Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
There is a strong correlation right now between Covid anti-vaxxers and Trump supporters, which is truly bizarre.
Any "correlation" is based on telephone polls. I trust them as far as I can throw Chris Cristy.

You would think they'd be lining up around the block and gloating over Trump's "Operation Warp Speed."

But...they are positively schizophrenic. They were told by Trump that covid was a hoax. They are told lies by their propagandists that a very small number of people have died from Covid, and they are told the vaccine is dangerous. So dangerous, they are being told by some of their propagandists that those of us who got the shot will all be dead in two years!
1) Trump never said the virus was a hoax. 2) Biden and Harris spent months bad mouthing the vaccine during the campaign

Frankly, If Biden truly cared about people's health, he would bring in Trump and make him an intregal part of selling vaccinations. He's been vaccinated and he's always advocated that people be vaccinated. Unfortunately, Biden comes off as too partisan and too petty to reach out like that.
I'm totally comfortable going out in public because I am vaccinated. But the longer large swaths of people go unvaccinated, the more likely a mutation will evolve which will be much more deadly.
It's not just mutations, which of course are a major problem, but because of the very nature of COVID. We were told early on that it wasn't like most infectious diseases. That most diseases exhibit symptoms, becoming contagious after symptoms appear. COVID was the opposite, it became contagious BEFORE symtoms, and this is doubly bad with asymptomatic people who are contagious without ever knowing it.

That's also why the vaccinated can become contagious.
COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.

Wrong. The vax masks symptoms of covid, so vaxxed people unknowingly go around spreading it. Sars cov 2 spreads via active infection from those who are infected to those who have not been infected yet, regardless of vaccination status. Simple as that.
1) Trump never said the virus was a hoax.
This is where the parsing words don't help that denial. People "HEARD" and people "UNDERSTOOD" that Tump called it a hoax.

Just liked they heard Trump suggesting injecting Clorox or Lysol into people.

People hear what they take away from the words spoken, they don't analyze and rehash every possible nuance to change their perceptions.
Wrong. The vax masks symptoms of covid, so vaxxed people unknowingly go around spreading it. Sars cov 2 spreads via active infection from those who are infected to those who have not been infected yet, regardless of vaccination status. Simple as that.
You can deny the facts and parrot the bullshit your propagandists feed you all you wish, but you will still be wrong.

COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.

Direct quote:

I'll do you one better: only a complete moron would insist born and bred Americans be forced to take a shot they don't want while their leader they put into office and support are letting in untested and infected foreigners into this country and not require them to be vaccinated first.

That is the fundamental lie and fallacy coming from "Quid-pro-quo/groper-molester Joe Biden", false POTUS!
Everything always comes down to blaming the Mexicans for whatever problems we have in America.

And yet these credulous tards insist they are not bigots!
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Wrong. The vax masks symptoms of covid, so vaxxed people unknowingly go around spreading it.
From the very start you were told that EVERYBODY goes around spreading it, because they become infectious before they become symptomatic.

That applies equally to the vaccinated, the unvaccinated, the people who were never infected, and those that have recovered.

That's why the R0 numbers of COVID were always orders of magnitude higher than other similar diseases like the seasonal flu.
You misread your own link. It says people who are vaccinated AND caught Covid can infect people as much as an unvaccinated person.

No misreading at all. Of course one had to have caught COVID to transmit it., whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated

f you read the link I provided, it says vaccinated people are less like to transmit the disease.

Nice try.
Understood, but the CDC does not provide any support whatsoever for that statement. None.

The study I linked to from Oxford was only recently completed (took into account Delta variant) and studied 440,000 people.
COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.

Direct quote:

Just like seat belts and air bags reduce he risk of automobile accident fatalities. But they'll point to an example of somebody wearing a seat belt who died in a car crash, and conclude that seat belts don't work.

It says, reduce, not eliminate.
No misreading at all. Of course one had to have caught COVID to transmit it., whether you are vaccinated or unvaccinated.
The credulous rubes keep claiming that everyone who is vaccinated can spread the disease as easily as someone who is unvaccinated.

That is plain old horseshit.
Complete and total horseshit. Your propagandists tell you idiots limitless lies.

Illegal immigrants captured at the border are placed in custody and tested for Covid.
ICE also vaccinates them. Although 30% refuse vaccinations. That less than republicans that refuse vaccinations.
I'll do you one better: only a complete moron would insist born and bred Americans be forced to take a shot they don't want while their leader they put into office and support are letting in untested and infected foreigners into this country and not require them to be vaccinated first.
And don’t forget the members of Congress and their staff are exempt from the mandate. Now why would that be?
There is a strong correlation right now between Covid anti-vaxxers and Trump supporters, which is truly bizarre.

You would think they'd be lining up around the block and gloating over Trump's "Operation Warp Speed."

But...they are positively schizophrenic. They were told by Trump that covid was a hoax. They are told lies by their propagandists that a very small number of people have died from Covid, and they are told the vaccine is dangerous. So dangerous, they are being told by some of their propagandists that those of us who got the shot will all be dead in two years!
How about documentation rather than your rabid opinions. ?!
Historically antivaxers are religious zealots.
If you are thinking about Christian Scientists, Jehovah's Witnesses and the Amish - they reject virtually all modern health care, not just vaccines.

There is a celebrity that started a storm that people associate with liberals.

Not sure what celebrity you are thinking of, But RFK Junior has a huge following of antivax liberals.

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