Poor Liz, I guess only ww are allowed a pass for apologies.....


Gold Member
Mar 17, 2015
Liz is hell fire bent on destroying racist mike and no matter how many times the guy say I've changed, I was wrong, I'm sorry.....Liz just won't let it go....can this be the same ww who spent the better parts of her career apologizing for hitching a ride off of native american's backs to get ahead in life?? Only to finally admit, yes she did and that she was SORRY????

I guess as always, only ww are allowed to say I'm sorry, next?
I'm tired of Liz playing the poor white women card. First it was Bernie, now its Mike....listen up ladies, if you want to be treated as equals and not struggle in life, like minority women do, than damit stop playing victims of white men, your bed buddies. If you mops aren't getting ahead in life, with all that glowing white skin, than maybe just maybe, Hillary and Liz and Amy....maybe ITS YOU!!!
I'm tired of Liz playing the poor white women card. First it was Bernie, now its Mike....listen up ladies, if you want to be treated as equals and not struggle in life, like minority women do, than damit stop playing victims of white men, your bed buddies. If you mops aren't getting ahead in life, with all that glowing white skin, than maybe just maybe, Hillary and Liz and Amy....maybe ITS YOU!!!

Dude, do NOT try to hold all women responsible for Liz Warren. The main thing we'd like about being treated as equals is being seen as unique individuals, if that's quite all right with you . . . or even if it isn't.
Liz is hell fire bent on destroying racist mike and no matter how many times the guy say I've changed, I was wrong, I'm sorry.....Liz just won't let it go....can this be the same ww who spent the better parts of her career apologizing for hitching a ride off of native american's backs to get ahead in life?? Only to finally admit, yes she did and that she was SORRY????

I guess as always, only ww are allowed to say I'm sorry, next?

Liz is just pissed because no one ever sexually harassed her.
I'm tired of Liz playing the poor white women card. First it was Bernie, now its Mike....listen up ladies, if you want to be treated as equals and not struggle in life, like minority women do, than damit stop playing victims of white men, your bed buddies. If you mops aren't getting ahead in life, with all that glowing white skin, than maybe just maybe, Hillary and Liz and Amy....maybe ITS YOU!!!

Dude, do NOT try to hold all women responsible for Liz Warren. The main thing we'd like about being treated as equals is being seen as unique individuals, if that's quite all right with you . . . or even if it isn't.
You just answered my question....unique individuals....uhmmmm, every race, especially black women are all judged equally in American society, all except ww??? Do you or do you not recall Mrs. Obama??? She was treated like a hood rat from the streets of Detroit. WW have gotten a pass since the boat ride and now its "unique individual" time??? Get the fuck outta here!!
I'm tired of Liz playing the poor white women card. First it was Bernie, now its Mike....listen up ladies, if you want to be treated as equals and not struggle in life, like minority women do, than damit stop playing victims of white men, your bed buddies. If you mops aren't getting ahead in life, with all that glowing white skin, than maybe just maybe, Hillary and Liz and Amy....maybe ITS YOU!!!

Dude, do NOT try to hold all women responsible for Liz Warren. The main thing we'd like about being treated as equals is being seen as unique individuals, if that's quite all right with you . . . or even if it isn't.
You just answered my question....unique individuals....uhmmmm, every race, especially black women are all judged equally in American society, all except ww??? Do you or do you not recall Mrs. Obama??? She was treated like a hood rat from the streets of Detroit. WW have gotten a pass since the boat ride and now its "unique individual" time??? Get the fuck outta here!!

Hey, don't let my actual words get in the way of your unhinged rant against what you want to believe I said. I make it a policy to never get in the way of deranged bigots by trying to treat them like real people.
Elizabeth Warren should have been a nun teacher in a Catholic school. She has that legalistic stern stereotype down pat.

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