Polling Has Improved! BOK Center 1/3 Trump, 2/3 Empty: So In A Red State--Polls Look Accurate This Year!

It’s ok to kill grandma for rioting, looting, arson, and assault.

It’s not ok to kill grandma to attend a Trump rally.

Liberal mental gymnastics.
ANTIFA protestors make it difficult for many to enter the arena prior to Trumps speech, therefore media claim no one showed up at the rally.

Gotta hand it to the liars, they never let facts get in the way of their bulllshit.
Since there is no Antifa, and no reports from police, National Guard, state troopers or local officials--and no visuals: Then the more major harbinger may be the phony ticket requests alleged. TikToc exists, and more likely Antigop exists. So more widespread antigop can be alleged.

It is recalled that Anti-facism reached an international consensus of eradication of Trump-like people in WWII. There were trials conducted to eradicate the leaders.

The concept, MAGA--Mutilators of Baby Genitals, (MOB-G)--is major history. . . .called, history. MAGA was alleged by Trump supporters to have been the subject of WWII eradication(?).

The Youtube video stream shows 1.7 mil. views, but not the number of drop-outs, spies, or bored..and so on...in the numbers. Numbers called "Fake" from before: Then can be called "Fake" in the everafter.

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!"
(Even Deut 23: 19-20, is not about foreign aid!)
And violent protesters were blocking gates so people couldn't get in. The NG had to clomp in there like the Goon Squad and clear everybody out.

And you believed that shit, haaaaa ha ha , you are so stupid.....

Biden is Winning, Democrats clearly at work!

"Crow, James Crow: Shaken, Not Stirred!'
(Matt 20:1-16--shown is equal distance lines, parallel to the bottom and the top--Lives with market spending money actually matter!)

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