Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Although I did not get anywhere near as many poll responses as I had hoped, I find this result quite startling....

Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it..........0 votes.​

This is Biden's plan to get people vaccinated, and if this tiny poll says anything, it looks like he is going to face some resistance to achieving his tyrannical goals.
No, I don't respond to tiny, meaningless, popularity contests........1 vote.
Actually, it does, because it establishes the right of the government to mandate vaccinations.
Enlistment is a contract between an individual and the Federal Government that states you will follow the orders of the President of the United States and the Officers appointed over you. Unless martial law is declared civilians are under no such obligation. Your argument would be laughed out of court.
Sigh. All the evidence points to the contrary. Why you right wing folks chose vaccines (an American basic health tool) to suddenly be a loyalty test is mind boggling.

Next you’ll be questioning whether breathing clean air is important… oh wait.
Loyalty to what/whom?
We don't need drama queens like yourself infecting hundreds of people on an airplane, and thereby murdering a few of them.

Simple as that.

It takes a special kind of heartless cruel human being to oppose that.
Flying on a plane infecting your fellow passengers is OK as long as your a Democratic politician, right ?


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No, I don't respond to tiny, meaningless, popularity contests........1 vote.
Oh shut up, You retired long ago and your opinion is not wanted for this poll as you are not affected by Biden's mandate and you are now old, fat, and feeble and therefore are afraid of a little flu.
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We don't need drama queens like yourself infecting hundreds of people on an airplane, and thereby murdering a few of them.

Simple as that.

It takes a special kind of heartless cruel human being to oppose that.
??? A vaccination will, (hopefully) lessen the impact if you get COVID. It will not prevent you from transmitting it to others.
First off. I always enjoy people who don't seem to be capable of having a civil conversation making fools of themselves. In my experience it means that person thinks that bluster can hide the weakness of arguments.

Check that "chip on shoulder" attitude of your post to which I replied, regards "bluster" and other "weakness of arguments". Since I've got about three decades more lifetime than you, I've been on a few other forums where exchange is a bit more "civil" and hence have developed some constraints. This forum is a bit more "freewheeling" and "bluster" is more the norm than on others. Never the less, I tend to apply 'quid pro quo', so you got back what you dished out.
As to vaccines. Sorry to disappoint you but even a polio vaccines isn't a hundred percent effective. In fact 2 shots offer only 90 percent effectiveness, it takes 4 shots to be considered immune. The reason you aren't in any danger is because an overwhelming majority of people have the shot. Wich is the point. There are very few vaccines that offer 100 percent effectiveness. The point is to have enough people protected, so any infection quickly runs out of people to easily infect.
Still, most other vaccines have had far more extensive testing and validation than the current batch for "Covid-19". Plus few of those have been granted civil/criminal liability, which unfortunately has been granted to the makers of the "covid vaccines". That alone should be a huge 'red flag' clue that these are still experimental stage and those taking them are guinea pigs with no protection for adverse other side effects, especially not related to covid.

FWIW, I was a child back when polio vaccines first became available, so "been there, done that" long before you were even born!
I also wonder how you suggest I'd "get out of the way" of a global pandemic?

It was your cliche'/metaphor; and I responded in context to what was said. Now you want to move the goal posts, stretch your metaphor beyond your vague implications ???

To indulge you slightly, back over a year ago when we were first advised to wear face coverings/masks, I went one step further and wore disposable gloves as well. I noticed few others out in public did the same. "Airborne" virus particles don't float forever; they settle upon surfaces and one can pickup contamination from such (or spread as well). That there was no advisory for glove wearing along with mask wearing is the first sign/clue the experts either didn't know jack, or were mis-informing, or both.
This leaves me with my last question. Would you personally be willing to forego medical treatment if you or your wife for that matter catch Covid-19? Since you seem to be willing to bet your and more importantly OTHER people's life on your " natural immunity?

What really irks me are those like you whom seem to be short on reading and comprehension skills. Adding insult to injury by replying without showing they were fully informed to begin with!

For the THIRD time, as stated in my TWO posts prior, my wife and I have already "CAUGHT COVID'. We got it back just after Easter this year, with symptoms similar to annual flu/cold, though not quite as bad as in prior cases of flu/cold. We both tested positive for Covid-19 and did the self quarantine routine.

My wife just turned 65 and still works, at a food processing facility, and has been tested often in recent months when her staff (she is a QA manager) have come down with symptoms and had to stay away from work. I'll turn 71 in a few weeks. We both are in excellent health for our age, go to the gym regular, eat healthy and well (often from our own garden), are not overweight; in short have no significant co-morbidities to complicate matters.

Our "natural immunity" results from having the disease and our immune systems doing what they are supposed to. Apparently you either didn't take some basic biology courses or failed such, hence you display cluelessness on natural immunity.

On a related aspect, I'm more peeved to see my medical care resources, and corresponding medical insurance premiums jacked, by those whom are overweight~obese, out of shape, don't do regular exercise, don't have a balanced and nutritious diet, abuse alcohol, tobacco, and/or 'drugs', etc., using up such and inflating costs of such. If you want to include these other medical issues/problems of our population that have been around before Covid, and will be after Covid, from your "forego medical treatment" equation, I might agree with you.

Bottomline, I've already bet my life on other people's shortcomings in their own lifestyle and medical conditions, and see little to no risk to others in where and how I'm currently living. I'm more concerned with a treatable and containable medical situation being used to undermine our Liberties and Constitutional protections.
650000 Deaths, millions of infected deserves a bit more than "so what" but hey if you don't care I can't help you.
This table shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on
average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and
by age groups. Values in the table represent number of deaths that mention the condition listed and 94% of deaths mention more than one
condition. As such, the rows should not be summed. Additional notes are listed at the end of the table.
Context and perspective are essential if being honest.
IMHO, it's questionable for other Federal employees.
Especially when hit with such "expost facto". My oldest son has been employed by immigration for a few years now and looks like he will be forced against his will and personal rights, liberties, to get vaccinated and be another unwilling guinea pig for an unproven, partially tested, and no liability medical treatment/vaccine.

Heil Biden!
This table shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019
(COVID-19). For 6% of the deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on
average, there were 2.9 additional conditions or causes per death. The number of deaths with each condition or cause is shown for all deaths and
by age groups. Values in the table represent number of deaths that mention the condition listed and 94% of deaths mention more than one
condition. As such, the rows should not be summed. Additional notes are listed at the end of the table.
Context and perspective are essential if being honest.
The other big factor is age. The vast majority of folks who have died from COVID in the US were over 75 y/o. Only 5% have been under 50 years old.
Especially when hit with such "expost facto". My oldest son has been employed by immigration for a few years now and looks like he will be forced against his will and personal rights, liberties, to get vaccinated and be another unwilling guinea pig for an unproven, partially tested, and no liability medical treatment/vaccine.

Heil Biden!
It will be interesting to see if the Federal Unions buck the administration.
It will be interesting to see if the Federal Unions buck the administration.
Hell, how will governments pay the $14,000 per infraction fine? Where will they get that money? Typically governments (federal, state, local) are pretty incompetent and run by incompetent morons. I can't wait until they owe Biden billions in fines. 1M infractions = $14 billion in fines.
Hell, how will governments pay the $14,000 per infraction fine? Where will they get that money? Typically governments (federal, state, local) are pretty incompetent and run by incompetent morons. I can't wait until they owe Biden billions in fines. 1M infractions = $14 billion in fines.
Not sure what you are talking about.

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