Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

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I hate this vaccine mandates I hate them....I hate vaccine passports too....so if I have my mom living overseas....and I am not vaccinated I can not go and visit her?


GOD I hate it so much:confused:
I hate people complaining that they can't do something because they refuse to do what needs to be done.

Would you complain that you can't visit your mom overseas because your principles prevent you from going through a metal detector?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Please do not answer if you will not be forced to comply by your employer as a result of a politician making a mandate like Biden did today. I am not looking for hypotheticals. I want answers from people who will be required to provide proof of vaccination to be employed. This only includes private businesses with >100 employees, Executive Branch workers, certain health care and education professionals, etc.

It's fine if you answer yes and are completely against mandatory vaccination. People have bills to pay.

You can vote more than once, and you can change your vote.
I never had a job. I loved what I did so much it was just a lifetime hobby

But I mandated myself to get vaxed
fascism seems more popular now....

2nd that, 3 decades of 'whatever is the next bad bug' pharmacopia
none of which was really 100%, some of which made me ill

You understand that those that made you ill were there to prevent you catching a bug that would make you much more ill or even dead?
Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Please do not answer if you will not be forced to comply by your employer as a result of a politician making a mandate like Biden did today. I am not looking for hypotheticals. I want answers from people who will be required to provide proof of vaccination to be employed. This only includes private businesses with >100 employees, Executive Branch workers, certain health care and education professionals, etc.

It's fine if you answer yes and are completely against mandatory vaccination. People have bills to pay.

You can vote more than once, and you can change your vote.
If a private company tells their employees they have to get the vaccine to work there its their prerogative. But the Federal Government has no fucking right to mandate this and I expect the Supreme Court to slap that shit down like a redheaded step-child.
The fact you don't know about boosters and the 2 per year you will need shows how uninformed you are. The last thing anyone should do is take anything you say seriously.
Informed people know about the boosters.
As of this moment 1 booster seems to be in order. Not one every six months. There are quite a lot of vaccines that require mpre than 1 shot to be effective that reach a point where they are no longer required. In fact if everybody would simply get the vaccine there would be no need for boosters because the average immunity would be enough to reach herd immunity.

And even if this would not be the case, I would get my booster every six months. Just like I get a flu shot yearly. I have family members in the healthcare profession. I have family members that had to be admitted, and I have an uncle who died. I personally had to postpone travel plans so me and my wife couldn't attend my mother in laws funeral. Getting stuck by a needle to prevent harm to those I love seems a small price to pay.
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If a private company tells their employees they have to get the vaccine to work there its their prerogative. But the Federal Government has no fucking right to mandate this and I expect the Supreme Court to slap that shit down like a redheaded step-child.
The military mandates vaccines all the time. Seems like a decent precedent for the Supreme Court to say it's legal.
Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Please do not answer if you will not be forced to comply by your employer as a result of a politician making a mandate like Biden did today. I am not looking for hypotheticals. I want answers from people who will be required to provide proof of vaccination to be employed. This only includes private businesses with >100 employees, Executive Branch workers, certain health care and education professionals, etc.

It's fine if you answer yes and are completely against mandatory vaccination. People have bills to pay.

You can vote more than once, and you can change your vote.

No, I've already had to tell my employer I could not take it. They are allowing me to work from home.
Simple. If you have no history of abnormal reactions to shots, get the vaccine and go. Don't let it be a matter of principle. The principle should be you get to see your mother. I wish I could. Both my parents have been dead over 15 years. I got a shot record that would make civilians say "holy sh#t" but none of the made me sick more than a few hours. I would gladly take the Plague shot again to see mine. The Moderna wasn't jack in comparison.
To be truthful, I think it's a matter of weighing risks and benefits....

We lost my Dad years ago, and I'm the primary caregiver for my Mom (she's 91)....

My main concern about the shots are the side effects and the fact that we don't know the long term effects, but, due to my Mom being in a high-risk group, I would take them in a heartbeat if they would protect her. Since it's proven that you can still catch (and spread) COVID after taking the shots, I really don't see the benefit of taking them....

As a matter of fact, my Mom won't take the shots, since she has had several fully vaccinate friends who still caught COVID, and she has actually lost several to the disease. Her attitude is that the shots are worthless....
I did. I've got a shot record that would curl the hair of most people that were never military.
Damn, that brings back memories....

During Basic, we had a measles outbreak in my platoon (even though we had all been vaccinated as kids)...

So once we all got out of quarantine the Army, in it's infinite wisdom, vaccinated all of us!!!!!!
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No. I won't.

I've had it, felt like crap for a week, now I have antibodies.

Now if they said "if you test positive for antibodies then you don't have to get vaccinated" that I could get behind that.
The military mandates vaccines all the time. Seems like a decent precedent for the Supreme Court to say it's legal.

Apples and oranges really. When you join the military you more or less give them the authority to mandate things like experimental vaccines. You didn't do that by being a citizen of this country or getting a job with any company.
Now if they said "if you test positive for antibodies then you don't have to get vaccinated" that I could get behind that.

But the problem with that is there is no accurate antibody test available. I wanted to get one before getting the shot because there is a chance I did have it and not know it at the time. The Cleveland Clinic told me they refuse to use antibody tests due to their inaccuracies.

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