Poor People

Should not be allowed to have children.
Jake, I do not know how to take this. Could you give more details? Who is to be considered poor? Bankrupt folms making 80k a year? Sterilization? Give them one of the long term but not permanent birth control pills? Snip poor men?

What ya thinking about and why?
Never take away a person's choice, but always insist on personal responsibility. Help those who have fallen through no fault of their own, but encourage everyone to get back up.

The problem with the current welfare system and entitlement mentality is that people often have children just to continue getting welfare or increase the amount they get. When people who have known nothing but welfare decide to have more children, I can only assume they want to stay where they are. I am sick and tired of the left acting like no one has any control over whether they get pregnant or not.

Of course, welfare encourages single parenthood and that only aids in the breakdown of families and makes children more likely to grow up and not become productive. Children need role models. Getting an EBT card reloaded each month isn't a positive thing for children to see, especially if grandparents do it, too. Some think everyone lives on handouts.

A lot of us started out poor. Even if you grew up in a financially stable household, you likely started out poor when you went out on your own. It was about progressing as you went. Some never got anywhere. Sometimes shit happens and you fall on your face despite your best efforts. Sometimes people make one stupid decision after another and are totally responsible for their terrible lot in life.

Government has taken enough rights away, but this won't be one of them till the communists take over. I'm sure some dream of being like China and limiting people to one child. Have your babies, but be prepared to actually raise them and don't expect the schools to do it for you. We should insist that those getting help also help themselves so they can progress. Otherwise they will just end up as 'progressives' and expect government to care for them from cradle to grave.
Wrong premise, it should be Liberals should not be allowed children!

"Liberal" simply means "more of"...........

People wanting to restrict the poor from having children is "more of" government. Also, people wanting to restrict "Liberals" from having children is "more of" government. Are you restricting yourself in this statement? Does that make you an oxymoron?
Non-whites should be sent out of the country. Then they can have their children.
You are sounding more like Katzndogs every day...

Katzndogs should not be allowed to have children because I'm unfamiliar with their lifestyle.
and you never know if they will have buck teeth, most un American and anti white majority.. next thing to go will be those damn ginger kids...

You know, I've always been scared to death of gingers. I know they are plotting against us :p

Fox News told me Gingers are planning a world war soon.
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Should not be allowed to have children.
I’m going to stop picking on blacks now that trump admitted black unemployment is at an all time low. From now on I’m only going to attack poor people who say they are stuck in poverty. They deserve what they get. Proof they are bad citizens is that around 80% of the poor don’t vote. They’ve been convinced voting doesnt matter. They don’t realize they don’t matter because they don’t vote.

I know realize capitalism needs ditch diggers. And since 80% of them don’t show up to vote to raise their wages and give them national free healthcare, why should I fight for those things? It’s the right thing to do but they got to vote every two years.

If you are poor and feel you can’t make it out of poverty let me know all about you I’ll tell you where you’re going wrong.

And it may be too late for you but your kids can make it out of poverty. If you don’t think they can tell me why

And tell your fellow poor friends to vote

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