Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

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COVID-19 vaccines reduce the risk of people spreading the virus that causes COVID-19.

So, yeah. If you don't care about your own life, get the shot so you reduce the risk of infecting others and causing them to die.
I haven't seen that. Do you have a link? When I googled $14,000 fine, all I got was NFL fines.
The fine is not levied against persons, as BluesLegend claims. It's against large companies.

All employers with 100 or more employees would have to require that their workers be vaccinated or undergo at least weekly Covid-19 testing under a new plan announced by President Biden to curb the spread of the pandemic.


The administration said Thursday that businesses that don’t comply can face fines of up to $14,000. On Friday, Jeff Zients, the administration’s Covid-19 coordinator, said the fines would be up to $13,600. (OSHA has a maximum penalty of $13,653 for violations.)
So, yeah. If you don't care about your own life, get the shot so you reduce the risk of infecting others and causing them to die.

Did it ever cross your mind that most of the people who are refusing the vaccines are doing so because they do care about their life, or doesn't that count?
Anti vax is a loyalty pledge to stand up against liberalism. It’s not that vaccines are liberal. It’s that liberals think vaccines are a good idea. All the right is now is contrarian to the left know matter how sound or solid the issue is.
Hmm. Actually, historically, most anti-vaxers are liberals.

There are a lot of folks that are hesitant regarding this vaccine, mainly (IMHO) because it's a brand new technology and no one knows what the long term effects are. Further, if you are young and healthy, the odds of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID are incredibly small.

So I don't see how any concept of "loyalty" factors in.
Did it ever cross your mind that most of the people who are refusing the vaccines are doing so because they do care about their life, or doesn't that count?
Being unvaccinated is like escaping a lightning storm, by jumping into a shark tank. The math isn't behind avoiding vaccinations.
It’s that liberals think vaccines are a good idea. All the right is now is contrarian to the left know matter how sound or solid the issue is.

Hmm. Actually, historically, most anti-vaxers are liberals.

There are a lot of folks that are hesitant regarding this vaccine, mainly (IMHO) because it's a brand new technology and no one knows what the long term effects are. Further, if you are young and healthy, the odds of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID are incredibly small.

So I don't see how any concept of "loyalty" factors in.
There is a strong correlation right now between Covid anti-vaxxers and Trump supporters, which is truly bizarre.

You would think they'd be lining up around the block and gloating over Trump's "Operation Warp Speed."

But...they are positively schizophrenic. They were told by Trump that covid was a hoax. They are told lies by their propagandists that a very small number of people have died from Covid, and they are told the vaccine is dangerous. So dangerous, they are being told by some of their propagandists that those of us who got the shot will all be dead in two years!
Hmm. Actually, historically, most anti-vaxers are liberals.

And historically racists used to be democrats. But the two sides seem to have changed today, where the conservatives are the one's attacking the police, and trying to overthrow the government.
Then they are illogical. As I keep saying.

It's illogical to be concerned about a vaccine that was studied less than a year, no research how long it may last, if a booster is needed, if a booster would harm a person, if the vaccine has negative results on people who already had covid, research on potential long term effects, research on pregnant women and their offspring. I think it's totally logical.

What you are asking is these people put all their concerns aside to make you feel more comfortable going out in public. If you're not comfortable going out in public based on the decisions others make for themselves, it's you that needs to stay home--not them. We make (or should make) decisions based on our concerns for ourselves, not concerns over other people. That's their problem.
So, yeah. If you don't care about your own life, get the shot so you reduce the risk of infecting others and causing them to die.
?? There is no difference on your likelihood of infecting others if you are vaccinated or unvaccinated.

A new study found that people vaccinated against coronavirus who have also contracted the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2 could have similar peak levels of the virus as people who have not had a vaccination.

It's illogical to be concerned about a vaccine that was studied less than a year, no research how long it may last, if a booster is needed, if a booster would harm a person, if the vaccine has negative results on people who already had covid, research on potential long term effects, research on pregnant women and their offspring. I think it's totally logical.

What you are asking is these people put all their concerns aside to make you feel more comfortable going out in public. If you're not comfortable going out in public based on the decisions others make for themselves, it's you that needs to stay home--not them. We make (or should make) decisions based on our concerns for ourselves, not concerns over other people. That's their problem.
I'm totally comfortable going out in public because I am vaccinated. But the longer large swaths of people go unvaccinated, the more likely a mutation will evolve which will be much more deadly.

I also have a friend with MS who is dangerously vulnverable, and a wife with a suppressed immune system. People like you endanger their lives.
They were told by Trump that covid was a hoax. They are told lies by their propagandists that a very small number of people have died from Covid, and they are told the vaccine is dangerous. So dangerous, they are being told by some of their propagandists that those of us who got the shot will all be dead in two years!

It's ironic that Trump supporters are more willing to swallow the propaganda, than to save lives.
You would think they'd be lining up around the block and gloating over Trump's "Operation Warp Speed."

You would think that but not us. We don't march in lockstep to our news outlets orders nor our politicians. Yes, Trump got us the vaccines, but that doesn't mean we will do the same as the left and obey commands unquestioned.

We on the right are independent thinkers. Nobody tells us how to think like those on the left. That's why you won't find any leftist here that's an anti-vaxer. They got their orders, they obeyed.
?? There is no difference on your likelihood of infecting others if you are vaccinated or unvaccinated.

You misread your own link. It says people who are vaccinated AND caught Covid can infect people as much as an unvaccinated person.

If you read the link I provided, it says vaccinated people are less like to transmit the disease.

Nice try.
Hmm. Actually, historically, most anti-vaxers are liberals.

There are a lot of folks that are hesitant regarding this vaccine, mainly (IMHO) because it's a brand new technology and no one knows what the long term effects are. Further, if you are young and healthy, the odds of you getting seriously ill or dying from COVID are incredibly small.

So I don't see how any concept of "loyalty" factors in.
Historically antivaxers are religious zealots. There is a celebrity that started a storm that people associate with liberals.

What were the odds of dying from measles? Or Mumps? Or Rubella? Or Tetanus? Or Chicken pox? All required in your state for school admission.
You would think that but not us. We don't march in lockstep to our news outlets orders nor our politicians.

Trumpsters are the most submissive, credulous, self-deluded, willfully blind people in the history of American politics.

TRUMP: The moon is made of White American cheese!

PARROTING RUBES: The moon is made of white American cheese!

REPORTER: You don't really believe the moon is made of cheese, do you Mr. President?

TRUMP: Well, a lot of people are saying it is.
It's illogical to be concerned about a vaccine that was studied less than a year, no research how long it may last, if a booster is needed, if a booster would harm a person, if the vaccine has negative results on people who already had covid, research on potential long term effects, research on pregnant women and their offspring. I think it's totally logical.

What you forget is they've been researching mRNA vaccines for the last 10 years.
This isn't like building a car from scratch, but instead taking last years proven model, and just wrapping it in different sheet metal.

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