Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much:confused:
Go have a good cry. You may feel better.

But the virus doesn't give a shit that you're a Drama Queen.
The credulous rubes keep claiming that everyone who is vaccinated can spread the disease as easily as someone who is unvaccinated.

That is plain old horseshit.
Sorry, but that exactly what this scientific study by the University of Oxford of almost half a million people found.

I'll repeat:

A new study found that people vaccinated against coronavirus who have also contracted the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 could have similar peak levels of the virus as people who have not had a vaccination.
No misreading at all. Of course one had to have caught COVID to transmit it., whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated
That's absolutely wrong, since there's a difference between catching the disease, as in coming down with symptoms or it invading the lower respiratory tract. COVID can multiply in the upper respiratory tract, where it doesn't produce immediate symptoms.

And don’t forget the members of Congress and their staff are exempt from the mandate. Now why would that be?
That exemption is astoundingly hypocritical.

"So—so here is the thing. We are—we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn't," Pelosi said.

Sorry, but that exactly what this scientific study by the University of Oxford of almost half a million people found.

I'll repeat:
No, that study did not find that EVERYONE who has been vaccinated is just as likely to transmit Covid as the unvaccinated.

Only those who have been infected with the delta variant.

Understand the difference?
Historically antivaxers are religious zealots. There is a celebrity that started a storm that people associate with liberals.

What were the odds of dying from measles? Or Mumps? Or Rubella? Or Tetanus? Or Chicken pox? All required in your state for school admission.
I think you mean what "are" the odds, not "were".
Vaccines for those you list have long track records of testing and being proven effective. They are not a rushed, partially tested, and unproven one(s) such as the assortment being pushed for Covid.
That exemption is astoundingly hypocritical.

"So—so here is the thing. We are—we cannot require someone to be vaccinated. That's just not what we can do. It is a matter of privacy to know who is or who isn't," Pelosi said.

It is hypocritical, but it's also congress, where laws don't get passed without getting a majority, and often a super majority of members to vote for it.

They've dug in their heels over vaccine mandates, so to apply it to congress would likely bring legislation to a halt.
I am so depressed I can not tell you.

This is Nazi Germany all over again. The whole world is .... :confused:
Gee, that's a shame.

I'm sure that there will soon be a hotline for depressed anti vaxx Covid deniers to call for help in their time of need when their number is up to get, oh dear, "The Jab"!

Help is on the way, Dearie.
It's not just mutations, which of course are a major problem, but because of the very nature of COVID. We were told early on that it wasn't like most infectious diseases. That most diseases exhibit symptoms, becoming contagious after symptoms appear. COVID was the opposite, it became contagious BEFORE symtoms, and this is doubly bad with asymptomatic people who are contagious without ever knowing it.

That's also why the vaccinated can become contagious.
Then the vaccinated also need to continue to wear masks and gloves, remain at home as much as possible, and not go out in public any more than necessary (if that at all) so they won't spread the contagion. :icon_rolleyes:
I think you mean what "are" the odds, not "were".
Vaccines for those you list have long track records of testing and being proven effective. They are not a rushed, partially tested, and unproven one(s) such as the assortment being pushed for Covid.
PLEASE watch this video. I have linked to the 4:38 mark. Pay attention to the question and the answer the doctor gives.

No, that study did not find that EVERYONE who has been vaccinated is just as likely to transmit Covid as the unvaccinated.

Only those who have been infected with the delta variant.

Understand the difference?
Uh yeah. But think about what you are saying - only the people with the virus can infect others. Duh. If you are not infected you cannot infect others, whether or not you are vaccinated.

The vaccination does not reduce your risk of getting infected and this study shows it does not reduce the risk of infecting others.
What you forget is they've been researching mRNA vaccines for the last 10 years.
This isn't like building a car from scratch, but instead taking last years proven model, and just wrapping it in different sheet metal.
That would be great, and many more people would go along with getting it voluntarily if it were true.

But where is the science and math behind it? As far as I can determine based on current, real world information, the cure is twice as likely to kill me as the disease.
It is hypocritical, but it's also congress, where laws don't get passed without getting a majority, and often a super majority of members to vote for it.

They've dug in their heels over vaccine mandates, so to apply it to congress would likely bring legislation to a halt.
So you think Congress has no vaccine mandate because some Republicans would balk and sulk?
Historically antivaxers are religious zealots. There is a celebrity that started a storm that people associate with liberals.

What were the odds of dying from measles? Or Mumps? Or Rubella? Or Tetanus? Or Chicken pox? All required in your state for school admission.

I think you mean what "are" the odds, not "were".
Vaccines for those you list have long track records of testing and being proven effective. They are not a rushed, partially tested, and unproven one(s) such as the assortment being pushed for Covid.
You confuse vaccines that have gained a long track record because of how long they've been deployed. The oral Polio vaccine killed due to early QC problems.

Tainted Cutter polio vaccine killed and paralyzed children
The vaccination does not reduce your risk of getting infected and this study shows it does not reduce the risk of infecting others.
Actually, the vaccine does reduce the risk of infection.

  • COVID-19 vaccines protect people from getting infected and severely ill, and significantly reduce the likelihood of hospitalization and death.
  • The best way to slow the spread of COVID-19 and to prevent infection by Delta or other variants is to get vaccinated.
What if they don't want the the jab? What if, like me, they have natural immunity and simply are not bothered by the "dreaded covid"?
Some people believe that naturally acquired immunity—immunity from having the disease itself—is better than the immunity provided by vaccines. However, natural infections can cause severe complications and be deadly. This is true even for diseases that many people consider mild, like chickenpox. It is impossible to predict who will get serious infections that may lead to hospitalization.

Then the vaccinated also need to continue to wear masks and gloves, remain at home as much as possible, and not go out in public any more than necessary (if that at all) so they won't spread the contagion. :icon_rolleyes:
That's a complete unnecessary scare tactic. You know that the whole idea of achieving herd immunity is to reduce the occurrence of COVID to the point that people are unlikely to encounter it. Vaccines and recovery reduce how long and how severely they are infectious, but they don't eliminate it.

So some precautions are still logical, but lockdowns are no longer necessary since 50-70% vaccinations are more effective than lockdowns.
Wrong again. Your link from February says nothing about private aircraft.

This one from July does: VERIFY: No, masks are not mandated on every type of flight, but are required on all commercial travel

If passengers are on a private aircraft operating for personal and non-commercial use, then the mask mandate does not apply.

Do you want to keep doubling down and tripling down on your stupidity?
LOL. Everything I posted is accurate. Here is another link since you seem to need help googling this topic yourself...

They were all vaccinated. The ones who got Covid had mild sniffles or no symptoms at all.

Though all the legislators are fully vaccinated, five of the state lawmakers tested positive for the virus over the weekend.

“Every member who tested positive had only mild (sniffles) or no symptoms,” Wu said. “This is because we've all been vaccinated and our bodies already had the anti-bodies ready to combat an infection. But having antibodies doesn't stop you from shedding viruses until they done their job.”

I knew all that. I knew they claimed to be vaccinated (you did not). It's irrelevant. The Dems are hypocrites when it comes to masks, and there is photographic proof.

I knew that it was six. Not five as you erroneously stated. That's "a bunch."

Wow, for something you called a strawman, you sure can spend a lot of time discussing it and even providing links to confirm what I posted. Thanks.

Here's another fun one. Here is a picture of Biden, just hours after signing his executive order requiring masks on federal property....

He's on federal property, not social distancing, maskless, with people who are not members of his immediate family.

Another hypocrite. Our president is not only a tyrant with dementia, he's also a hypocrite...


Link to picture with caption
No, that study did not find that EVERYONE who has been vaccinated is just as likely to transmit Covid as the unvaccinated.

Only those who have been infected with the delta variant.
And only those with breakthrough infections. You are still less likely to get infected with the Delta variant, if you are vaccinated.

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