Pope Francis calls for global governance to fight climate change

Whoa, a religious leader making scientific pronouncements! Sounds good, after all we got so many science people deciding whether God exists don't we?
Commie Pope speaketh.

How embarrassing must it be to call oneself Catholic at this point in history?

All religions are just a cover story for Socialism ! Maybe he should be more concerned about the Rapist child molesters who the catholic church has covered up for 500 yrs.
Commie Pope speaketh.

How embarrassing must it be to call oneself Catholic at this point in history?

All religions are just a cover story for Socialism ! Maybe he should be more concerned about the Rapist child molesters who the catholic church has covered up for 500 yrs.
Or the rapist child molesters who he is openly welcoming into Europe by the millions. As for religion and Socialism..there is a distinct difference between sharing and taking.
Pope Francis Calls For Global Governance to Fight Climate Change
Pope Francis recently called for global governance to fight climate change, asserting, “The nation state cannot be considered as an absolute.”

Global governance and the sheeple still think it's all fake, Yes your that dumb.
Good ole Infowars..never fails to amuse. this is a twisted version old news..recycled for..yes..you used the term..the Sheeple who follow the completely discredited Alex Jones.

The pope did not call for 'world government'..that usual bugaboo of the tin-hats of the far right. He said that Climate change was too important and widespread for any one government to ignore or to be able to deal with on their own.

I don't agree with a lot of stuff from the Pope...but calling for an extra-territorial agency to deal with climate change makes good sense. Of course, if you one of those that are so abysmally stupid as to think that climate change is some Democratic plot..well...hope you live far from the coast..LOL!
Yes..you're that dumb.


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