Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Map of states which plan to sue Biden:


Republicans speak out against Biden's "illegal" plans:

Furious Republicans tear into Biden's 'unconstitutional, insane and coercive' vaccine mandates: RNC vows to sue as governors and members of Congress prepare their own legal challenges​

  • Biden directed the Labor Department to issue a temporary order to require all businesses with 100+ employees to have them vaccinated or tested weekly
  • Republican lawmakers and governors blasted the announcement as 'unconstitutional' and 'un-American' within minutes of its unveiling
  • Some Republican lawmakers are already threatening legislation to stop it
  • South Dakota Governor Kristi Noem threatened to mount a legal challenge
  • Biden also announced a ramp up in testing, using the Defense Production Act to accelerate the production of rapid tests
  • Biden will require all federal workers to be vaccinated, a part of a series of new mandates he'll push in a major speech on the COVID pandemic














No, I've already had to tell my employer I could not take it. They are allowing me to work from home.
See that is probably frustrating to lefties. Businesses were forced to implement work from home programs which don’t justify the forced Vax mandate. Both are a product of their COVID fear mongering.
650000 Deaths, millions of infected deserves a bit more than "so what" but hey if you don't care I can't help you.

That might be worth a consideration if all those deaths were genuine. The problem is if you have covid, it doesn't matter what you die from, they mark it a covid death no matter what.

My uncle died last summer from colon cancer. The 94 year old couldn't walk so he never went anywhere. But mysteriously when he got to the VA in an ambulance, all of a sudden he had covid. Anybody and everybody that was near him were either quarantined or tested, nobody else had it. He died a few weeks later in the hospital and sure enough, main cause of death--covid.

When people lie to you, how can they be trusted with anything?
Man, if you ever get the actual flu, you'll think twice about not getting the vaccine.

I was vaccinated against the flu every year during my military service. After I retired, I skipped the shot. Then I got the flu and I was like raw meat to that bug. Ended up in the ER getting pumped full of fluids.
Sounds painful...I am sorry.

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