Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
What you forget is they've been researching mRNA vaccines for the last 10 years.
This isn't like building a car from scratch, but instead taking last years proven model, and just wrapping it in different sheet metal.

That would be great, and many more people would go along with getting it voluntarily if it were true.

But where is the science and math behind it? As far as I can determine based on current, real world information, the cure is twice as likely to kill me as the disease.
Geeeez, how do you think they developed the vaccine in record time. They did by just wrapping existing mRNA vaccines they've been working on for a decade, with something that attaches to the "spiky protein" on the COVID exterior.
LOL. Everything I posted is accurate. Here is another link since you seem to need help googling this topic yourself...

I knew all that. I knew they claimed to be vaccinated (you did not). It's irrelevant. The Dems are hypocrites when it comes to masks, and there is photographic proof.

Wow, for something you called a strawman, you sure can spend a lot of time discussing it and even providing links to confirm what I posted. Thanks.

Here's another fun one. Here is a picture of Biden, just hours after signing his executive order requiring masks on federal property....

He's on federal property, not social distancing, maskless, with people who are not members of his immediate family.

Another hypocrite. Our president is not only a tyrant with dementia, he's also a hypocrite...


Link to picture with caption
Photo from 01/21/2021. Taken outdoors. CDC recommendations at the time did not include outdoor masking. So, thanks for your useless appeal to emotion.
Photo from 01/21/2021. Taken outdoors. CDC recommendations at the time did not include outdoor masking. So, thanks for your useless appeal to emotion.

This is just like the "gotcha" of posting pictures of Fauci at the baseball game with 2 other people, having his mask pulled down, supposedly because he was drinking water.
Geeeez, how do you think they developed the vaccine in record time. They did by just wrapping existing mRNA vaccines they've been working on for a decade, with something that attaches to the "spiky protein" on the COVID exterior.
And one of the big talking points is that they used this technique on a group of 10,000+ people in norther Africa. The frontline doctors feared the population would be dead due to the outbreak of ebola, so they said "why not try it".

No follow up study. Why? [spoiler alert: they could not find enough of the subjects still alive after a few years to make it worth the effort]. Oh well. THAT's how shit gets done in big pharma.

And don't bother showing me a bull shit link NOW...dates can be faked. The expected reports did not exist 6 months ago. These guy's are in line to make 100's of Billions of USD.
Photo from 01/21/2021. Taken outdoors. CDC recommendations at the time did not include outdoor masking. So, thanks for your useless appeal to emotion.
Are you thick? He was not social distancing and was with people other than his immediate family.

I already spelled it out for you.

Our brilliant President wears a mask when he is giving a speech all alone at a podium...:auiqs.jpg::abgg2q.jpg::TH_WAY~113:

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You confuse vaccines that have gained a long track record because of how long they've been deployed. The oral Polio vaccine killed due to early QC problems.

Tainted Cutter polio vaccine killed and paralyzed children
Post like these only gain credibility if a link/url is provided. Known as doing one's homework and being a responsible poster. So let's go with this;

The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955​

It was ‘one of the worst biological disasters in American history,’ one scholar wrote​

Michael E. Ruane
April 14, 2020
On Aug. 30, 1954, Bernice E. Eddy, a veteran scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., was checking a batch of a new polio vaccine for safety.
Created by Jonas Salk, the vaccine was hailed as the miracle drug that would conquer the dreaded illness that killed and paralyzed children. Eddy’s job was to examine samples submitted by the companies planning to make it.

As she checked a sample from Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, Calif., she noticed that the vaccine designed to protect against the disease had instead given polio to a test monkey. Rather than containing killed virus to create immunity, the sample from Cutter contained live, infectious virus.

Something was wrong. “There’s going to be a disaster,” she told a friend.

As scientists and politicians desperately search for medicines to slow the deadly coronavirus, and as President Trump touts a malaria drug as a remedy, a look back to the 1955 polio vaccine tragedy shows how hazardous such a search can be, especially under intense public pressure.

Despite Eddy’s warnings, an estimated 120,000 children that year were injected with the Cutter vaccine, according to Paul A. Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Roughly 40,000 got “abortive” polio, with fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting and muscle pain. Fifty-one were paralyzed, and five died, Offit wrote in his 2005 book, “The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis.”

It was “one of the worst biological disasters in American history: a man-made polio epidemic,” Offit wrote.
In those days, polio, or infantile paralysis, was a terror.
“A national poll … found that polio was second only to the atomic bomb as the thing that Americans feared most,” Offit wrote.

“People weren’t sure how you got it,” he said in an interview last week. “Therefore, they were scared of everything. They didn’t want to buy a piece of fruit at the grocery store. It’s the same now. … Everybody’s walking around with gloves on, with masks on, scared to shake anybody’s hand.”
Meanwhile your post referencing this inaccurate and irresponsible, but nothing new there considering the source I guess ...
I knew all that. I knew they claimed to be vaccinated (you did not). It's irrelevant. The Dems are hypocrites when it comes to masks, and there is photographic proof.
Unless you have evidence they weren't all vaccinated, then your assumption is just wishful thinking.

As I have shown, they were not required to wear a mask on the plane. I linked to the actual order in my previous post.
Unless you have evidence they weren't all vaccinated, then your assumption is just wishful thinking.
And that's why you can't have an honest discussion with Jim. When things aren't going 100% how he likes, he just argues from fantasy. Eventually, you will get to the point where all the covid death numbers are fake, as are the hospitalization numbers, as are vaccine side effects, etc etc. Kind of pointless, really. Imagine teaching a math class, and having a student that insists that 1+1 MIGHT equal 3, you don't know, what are you, God....
Unless you have evidence they weren't all vaccinated, then your assumption is just wishful thinking.

As I have shown, they were not required to wear a mask on the plane. I linked to the actual order in my previous post.
Have a good evening.
That's a complete unnecessary scare tactic. You know that the whole idea of achieving herd immunity is to reduce the occurrence of COVID to the point that people are unlikely to encounter it. Vaccines and recovery reduce how long and how severely they are infectious, but they don't eliminate it.

So some precautions are still logical, but lockdowns are no longer necessary since 50-70% vaccinations are more effective than lockdowns.
The post I responded to was the more probable scare tactic. For context, repeated here;
meaner gene said:

It's not just mutations, which of course are a major problem, but because of the very nature of COVID. We were told early on that it wasn't like most infectious diseases. That most diseases exhibit symptoms, becoming contagious after symptoms appear. COVID was the opposite, it became contagious BEFORE symtoms, and this is doubly bad with asymptomatic people who are contagious without ever knowing it.

That's also why the vaccinated can become contagious.
BTW, I'm not advocating for lockdowns. In fact I was opposed to lockdowns from the beginning since they did more damage than good. Lockdowns are further evidence of dumbocrats using contrived "crisis" to push their socialist/communist agenda to destroy the USA.
We don't need drama queens like yourself infecting hundreds of people on an airplane, and thereby murdering a few of them.

Simple as that.

It takes a special kind of heartless cruel human being to oppose that.
Hey dummy, it was YOUR stupid Texas Dems that infected people because they flew maskless on a plane. We don’t need panic porn pushers like you throwing tantrums all over the place. Takes a special kind of stupid to demand people give up their rights.
Post like these only gain credibility if a link/url is provided. Known as doing one's homework and being a responsible poster. So let's go with this;

The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955​

It was ‘one of the worst biological disasters in American history,’ one scholar wrote​

Michael E. Ruane
April 14, 2020
On Aug. 30, 1954, Bernice E. Eddy, a veteran scientist at the National Institutes of Health in Bethesda, Md., was checking a batch of a new polio vaccine for safety.
Created by Jonas Salk, the vaccine was hailed as the miracle drug that would conquer the dreaded illness that killed and paralyzed children. Eddy’s job was to examine samples submitted by the companies planning to make it.

As she checked a sample from Cutter Laboratories in Berkeley, Calif., she noticed that the vaccine designed to protect against the disease had instead given polio to a test monkey. Rather than containing killed virus to create immunity, the sample from Cutter contained live, infectious virus.

Something was wrong. “There’s going to be a disaster,” she told a friend.

As scientists and politicians desperately search for medicines to slow the deadly coronavirus, and as President Trump touts a malaria drug as a remedy, a look back to the 1955 polio vaccine tragedy shows how hazardous such a search can be, especially under intense public pressure.

Despite Eddy’s warnings, an estimated 120,000 children that year were injected with the Cutter vaccine, according to Paul A. Offit, director of the Vaccine Education Center at Children’s Hospital of Philadelphia.

Roughly 40,000 got “abortive” polio, with fever, sore throat, headache, vomiting and muscle pain. Fifty-one were paralyzed, and five died, Offit wrote in his 2005 book, “The Cutter Incident: How America’s First Polio Vaccine Led to the Growing Vaccine Crisis.”

It was “one of the worst biological disasters in American history: a man-made polio epidemic,” Offit wrote.
In those days, polio, or infantile paralysis, was a terror.
“A national poll … found that polio was second only to the atomic bomb as the thing that Americans feared most,” Offit wrote.

“People weren’t sure how you got it,” he said in an interview last week. “Therefore, they were scared of everything. They didn’t want to buy a piece of fruit at the grocery store. It’s the same now. … Everybody’s walking around with gloves on, with masks on, scared to shake anybody’s hand.”
Meanwhile your post referencing this inaccurate and irresponsible, but nothing new there considering the source I guess ...
Further down in your link: Eddy’s discovery suggested that Cutter’s manufacturing process was flawed. Its vaccine should have contained only killed virus.

The polio vaccine had been proven to be safe and effective. One of the manufacturers screwed up the manufacturing process. That can happen to any vaccine.

If the American people decided because of this screwup not to get vaccinated, millions more Americans would have gotten polio.
Hey dummy, it was YOUR stupid Texas Dems that infected people because they flew maskless on a plane. We don’t need panic porn pushers like you throwing tantrums all over the place. Takes a special kind of stupid to demand people give up their rights.
They aren't my Texas Democrats.

Some of them got infected and suffered little to no symptoms. Because they were vaccinated.

You have no evidence they infected anyone or each other. They got Covid while they were in DC.

This whole line of discussion started because someone ASSUMED they were unvaccinated and violating the mask mandate. All false.
A person who loses his job because he is afraid to get vaccinated or he loses the job to make a ridiulous political statement deserves everything that happens to him.
They aren't my Texas Democrats.

Some of them got infected and suffered little to no symptoms. Because they were vaccinated.

You have no evidence they infected anyone or each other. They got Covid while they were in DC.
Whatever you have to tell yourself......

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