Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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"The Un-vaccinated are endangering the Vaccinated"!!!!!! :laughing0301:


If a vaccine works, such can't happen.

Only a demented idiot like our POTUS and the ignorant whom voted for and support him could make such an illogical and unscientific claim. But then we have been seeing such for decades now from the DumboCrats and Left of this nation. They are the real danger domestic we must deal with.
I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much:confused:

Sorry, toots. Your timeline is screwed up. Trump's been out of office since January.

Go get your fucking shot, bitch, because these people are literally getting sick and fucking tired of you assholes:


It's people who have to travel overseas to visit family and have to show a fascist Covid Passport ....

We are the ones who will have problems and are very anxious and depressed.

Your narcissism is almost as bad as Trump's. Selfish twit.
Only a complete moron (ie liberal) would be concerned with me being vaccinated when they are protected against me by being....well....vaccinated. Fucking idiots.
That's the thing about that sort of person...
They don't just want you to do what they demand you do, they want you to demand others do it as well.
If you don't, then you're part of the problem and want people to die.
Only a complete moron (ie liberal) would be concerned with me being vaccinated when they are protected against me by being....well....vaccinated. Fucking idiots.

I'll do you one better: only a complete moron would insist born and bred Americans be forced to take a shot they don't want while their leader they put into office and support are letting in untested and infected foreigners into this country and not require them to be vaccinated first.
Yes, no problem. Being a normal, functioning adult that can feed himself and speak in complete sentences, I am already vaccinated.
I'll do you one better: only a complete moron would insist born and bred Americans be forced to take a shot they don't want while their leader they put into office and support are letting in untested and infected foreigners into this country and not require them to be vaccinated first.
yes, business owners are now complete morons. haha, the Republican Party no longer exists, There is no Zuul. Only Trump.
yes, business owners are now complete morons. haha, the Republican Party no longer exists, There is no Zuul. Only Trump.
The Republican Party is just as corrupt and crooked as the democrats. But yes, anyone insisting that free Americans get the jab while simultaneously not giving a shit about the untold numbers of illegals coming here without it is an absolute fucking idiot.
The Republican Party is just as corrupt and crooked as the democrats. But yes, anyone insisting that free Americans get the jab while simultaneously not giving a shit about the untold numbers of illegals coming here without it is an absolute fucking idiot.
That's pretty stupid. You need to check your math on that one.
What gets me is the things right-wing people choose to take a stand now. They seem to be complete lunacy.

I could get the role of the government, taxation, even opposing being gay or having abortions. I disagree with all of them but at least I can get how somebody can get to a position. Be it religious or political reasons.

Now however they are arguing about why it's a good idea to not follow the advice of virologists during a global pandemic. Or if the earth warming is worth worrying about as entire regions are burning down, blowing away, melting, or experiencing record droughts.
This kind of stuff absolutely fascinates me. Ideology and tribalism are terribly powerful things, as we've seen throughout history. You could argue that it's little more than impulsive contrarianism, just automatically disagreeing with the other tribe.

Historians, sociologists, psychologists and anthropologists will be studying this period for a long time.
Sorry, toots. Your timeline is screwed up. Trump's been out of office since January.

Go get your fucking shot, bitch, because these people are literally getting sick and fucking tired of you assholes:

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View attachment 537580
You Progs have no one to blame but yourselves for this. Anyway the shots are slowly increasing. We have officially passed onto imperial Rome status on the down side. With a violent modern godless Progressive Socialist Religion pushing Globalism and also promoted by RINOS with an all inclusive war monger wing.

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