Pop icon Lizzo is 34 years old and weighs 308 pounds.

I think much worse than seeing fat people is seeing too much of people generally....like dressing inappropriately. I'm not talking we have to dress in shapeless sacks either. Just dress like you're not lounging in bed.
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The trouble is that any generalisations involving Style, Taste and Standards can quickly wreck discussions as opinions vary so much and we all know that our own are actually easily the best !!
I think much worse than seeing fat people is seeing too much of people generally....like dressing inappropriately. I'm not talking we have to dress in shapeless sacks either. Just dress like you're not lounging in bed.
I second this and to me it should go for everyone no matter what they do or don't weigh.

God bless you always!!!

I have quite a lot of talent Sixties, thanks for asking. I own several copyrights and patents for both inventions and music. But that is completely irrelevant to my post. Since it went over your head, let me explain. Lizzo is by any measure DANGEROUSLY OBESE. She probably leads a very hectic, stressful life and is on track for a early death. Instead of everyone swooning at her feet telling her how "Big and beautiful" she is, how about take an interest in keeping this young talented woman out of the hospital or the ground?
Well the knives came out on both sides of the isle came out on this one. I don't care what my artist looks like if the music is good I will listen. If I were the young ladies friend or doctor I would council her to mitigate the dangers of carrying that much weight. Obesity is an issue here in the states and it is a public health hazard. Flat and simple.

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