page 16 - Prior COVID infection provides protection for >= 180 days. Page 8 - Vaccine effectiveness starts to wane at 14 weeks...


While I agree with you that a vaccine provides additional protection to a previously-infected person, the protection they had was already greater than a vaccine without prior infection, so your point is moot.

Enjoy your vaccine, and quit worrying about other people unless it doesn't work and you are some kind of Fascist control freak,

If the vaccine works then you are protected and have no reason to demand others to get it. If it doesn't, you can't logically demand others to get it.

Trumpsters are the most submissive, credulous, self-deluded, willfully blind people in the history of American politics.

TRUMP: The moon is made of White American cheese!

PARROTING RUBES: The moon is made of white American cheese!

REPORTER: You don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you Mr. President?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.

Fine, so you are either lying that it's Trump followers not getting the vaccine, or admitting I'm right given the fact we did not march in lockstep like Democrats simply because our President was instrumental in getting these vaccines to us. If we on the right did that, nearly every Republican would be vaccinated, now wouldn't we? :eusa_shhh:
Actually the major portion of those coming across the Mexican border are from nations further South, or elsewhere. It being easier to enter and transit Mexico rather than Canada.

It's much worse than that. The Border Patrol is reporting they are confronting people from over 100 different countries, with God knows what new variant of Covid.
Israeli study shows natural immunity many times more effective than vaccine.
Natural immunity from Covid could be stronger than vaccination
Really, another "could be" means what is argument? Sorry, you're clearly determined to repeat this bullshit, but it's been debunked.
From the leaked CDC document...

Page 16 - Prior COVID infection provides protection for >= 180 days. Page 8 - Vaccine effectiveness starts to wane at 14 weeks...
And? Did "prior COVID infection" start to wane at 14 weeks also? Inquiring minds might wanna know!
If that was the case they would have known about heart enlargements in younger people who got vaxed. But guess what, they didn't have a clue it would happen.
The same thing happens when you go from making hundreds of cars, to making millions of them. Singular events that couldn't be linked to the vaccine, become linked if they occur hundreds of times because the number of people vaccinated is hundreds of times larger.

This is no different than the problems with the B-29 that didn't manifest in the early testing and deployment, but only became evident when they started pushing the aircraft to maximum altitude and payload.
A fair question. However, immunity from infection does wane over time. So how would we sort through that?

Not natural immunity. I have never had the flu. Been exposed to it dozens of times.

Never caught it.

Caught covid, didn't slow me down.
Not natural immunity.
Yes, natural immunity to covid appears likely to wane. Still need more data, but it all seems to point in the same direction so far..

Your anecdote is a bit flawed (there are several flu strains), but nevertheless, even if all gospel, meaningless. Covid is a nasty one.
“COVID-19 did not occur in anyone over the five months of the study among 2579 individuals previously infected with COVID-19…"
As an engineer did you ever wonder "how" they tested a persons immunity? And the first thing you would realize is that we don't do Josef Mengele experiments. So all the data is based on random events and circumstances.

Which is why small scale studies, such as among 2579 people isn't a definitive study.
The same thing happens when you go from making hundreds of cars, to making millions of them. Singular events that couldn't be linked to the vaccine, become linked if they occur hundreds of times because the number of people vaccinated is hundreds of times larger.

Don't you think that was my point? And if we didn't know about these problems until we passed this around to tens of millions of people, what makes you think we will know the long term effects of taking the vaccine, what it may do to your fetus, perhaps even the child itself, your particular medical problems? According to you we should know all of this because a slightly similar vaccine was tested.

After I bought my first Mac many years ago, I was completely ignorant about computers, so I bought a Mac for Dummies book. One of the things I remember the author writing about is never buy software 1.0. 1.0 has been tested for months, it's been passed around to thousands of people. After everything looked flawless, they sold it to tens of millions of people, and that's when all the problems are discovered.

The author suggested never by software 1.0. Wait a while and buy software 1.2 or 1.3, because those are the versions where everything was worked out. That's what people are doing today. They are not buying vaccine 1.0 for the exact same reasons.
Use the strawman charge to try and distract from how much of a hypocrite you are.
This poll requested that retired people not vote, since they are not impacted by Biden's tyrannical action. Yet..

Dragonlady voted in this poll.
She posted she is retired here:

Mr Clean voted in this poll.
He posted he is retired over 20 years here:

candycorn voted in this poll. It claims to be starting a small business, also not relevant...

Lesh voted in this poll. Retired...

Crepitus voted in this poll. Retired...

I could go on.

What is wrong with you Dems? Why can't you vote in accordance with the posted rules? You guys cheat every chance you get or what???
It should be perfectly obvious that Republicans are one of the groups least likely to be vaccinated.

Obvious how, by what you read on USMB?

Every Republican talk show host I watch or listen to tell people they got the vaccine. Even on USMB Republicans state they got the vaccine. I'm on the right, do you think I got the vaccine?

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