Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

Poll: Will you comply with vaccine mandates required of you by politicians to keep your job?

  • Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it.

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
Question, how many anti vax people pre the year 2016 got required vaccination for your self or your children while going to school or over seas or in the military
Sigh. All the evidence points to the contrary. Why you right wing folks chose vaccines (an American basic health tool) to suddenly be a loyalty test is mind boggling.

Next you’ll be questioning whether breathing clean air is important… oh wait.
What gets me is the things right-wing people choose to take a stand now. They seem to be complete lunacy.

I could get the role of the government, taxation, even opposing being gay or having abortions. I disagree with all of them but at least I can get how somebody can get to a position. Be it religious or political reasons.

Now however they are arguing about why it's a good idea to not follow the advice of virologists during a global pandemic. Or if the earth warming is worth worrying about as entire regions are burning down, blowing away, melting, or experiencing record droughts.
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What gets me about the things right-wing people choose to take a stand on seems complete lunacy.

I could get the role of the government, taxation, even opposing being gay or having abortions. I disagree with all of them but at least I can get how somebody can get to a position. Be it religious or political reasons.

Now however they are arguing about why it's a good idea to not follow the advice of virologists during a global pandemic. Or if the earth warming is worth worrying about as entire regions are burning down, blowing away, melting, or experiencing record droughts.
Well said.
It's deeper than that. And, no, America doesn't only care about football and beer. We also care about T&A (trying and accomplishing...what did you think?). There are patriots behind every light post and every street sign, every corner and every white picket fence. All we have to do is say the word, and word has not been given as yet.
not every American only cares about just football and beer but sadly a hige good portion of them do and because of them,they are the ones that let it become the fascist dictatership it has become.

if people want to be woke to how our government is getting cleaned up by the white hats,then i suggest that you take the time to look at these videos here and read what it says by this poster. These two guys are friends with people in high authority in the military so they have access to information pretty much nobody else in the world does for the most part.

we can constinue this discussion over on these threads.

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I'm self employed, I'm not bothered if sub contractors and/or customers are vaccinated or not. Although I'm vaccinated, if a potential customer wanted to accept my quote but I had to be vaccinated etc... then they would find it tricky to get a reply off me because they can go fuck themselves.

Those mandating and shouting at others to get vaccinated are fucking control freaks and if they were on fire, I wouldn't piss on them to put the flames out. Just sort your own life out and fuck off controlling others.
Although I did not get anywhere near as many poll responses as I had hoped, I find this result quite startling....

Yes, I will get vaccinated because Biden mandated it..........0 votes.​

This is Biden's plan to get people vaccinated, and if this tiny poll says anything, it looks like he is going to face some resistance to achieving his tyrannical goals.
Non stop HIPPA Lawsuits is the way to do this. Congest the courts until the courts are sick of it. Contest every decision.
Shove it up your ass, totalitarian peckerhead.

View attachment 537396
Dr. Fauci or Dr. Mengele?
Who wore it better?


Just flat out weird how much this looks like Fauci.
This is Biden's plan to get people vaccinated, and if this tiny poll says anything, it looks like he is going to face some resistance to achieving his tyrannical goals.

Him and is loud mouth ilk have been blowing their horn how President Trump did such an awful job because people were not wearing masks, social distancing or staying home avoiding recreational activities. Now they see how things are playing out with their dementia patient in charge and coming to an understanding that a US President does not control the people, and certainly can't control a microorganism.

Things are worse now than before the vaccines.
What gets me is the things right-wing people choose to take a stand now. They seem to be complete lunacy.

I could get the role of the government, taxation, even opposing being gay or having abortions. I disagree with all of them but at least I can get how somebody can get to a position. Be it religious or political reasons.

Now however they are arguing about why it's a good idea to not follow the advice of virologists during a global pandemic. Or if the earth warming is worth worrying about as entire regions are burning down, blowing away, melting, or experiencing record droughts.
A Pandemic does not have a 99.2% survival rate and cannot be cured with dog wormer or anti-malaria medicine.

BTW, Dr. Fauci agrees with you.


It's really a picture of Dr. Mengele but in my opinion there is no difference between the two.
A Pandemic does not have a 99.2% survival rate and cannot be cured with dog wormer or anti-malaria medicine.

BTW, Dr. Fauci agrees with you.

View attachment 537513

It's really a picture of Dr. Mengele but in my opinion there is no difference between the two.
Every time you post this picture you are making a mockery of the actual horrors someone like Mengele committed or for that matter the entire Holocaust.

They killed millions of people in cold blood over religion. Fauci is urging you to get a needle stuck in you so you don't infect your fellow human beings and the world can start to resemble something like normalcy. But I guess that's what trolls do.
Question, how many anti vax people pre the year 2016 got required vaccination for your self or your children while going to school or over seas or in the military

What's with you people thinking this vaccine is just like all the others? Get it through your head, It's not!

My neighbors and I were talking about the vaccine yesterday outside. I told them how I've been feeling crappy since I got it. I explained that I took my annual blood test, and one of the tests was off by 15 points, this was a week after my first shot. I asked my doctor if it had anything to do with the vaccine? She shrugged her shoulders and said "it could!" She didn't know. How could she? It's not like it's been out ten years and she has the research that yes, it's rare, but these vaccines could throw that test off. So she set me up for another test a month later.

I took the test again, this time two weeks after my second shot. Then it was off the charts by 75 points.

If this were like other vaccines, she'd have the history on it to say "yes, the vaccines can do this" or "no, this has nothing to do with the vaccine." IT'S NOT LIKE OTHER VACCINES WE'VE HAD IN THE PAST.
That might be worth a consideration if all those deaths were genuine. The problem is if you have covid, it doesn't matter what you die from, they mark it a covid death no matter what.

My uncle died last summer from colon cancer. The 94 year old couldn't walk so he never went anywhere. But mysteriously when he got to the VA in an ambulance, all of a sudden he had covid. Anybody and everybody that was near him were either quarantined or tested, nobody else had it. He died a few weeks later in the hospital and sure enough, main cause of death--covid.

When people lie to you, how can they be trusted with anything?

Ya, my neighbor got his head blown off with a 12 gage and wouldn't ewe know it they put him down as a covid death!!!! I hear it's happening everywhere!!
Every time you post this picture you are making a mockery of the actual horrors someone like Mengele committed or for that matter the entire Holocaust.

They killed millions of people in cold blood over religion. Fauci is urging you to get a needle stuck in you so you don't infect your fellow human beings and the world can start to resemble something like normalcy. But I guess that's what trolls do.
Shit like this is what made a monster like Mengele possible, fool.
For those of you saying you will quit if you are forced to get the vaccine, just quit now. Have some balls you pussies. Your dear leader, that would be me, got the vaccine.

If you quit before being forced to due to the vaccine then you make no point. Once an institution has a set date and a good percentage of employees leave, now they made a statement which will get the attention of the media.
If you quit before being forced to due to the vaccine then you make no point. Once an institution has a set date and a good percentage of employees leave, now they made a statement which will get the attention of the media.
" I was fired for not getting the vaccine; Joe Biden gave my employer no choice".

I wonder what the UAW thinks about this.

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