Poor Fire Discipline

Um, this incident didn't happen in Akron.

If you can't focus on the actual topic, in a thread which you started, maybe you should just try to save face and bow out.

If you want to discuss something which occurred in Akron, Ohio, you should probably start a thread about that incident. It really doesn't make much sense to post a video of something that happened in Salt Lake City, Utah...

No shit, you idiot, I'm discussing a most egregious example of lack of fire discipline. Unfortunately, there are people like yourself who lack the critical thinking skills to make the connection to the video in question.

But that's not my problem.
No shit, you idiot, I'm discussing a most egregious example of lack of fire discipline. Unfortunately, there are people like yourself who lack the critical thinking skills to make the connection to the video in question.

But that's not my problem.
Unfortunately, there are dipshits like you who think that, if you want to whine about a shooting in Ohio, then posting a video of a shooting in Utah is a good idea.

See, dumbass, not everyone is aware of the Akron shooting you referred to, so referring to to make your point is pretty stupid on your part...
Unfortunately, there are dipshits like you who think that, if you want to whine about a shooting in Ohio, then posting a video of a shooting in Utah is a good idea.

See, dumbass, not everyone is aware of the Akron shooting you referred to, so referring to to make your point is pretty stupid on your part...
I'll make a note of that. Please try not to cry next time.
Marksmanship is a serious problem here in 2nd Amendment-land ... what's the point of fighting for gun rights if no one knows how to shoot straight ... Anne Oakley was a girl, and she shot better than you ... Bubba should be ashamed of himself ...

When the Oregon State Police gunned down LeRoy Finicum ... two officers shot three rounds, and a third officer withheld fire thinking LeRoy was dead enough already ... those bullets holes everyplace was from the FBI agents, none of which wound up in LeRoy ... oh, the fourth OSP officer was still trying to taser LeRoy ... gotta wonder at FBI training ... even I can hit a dime at 5 feet with a shotgun every once in awhile ...
I'll make a note of that. Please try not to cry next time.

Oh, I see.

You're one of those delicate little pussies who can't handle even the slightest bit of criticism.

Bless your pointed little head...
Goddamn, you cry more than Trump!



Listen, cheesedick, if you had even the slightest idea how stupid you've made yourself look, you'd leave the internet forever.

When you want to discuss automobiles do you post a video about airplanes? After all, they're both a mode of travel, right?

You're a retard... I guess I'll lay off...

Listen, cheesedick, if you had even the slightest idea how stupid you've made yourself look, you'd leave the internet forever.

When you want to discuss automobiles do you post a video about airplanes? After all, they're both a mode of travel, right?

You're a retard... I guess I'll lay off...

I've never seen anyone get so emotional over an off hand remark.

You are definitely the whiniest little bitch on this entire forum.

Oh.............. cry more.

Still ----- one of them shot out the window of a police car? Darn, he might have got a little overexcited there.

Or, he was shooting as the gunman fired at him right as he was shooting.

I'd have to find it, but there's actually a video out there where a cop in pursuit of someone actually shoots through his windshield to shoot the guy...
I've never seen anyone get so emotional over an off hand remark.

You are definitely the whiniest little bitch on this entire forum.

Oh.............. cry more.


I welcome offhand remarks.

But that's not what yours was.

You posted a video in which Utah law enforcement unloads on some scumbag and then, when asked if you had a problem with it (the "it" being the number of rounds fired by law enforcement in Salt Lake City) you said you thought the number of rounds fired in Akron was excessive.

But I'm sure that all made sense in that pointed little head of yours...
He wasn't firing at the perp thru the back window, you idiot.

It's completely unsurprising you completely missed the point being made.

Then again, when I see your portrait, many questions are answered...

Pretty much how they're trained.

Truth be told, it's even worse than that. Many, many police academies across the nation now teach cadet cops to come up with a plan to kill anyone and everyone they meet while in uniform. Cadets are also taught to proceed forth under the assumption everyone they meet while on the job wants to kill them.
Truth be told, it's even worse than that. Many, many police academies across the nation now teach cadet cops to come up with a plan to kill anyone and everyone they meet while in uniform. Cadets are also taught to proceed forth under the assumption everyone they meet while on the job wants to kill them.

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