Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Mumblenuts mumbles

"no idea" "makes no sense" "mumbles" -- if you're that stupid, perhaps you should hedge your bets and just get the shot. The smart people are surviving. It's you dumbass reactionaries who are dying quickly. Good.

Israel - {go ahead, check the numbers yourself}
Week of 9/8/21 -- 7 day averages:
New cases - 8,129
Deaths - 25
SassyIrishSnowFlake: OMG, the sky's falling! The vaccines aren't working! Whatever shall we do?
25 deaths out of 8,129 infections is 0.3% "ineffective" or 99.7% effective. Not just overall.. At preventing death after infection. Did I stutter this time? Do you prefer death to getting jabbed? Really?

Does natural immunity prevent infection? {SassyIrishLass: Uh, hmm, mumble, mumble, oh darn, just broke another nail,..} Does naturally developed immunity keep one from spreading a virus?.. No, not necessarily. Appears Ray feels somehow entitled to a sort of guarantee. That's never going to happen. Bank on it. Have many, many adamant anti-vaxxers died within weeks of proclaiming COVID-19 a hoax? Why yes, they have. Doesn't seem very effective!

And what about Massachusetts, Sassy? It really helps to have a point, ya know..
Both Israel and MA enjoy high rates of vaccination.
MA - {go ahead, check the numbers yourself}
Week of 9/9/21 -- 7 day averages:
New cases - 1,639
Deaths - 9

or 99.5% effective at preventing death even after infection.
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I am retired.
I was fully vaccinated last month.

But if I were still employed and unvaccinated, I would immediately do as that tough guy ordered: I would run to the closest site to get jabbed.

I would kneel to anyone of his choice.

If he ordered me to jump, I would ask, "How high, sir?"
We don't need drama queens like yourself infecting hundreds of people on an airplane, and thereby murdering a few of them.

Simple as that.

It takes a special kind of heartless cruel human being to oppose that.
Shove it up your ass, totalitarian peckerhead.

Israel - {go ahead, check the numbers yourself}
Week of 9/8/21 -- 7 day averages:
New cases - 8,129
Deaths - 25
SassyIrishSnowFlake: OMG, the sky's falling! The vaccines aren't working! Whatever shall we do?
Highly-vaccinated Israel now has twice as many COVID infections per capita in the past two weeks compared to the United States:

What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated."

Don’t worry skye,,the white hats in the military are working behind the scenes fighting the black hats to clean up this world wide government corruption,it seems on the surface the deep state is winning and controlling all of us but that could not be any further from the truth,the white hats are in complete control and the deep state is running scared,what’s really going on behind the scenes I wager there are only two other posters at this site that are awake to this.it’s not going to happen overnight,things are going to get worse before they get better,but it’s a process that has to play itself out cause this corruption has been going on for century’s now. I could post more on what I know but you would never believe it in a million years,it’s a rabbit hole most people would rather not go down the corruption I’m talking about they are cleaning up.
The military have been planning this fir decades now,they realize the sheep in America only care about football and beer and won’t get off their asses to fight to save their country so fir it to be saved,they are going to have to do it fir them.
I would love to hear more about this. It's worthy of a thread topic. It would be interesting to see if you could start a thread on this in Politics which does not get moved to Conspiracy Theories.

I did. I've got a shot record that would curl the hair of most people that were never military.
Thank you for your service.

Vaccination isn't a hundred percent effective. As was said by all vaccine manufacturers of those vaccines. Furthermore, NOT having the vaccine dramatically increases your chances of catching the disease and make the symptoms more severe. Causing the unvaccinated to take up medical beds and recourses which are a limited recourse. Causing harm to those vaccinated people wich need those same recourses.it also extends this health crisis and the limitations it entails.

Tell you what. The moment all those that choose not to get the vaccine also choose to not go to hospitals when they get severely ill, I will consider changing my position on mandates.

As the cliché goes. " Your freedom to swing your arms ends at my nose"
Like most Dems, including Biden, you completely ignore natural immunity.

In fact, getting COVID after being vaccinated can actually make the disease worse. From the NIH...

So, that was then, retards won't even wear masks to this day.
A different generation of retards had the same attitude towards seat belts, they didn't mandate them at first, but the issue got worse, now seatbelts are mandated.

Biden still hasn't mandated mask or shots, yet, it's only a suggestion.
If you want to go to certain stores, restaurants, bars, shops, government buildings, keep a job or get a job.
See................people have choices.
People can't smoke in most these same places, because of the risk.
I had COVID. No need to wear a mask. You folks want people to wear an arguably ineffective medical device they don't need for two years.

In your second paragraph, I think you severely trivialize the seriousness of the mask and vaccine mandates Biden is trying to force. Goodness grief, millions of Americans will potentially lose their jobs.

U/bobobob compiled this:
Alaska (907) 269-7450
Arizona 602.542.4331
Arkansas 501-682-2345
California (916) 445-2841
Colorado (303) 866-2471
Connecticut 860-566-4840
Delaware (302) 744-4101
Florida (850) 717-9337
Georgia +1-404-656-1776
Hawaii (808) 586-0034
Idaho 2083342100
Illinois 217-782-6830
Indiana 317-232-4567
Iowa 5152815211
Kansas 785-296-3232
Kentucky (502) 564-2611
Louisiana (225)342-7015
Maine 207-287-3531
Maryland (410) 974-3901
Massachusetts +16177254005
Michigan 517-335-7858
Minnesota 651-201-3400
Mississippi 601.359.3150
Missouri (573) 751-3222
Montana 4064443111
Nebraska 402-471-2244
Nevada (775) 684-5670
New Hampshire +16032712121
New Jersey 609-292-6000
New Mexico (505) 476-2200
New York 15184748390
North Carolina (919) 814-2000
North Dakota 701-328-2200
Ohio (614) 466-3555
Oklahoma (405) 521-2342
Oregon 503-378-4582
Pennsylvania 717-787-2500
Rhode island (401) 222-2080
South Carolina 803.734.2100
South Dakota 605.773.3212
Tennessee (615) 741-2001
Texas (512) 463-2000
Utah 801-538-1000
Vermont 802 828-3333
Virginia 804-786-2211
Washington 360-902-4111
West Virginia 304.558.2000
Wisconsin +16082661212
Wyoming 307.777.7434

Spread it far n wide
I will write Governor Northam today.

Everyone who is so inclined should also contact their representatives:
House (top right corner - enter your zip): Representatives | house.gov
Senate: U.S. Senate: Contacting U.S. Senators

Good, then you won't mind the doctors or nurses going into 'hysterics' giving you oxygen or even the EMT's putting on those stupid lights, when they transport you to the hospital.
Taking your argument to extremes, anyone who has a sedentary lifestyle, eats unhealthy foods, is overweight, smokes or drinks, or has other officially "unhealthy" habits should also be denied care since they were negligent.

What's your BMI?

>SweetSue92 said:
>Or it could be you, since your vaccine is wearing off and they don't work so great anymore

Not likely, you never know.
Vaccines start to wane at 14 weeks. Boosters recommended after eight months.

Link, please.

If you can't provide one, I'll just assume it just came from your paranoid, fevered imagination.
Where have you been? CDC recommends booster after eight months. Like influenza, periodic boosters will be recommended as TheGreatSatan said, but maybe not twice annually.

Why “fascist”? Stay home and do what you want, but if you mix socially, we don’t want you spreading your viruses and creating dangerous variants.
How about everyone doing what they want to do to protect themselves. The vulnerable or scared are free to stay at home and/or wear two masks and gloves for as long as they wish.

It's just another respiratory virus. There are four other common coronaviruses that most people acquire at some point in their lives. Like COVID, they cause flu-like symptoms. SARS and MERS are two additional coronaviruses. They also typically cause flu-like symptoms.

But, but, but ...


Guilty as charged. Liberty is very important to me.

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I don't know what you're talking about.

Yeah, we know. You only know what you are fed.

It took 30 years of talk radio (and then internet) conditioning to get to this point. This will have to be a process.

The MSM has conditioned an entire generation or two of lemmings. You can take comfort in the fact that you are not alone. There are plenty who are just as gullible and naive as you.

There are a number of reasons for what is happening in Israel. Chief among them is the fact that Israel has a very large proportion of young people.

While they sport a vaccination rate in the 70% range...their total population vaccination rate is only 58%

And oh ea...the vaccine is still keeping deaths very low
Highly-vaccinated Israel now has twice as many COVID infections per capita in the past two weeks compared to the United States:
What is clear is that “breakthrough” cases are not the rare events the term implies. As of 15 August, 514 Israelis were hospitalized with severe or critical COVID-19, a 31% increase from just 4 days earlier. Of the 514, 59% were fully vaccinated."
Again, try to have point. Variants happens. Infection may make one sick. May not. Meanwhile, vaccination helps one not to die.. like nothing else. Prove otherwise or just continue blowing gas, I don't care. Apparently I'm even more "super fucking protected" than Joe Rogan who recently got sick.
I have gotten tons of vaccinations.....but I simply do not trust this one. I think they need to do more testing to make sure the side effects aren't going to cause permanent damage like I keep hearing about. Some people have been permanently scarred by the vaccine. Blood Clots.....lung damage....dizziness. Some people have gotten Bell's Palsy from the shots.
Many people have died or have been damaged with out the shots. So there is that to consider.
You left out:

-I’m gonna do nothing but bitch on the net like a puss

-I’m too dumb to have a job so vax mandates don’t threaten my unemployment

-Space lasers are responsible for this whole thing and vax is useless against space lasers
So far....out of 41 votes 15 of you are mindless lemmings are willing to give up your freedoms for nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling.
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Would have checked number one except for the "gladly" there is nothing glad about this virus.
The problem with everything involved in this virus and this vaccine is that the president claims that the vaccine prevents something.....but he can't say exactly what. Children under 12 can't take it....so it has dangerous side-effects. People who have had the shot still can get COVID and can still spread COVID.....so the excuse Biden gave is a bold-faced lie. The only people who are at risk are the unvaccinated...most of which are children.....the biggest super-spreaders on the planet. All of this ignores the fact that Biden threw the doors open on the Southern Border and is shipping COVID infected migrants all over the United States.
So far....out of 41 votes 15 of you are mindless lemmings willing to give up your freedoms for nothing but a warm fuzzy feeling.
Sigh. All the evidence points to the contrary. Why you right wing folks chose vaccines (an American basic health tool) to suddenly be a loyalty test is mind boggling.

Next you’ll be questioning whether breathing clean air is important… oh wait.

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