Poor Choice of Words? Obama Says the ‘Problem Is…I’m Not Emperor of the United States


Platinum Member
Oct 26, 2011
Remember back when saying it would be easier if the President was a dictator and that made national news????

[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=j3IHIsRu5yw&feature=player_embedded#]Obama Talks Deportations on Google Hangout - YouTube[/ame]!
what he was really thinking, is how is it I I I I I I I I am not emperor

you would think he is by his cult following base..
Why do Republicans struggle so much with context?
obama has a solution. He's not emperor. Now if liberals are unhappy enough, they might be able to fix this problem. They can make him emperor, then it won't be a problem any more. This isn't the first time he's suggested that America has a problem. The problem is that he isn't supreme ruler. It's a problem that can be rectified.
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aD3xfT0c99g]Bush Dictator - YouTube[/ame]

Nuff said in this thread.
Nearly every President has said something like this in the past. How it would be easier on them if they didn't have to deal with Congress or the Courts, how much more they could get done if they didn't have to deal with the oppositiion party.

It is a true statement. Most have recognized that it is the opposition, the Congress, and the Courts and the "dealing with them" that has to be done which has made this country so free and successful in the past.
Nearly every President has said something like this in the past. How it would be easier on them if they didn't have to deal with Congress or the Courts, how much more they could get done if they didn't have to deal with the oppositiion party.

It is a true statement. Most have recognized that it is the opposition, the Congress, and the Courts and the "dealing with them" that has to be done which has made this country so free and successful in the past.

I agree. I didn't care when George W. Bush said something similar, because all it is is a rare moment of honesty from a politician. It's good to be King.
obama has a solution. He's not emperor. Now if liberals are unhappy enough, they might be able to fix this problem. They can make him emperor, then it won't be a problem any more. This isn't the first time he's suggested that America has a problem. The problem is that he isn't supreme ruler. It's a problem that can be rectified.

Michelle won't be proud of America again until we make him Emporor.
His Executive Orders will soon make him the God he already believes himself to be. At that point the little God may get to seem some push back. I hope it does not upset his apple cart too much. Or interfere in their partying and million dollar vacation plans for the coming years.
His Executive Orders will soon make him the God he already believes himself to be. At that point the little God may get to seem some push back. I hope it does not upset his apple cart too much. Or interfere in their partying and million dollar vacation plans for the coming years.

Are you keeping count?

How many Executive Orders has Obama issued?
His Executive Orders will soon make him the God he already believes himself to be. At that point the little God may get to seem some push back. I hope it does not upset his apple cart too much. Or interfere in their partying and million dollar vacation plans for the coming years.

Are you keeping count?

How many Executive Orders has Obama issued?

Far too many but the number was 144 last time I checked. The number is not as important as is what those orders address and what further powers they grab for the office of the President.

Obama to 'bypass Congress' on CISPA with cybersecurity executive order ? RT

“It is a very dangerous road he’s going down contrary to the spirit of the Constitution,” Sen. Charles E. Grassley (R-Iowa) told the Washington Post. “Just because Congress doesn’t act doesn’t mean the president has a right to act.”
But the president has increasingly been issuing executive orders, including 23 actions addressing gun violence after the shooting at Sandy Hook Elementary School. The 23 orders angered lawmakers who are opposed to tighter gun legislation. Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) accused the president of demonstrating a “king complex” by exerting so many orders.
Major executive actions implemented by the president also include orders delaying deportations of young illegal immigrants and orders to lower student loan payments.
The president plans to have a greater impact during his second term by increasing his number of executive actions. He is currently considering extending anti-discrimination protections for homosexuals employed by the government and working with the Environmental Protection Agency to regulate carbon emissions. He is also planning to allow nearly 11 million struggling homeowners to refinance their mortgages at low interest rates.
The White House has made it clear that if Congress continues to disagree on issues that Obama considers important, the president will go ahead and use his power to pass new laws on his own.
And even though the president has passed executive orders at a lower rate than most of his predecessors – including former Presidents George W. Bush and Bill Clinton, doing so has not come without criticism.
"Obama's increasing reliance on executive orders to push policy and skirt congressional deliberation is worrisome," tweeted Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas).

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